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Aug 5, 2013
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Hello, I am Doug,I live in OKC. And for many yrs. have been trying to figure out how to escape these broiling Okla summers, and live up around the cottonwood pass, Taylor lake area of the Rockies,so I googled free camping, learned there is BLM land at Taylor lake, and I discoverd cheap rv living and bought one of Bob's books.thank goodness for BLM land, it wouldn't be possible for me to realize my dream otherwise on my meager monetary funds. So hey hello everyone, and I'll be seeing you around the forums.

Welcome Doug. Used to work construction in the OKC area and lived in Norman and Noble many years ago.  Hot summers is an understatement! Those cool mountain areas are the way to go.
yea, I only discovered Buena Vista, and Leadville, and Taylor lake, back in 95, been wanting to spend summers up there ever since. Now I am 52 and fatter(lol) and the summers here are even harder on me. I love the mountains. been back to visit Taylor lake twice since 95. hope to make it up there and stay a whole summer.
oh yea, there is a plethora of info here for sure. I'll spend the nxt yr studying,and collecting essentials, like solar panels and generator and well several things, I am by no means ready to hit the road, I only recently decided this lifestyle excites me enough to give it a try.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Welcome Doug!&nbsp; It is cool to hear you found a comfortable place to camp.&nbsp; That helps a lot.&nbsp; It sounds like you are well on the way to the happiest time of your life.<br><br>Brad
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome .... blkjak</strong></span>
thanks blk jak, thanks everyone! &nbsp;still a ways out from living my dream, or experimenting with it for the summer nxt yr. but still prepping and planning.<br><br>
Hey Doug!<BR><BR>Welcome to a great fourm!<BR><BR>You mentioned getting solar and a genny amongst other things in your preparations toward getting out there.<BR><BR>I think it's better to just get out there! Do alot of camping, either in a tent or just sleeping in your rig, as this will let you know if this 'lifestyle' is right for you or not.<BR>It's not about being ready for the big's more about weather you like the solitude and the being out in nature or not....because that's what alot of this lifestyle is all about.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>btw...I too agree that Taylor Lake is a georgeous region!!
Yea, well I did do a lot of camping, probably would do more if I were closer to those nice cool higher elevations, with my limited monthly income, the BLM land is gonna be my only way to go,so I wanna have some comforts, like some solar power, Internet. I have my summer time area planned, but gotta figure out a more southerly lattitude and lower elevation for winter.
Last Sept. I was camping in my van not far from there at Hayden Creek and riding some OHV trails. It was starting to get nippy at night around the 15th or so.&nbsp; I hope to make it a little earlier this year, right after Labor Day and I see that Taylor Lake is on the Cottonwood Pass route that I really want to check out. That's about when the aspens start turning.
Slow ,

I experienced a 33 degree overnight low @ Taylor lake, one early June. Like June 2 back in the 90's