New Breakfast Ideas??

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Jul 1, 2012
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...or new meal ideas period.<br />So the hubby &amp; I have been going strong on Oatmeal for a good while now. We either eat Oatmeal for breakfast or we don't eat breakfast! It's not that we aren't hungry, it's that we are so very bored with Oatmeal. I ...was a cereal fanatic. I used to eat cereal 6 times a day back in 'the real world' with Silk. We do not have a&nbsp;refrigerator&nbsp;in our rig but do carry a cooler and try to keep it full of ice but sometimes it's just not practical or we can't get down to get any ice. We would like to carry something we both will eat, he loves eggs; I can't eat them. Bacon...not sure how that would keep. I did make some pancakes the other day but that was for celebration...we don't like to eat (too) unhealthy. But sometimes it's okay and fun! I dread morning breakfast. We've tried protein bars, nuts, dried fruit, and of course Oatmeal and at times have even gotten into lunch/dinner meals just to eat something different (which is also lacking major luster). Does anybody have any ideas that would be simple, on the cheaper side, could go a long way and may not have to be cooled in a fridge? haha See why we eat oatmeal now? I thank you and&nbsp;appreciate&nbsp;you in advance.
I have been cooler-less for over a year. It just got to be too much hassle and expense. My meals usually consist of shelf stable stuff like rice noodles (found in the Asian markets, sorta like angel hair pasta but rice), with mushrooms and veggies and dried pork fluff or foil pack salmon. Fresh fruit and veggies will keep without refrigeration, as will some foods &nbsp;Normally considered perishable, such as eggs or mayonnaise. Peanut butter and honey on tortillas (whole wheat!) was a favorite, and all kept well for long periods of time.&nbsp;<br /><br />I just found bacon jerky that has a longer shelf life than the shelf stable bacon in the lunch meat section. Of course there are all the canned foods &nbsp;like spam and stuff. I'm not big on that kinda stuff, so maybe my meals are boring too!<br /><br /><br />
There's always Budweiser and Wheaties - "Breakfast of Champions" <img src="../images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
&nbsp;I've been eating oatmeal for breakfast for years and love it so much that I think I could almost eat it 3 meals a day. I always sweeten it with brown sugar, which gives it a great flavor and a little more eye appeal.&nbsp;Always eat a plain toasted bagel with parkay butter spray on it. Use the parkay in the oatmeal as well. If you have no refrigeration you could try powdered butter.&nbsp;<br /><br /><br />...................................................................................<br />The journey is the destination.
<span style="color: #0000ff;"><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Y-wave</strong></span></em></span>~ we're here and Ready when you wanna cook! Thanks<br /><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ff6600;"><em><strong>Starman</strong></em></span>~ I add brown sugar and cinnamon to my oatmeal too. I think it's more of a texture thing for me, if I don't think about I can get it down but the second the thoughts start, it actually gags me, haha Also when you talk about powdered butter, do you know a name? The only thing coming to mind is Butter Buds.<br /><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #008000;"><em><strong>Twokniveskatie</strong></em></span>~ I like your idea of honey and PB, although I am starting to learn that PB does not settle well with me anymore. Every time I eat it now I get nausea and heartburn...I still eat it though just not as much and not big helpings like I used to.&nbsp;<br />And <span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #800080;"><em><strong>Rollin</strong></em></span>- not too sure about the grits but it's always good to have a back-up thank you.&nbsp;<br /><br />Thank you all for your ideas,&nbsp;especially <span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #333333;"><em><strong>Ricekila</strong></em></span>&nbsp;with the Bud &amp; you mix them or just wash them down with a cool Bud?&nbsp;<img src="../images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />And any more ideas and suggestions are welcome. &nbsp;Thanks again
<p>No - bowl - spoon - table -- just like a human --</p><p>
<br /><br /><br />Spend a little time in South East Asia - who needs cold beer <img src="images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />Do they still make Carnation instant breakfast ?<br /><br />Breakfast bars / puddings that don't require cooling / Insure drinks ---- just because its the first meal of the day - does that automatically mean you "must" eat what society tells you to ? ? ?<br /><br />Crack open 3 cans of a Hearty Man beef soup --&nbsp;drain out the liquid - reseal them in a Tupperware container for a mid-day meal - take a few hand fulls of unsalted crackers and mix the beef liquid in till its kinda paste like --- "Breakfast" ( don't go Yuck -- ) ------ Spam mixed with caned peach's ---<br /><br />Why limit your self ?<br /><br />And if you think I'm joking ---<br /><br />
<br /><br />Bologna with peanut butter --<br /><br />
<br /><br />Peeps W/ Spam - only at Easter and I'm Jewish --<br /><br />
<br /><br />And don't forget ----- "Rat-A-Two-ie" --<br /><br />
</p><p>Think outside the box -----</p>
Bacon only needs to be cool to last. Lots of salt and preservatives! I have used a 5 gal bucket, weighted and braced with rocks to keep eggs, milk, butter in a stream. Does not have to be submerged. Hoping bears don't come by!&nbsp; Fried potatoes with onion, eggs, bacon is a great breakfast!<br />P.S. Boiled eggs are not my favorite, but will keep a long time in pickle juice (or probably salt water) without refrigeration.&nbsp;
@Riceman Yuck, what was that whole skinned animal in your last pic? It looks like a chiuaua.
<br />Browned oatmeal-<br />to 1 c oatmeal mix thoroughly 1 egg, brown in hot skillet, stirring often ( I like mine REAL brown)<br />When it appears well dry and brown, pour in 1 c water, or orange juice and stir. <br />simmer until liquid id absorbed<br />Add raisins, nuts, molasses.....<br /><br />
<span style="color: #ff6600; text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Starman</strong></em></span>~ I add brown sugar and cinnamon to my oatmeal too. I think it's more of a texture thing for me, if I don't think about I can get it down but the second the thoughts start, it actually gags me, haha Also <span style="text-decoration: underline;">when you talk about powdered butter, do you know a name? The only thing coming to mind is Butter Buds</span>.<br /><br />Kalani---I haven't tried the butter powder yet, so don't have any suggestions on a brand. I did see some on Amazon that you could check out. Hopefully someone with experience with powdered butter&nbsp;will chime in with some suggestions.
I have a small bag of butter powder in my stockpile but never used it. It's pricey, and I have never refrigerated butter....I have never had butter go rancid on me....I keep it in a little Tupperware container with a tight lid so it doesn't spill in real hot weather.&nbsp;
y-wave~ that does look super yummy although I'm not sure how I would bake it. We don't have an oven. We are full timers in our Chevy Astro with only a grill top (propane). I am now looking into bars that you don't have to bake due to this recipe, it looked super yummy. Seems like we are going to have to get creative here because we both stare at each other when it's time to eat, due to our lack of creativity (and food). We're running a little lower than we'd like, but at least we have eaten all the food we brought to make room for the new stuff!&nbsp;<br /><span style="color: #ff00ff;"><strong>**</strong></span>If you or anyone else has a good website to go to for non-bake, non-refrigeration foods (but I could still make somehow) I'd love love love ya!! Last night we had spaghetti noodles with a chicken chili over-top not too bad actually.&nbsp;<br />Thank you again for taking the time to help us, we need all we can get!&nbsp;<img src="images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
I'm sitting here in awe right now twoknives, you have NO clue how good that pizza and those rolls look right now. I showed my husband and he's looking online right now. Do you think we could just get one of those toppers instead of the whole thing? We have a Coleman grillstove that runs off of propane. I would love to mix up our meals with anything else right now. I actually wrote a post about it, haha then right before I published it saw your links, thank you. We are definitely going to be doing some shopping for different things and it's always nice to have ideas as you're walking in.<br />Thanks again for the help! You rock!!<img src="../images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
My everyday breakfast- Glass of OJ. A banana dipped in chia seeds and a large iced coffee with stevia and canned milk.
Kalani- I am only just getting started! If I had better reception the ideas would be coming faster.&nbsp;<br /><br />The fry-bake pans are simply lightweight versions of the cast iron Dutch ovens with the legs on and the indented top. I have a small Lodge 2qt version (#8) that actually fits on my butane stove. The day is coming when I will downsize to deciding between cast iron and lightweight. Of course the cast iron will win. Anyhow, I don't know if regular pans would work, I suppose it would depend on the coating. But yes, the lids are available seperately.&nbsp;<br /><br />Pork floss (Ching yeh pork fu is one brand) that is shelf stable dried pork. There are actually two versions, one is extra fine processed, but I like the singly processed one, as it is coarser and nicer texture. Anyhow, buy this at an Asian market when you can, the prices are MUCH cheaper than grocery store specialty sections. When I'm there I also stock up on dried mushrooms and rice noodles (like angel hair but rice) and fire oil and other dried stuff. The rice noodles cook way faster than spaghetti so I like them...they can even be cooked by pouring boiling water over them and letting them sit for a few minutes, in a pinch. Its a great way to change up your diet.&nbsp;<br /><br />Oatmeal no-bake cookies have different versions and of course, MOOSE GOO!! Google them!<br /><br /><br />
I posted a couple pics on my blog.&nbsp;<br /><br />I forgot two other staples of my diet: seaweed and sundried tomatoes. Walmart has the dried tomatoes that are not packed in oil. They are chewy and sweet and great just as a snack.&nbsp;<br /><br />Remember when comparing prices of dried foods, that without the water content, you are actually purchasing as much as 4 times the actual amount. A pound of pork floss lasts A long time. My homemade jerky is 4x it's weight when reconstituted.&nbsp;
Look up frittata recipes. Also, Italians NEVER through anything away. You can take extra noodles from last night and fry them up til crispy (think american style hashbrowns) then use left over veggies with eggs and maybe a bit of fresh Parm cheese(fresh keeps WAY better than the pre-grated stuff).&nbsp;<br /><br />The biggest thing to remember, SEASONING... I can not tell you how important this is. Dried herbs are sooooo cheap if you find a market that has bulk food. Use dried garlic and onion, hydrate it is a bit of liquid, use that liquid in your food. There's sooo much you can do to change things up by using Italian herbs one day and Cajun the next. It will completely change your food. With seasoning comes flavor... Flavor rules all.&nbsp;<br /><br />I would normally tell you that&nbsp;bouillon&nbsp;is trash and has no business in your kitchen, but lack of refrigeration causes this to be an exception to my rule. Use it, and use it often. Chicken stock can be gotten in as small as 8oz containers also. They get spency though. Best of luck guys.