New Breakfast Ideas??

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 My main breakfast idea is.. coffee. Honey/rown sugar  'n cream and I'm ready to head out and slaughter ravening communist hordes. ..Willy.
Oh, and one other idea if it's the texture that is killing you with the oatmeal... try steel cut oats, and also try thinning it out. Make it almost soupy, or a little less than your cereal. Use something to flavor the liquid if you like. It will help tremendously! My buddy puts cream of wheat in his tea and drinks it that way as he works.
Sprouts! Grow sprouts in a jar. Great with sundried tomatoes an oil and vinegar and spices.....
if you can get fresh eggs from someone who has long as you don't wash them they will stay fresh without refrigeration for a couple of weeks.they have a protective film on them.
<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 10pt;"><span style="line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; font-size: 9pt;">Back in my much younger days, a peanut butter sandwich and a beer made up a lot of my breakfasts.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>If I had time I would toast the bread, butter one slice, put peanut butter on the other and add a slice of cheese. <span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Check out the "Coleman<span style="color: #333333;"> Camp Stove Toaster</span>" at Wal-Mart, under $5.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 10pt;"><span style="line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; font-size: 9pt;">Have you thought about English Muffins or Bagels with Cream Cheese, Butter, Jam or Jelly?<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>You just need a skillet to make French toast or a Grilled Ham and Cheese.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>Cook up a pound of bacon or sausage and it will keep in the cooler and just reheat in the morning.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 10pt;"><span style="line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; font-size: 9pt;">Without a cooler you can eat from the canned meat aisle at the super market: Spam, canned ham, corned beef hash, roast beef, canned chicken, beef stew, potted meat, chili...<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span></span></p>
look for references on the raw food diet. &nbsp;non cooked vegitables mostly &nbsp;there are many varieties of kale cabbage, as well as other nutritious veggies (iceburg lettuce is the worst nutrician)
i chop up potatoes and eat them with eggs, or bacon or both, on a tortilla. its like a breakfast taco. if you dont like egg you can mix the potato with like turkey or ham or something. idk potatoes last a while too <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<p>Hangover Helper (Chinese Style)</p><p>1/4 cup cooked grits<br />1 egg sunny side up<br />1 piece of bacon fried/crumbled<br />crispy fried wonton skins<br />sriracha sauce<br /><br />Put egg and crumbled bacon in bowl. Pour grits over. Garnish with sriracha and strips of fried wontons skins.<br /><br /></p>
Breakfast Ideas:<br /><br />Raisin Bread, Fruit (banana, apple, peach,etc), almonds<br /><br />Bread, muffin, or tortilla... Butter it.&nbsp; Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.&nbsp; My mom used to make these for us when we were kids.&nbsp; Some kind of fruit as a side.<br /><br />Cereal with almond milk is delicious.&nbsp; It doesn't have to be refrigerated until after it's opened.&nbsp; They come in a small rectangular cartons so the carton wouldn't take up much room.&nbsp; And it's so healthy for you.&nbsp; Have some fruit as a side.<br /><br />Granola with almond milk.&nbsp; ...Fruit as a side.&nbsp; If you can't get fresh fruit, use canned.<br /><br />Oatmeal with granola and cinnamon.&nbsp; The granola gives the oatmeal a crunchy texture.&nbsp; Add fruit for more taste.<br /><br />Muffin with pre-cooked bacon and butter.&nbsp;&nbsp;Of course it'd be tastier if it was toasted with cheese, but you're wanting non-cooking ideas.&nbsp;<br /><br />Almonds, walnuts, etc. are a good source of protein if you're not wanting to cook.<br /><br />Yogurt doesn't take up much room in a cooler.&nbsp; Add granola, fruit, or walnuts.<br /><br />You could always add powdered milk with cereal.&nbsp; I&nbsp;didn't mind it as a kid.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br />Graham cracker sandwich&nbsp;spread with applesauce and crushed&nbsp;walnuts.<br /><br /> <br /><br />
You guys are killing me. I can't eat grains LOL Not that I want to eat it but it does kill me.
She said:
You guys are killing me. I can't eat grains LOL Not that I want to eat it but it does kill me.
<br /><br />Can't you eat grits? Those are gluten free. I've heard about possible cross contamination during the shipping process but have a few friends with CD who eat them regularly and never had a problem.<br /><br />
No cant eat any grains. Except flax seeds and Chia seeds. I do sometimes have a yam. Its made with corn I can't eat corn because its raises my sugar level like crazy.
Bryce, I like your idea of a banana dipped in chia seeds.&nbsp; You could also dip the banana in flax seeds.&nbsp; The flax seeds are loaded with omega.
KatieinKansas said:
Bryce, I like your idea of a banana dipped in chia seeds.&nbsp; You could also dip the banana in flax seeds.&nbsp; The flax seeds are loaded with omega.
<br /><br />Like that too.
She said:
No cant eat any grains. Except flax seeds and Chia seeds. I do sometimes have a yam. Its made with corn I can't eat corn because its raises my sugar level like crazy.
<br /><br />Bummer, but the seeds are much healthier for you anyways. Have you tried Quinoa for breakfast?<br /><br /><br />Wait, is polenta out also?<br /><br />
LOL I don't even know what that is...I will have to Google it.<br /> go.... corn
Hear is a good chart that I stumbled&nbsp;upon&nbsp;that show's some hot&nbsp;cereal&nbsp;nutritional&nbsp;values.&nbsp;<br /><br /><div><br /><br />Also I was reading about adding coco powder and steva ( south american no cal.&nbsp;sweetener) to oatmeal. If you happen to like&nbsp;chocolate.&nbsp;I will give it a try soon and post what I thought about it.</div>
OK&nbsp;so I tried the Oatmeal with the coco/stevia combo. Um...I&nbsp;wasn't&nbsp;to impressed... But I kept&nbsp;experimenting&nbsp;with it and came up with this&nbsp;concoction that I think is pretty good.&nbsp;Of Course you can add or subtract how you like, and the amounts.&nbsp;I think soy milk would be good with this also.<br /><br />1 cup old fashion oats<br />1/2 teaspoon coco powder ( unsweetened)<br />1 tablespoon&nbsp;chunky&nbsp;peanut butter (all natural no sugar&nbsp;added)&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />1&nbsp;banana sliced up<br />2 packets steva&nbsp;<br /><br />Another good idea with oatmeal is to make it into&nbsp;granola. There are a ton of&nbsp;recipes&nbsp;on the net about how to. I&nbsp;tried&nbsp;it with some instant I had that I can't stand and it turned out pretty good considering I hate the texture of instant.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br />You are supposed to bake it, but if you don't have a oven maybe you could use a sun shade and tin foil ???? May take all day but I bet it would work.<br /><br /><br />
9 cups water 3 cups cornmeal
1 tsp salt 1 TB oil or melted fat

Stir cornmeal into cold water. When completely mixed, no lumps, heat water gradually to a boil. Add salt. Stir continuously for 12-15 min so it does not scorch. The mixture will thicken. When it starts to pull away from the pot, turn off the heat, and serve as breakfast cereal. Or serve part, and pour remainder into a greased dish or platter and let cool 10-15 min. Slice and fry in melted oleo until golden. Or you may cool in cupcake tins to make 24 little cakes. One serving is 3 cakes. 33 cents per svg.
Flavor variations:
Garlic: Mix in some garlic powder with the salt.
Butter: Stir in a few TB butter when polenta is thickened.
marinara sauce, shredded cheese, syrup, or plain

2 eggs (28 cents) scrambled with 1/2 c onions (10 cents) and a little mustard. Foraged vegetables or minced leftovers added for variety. Makes one svg for 38 cents.

SPANISH OMELETTE (one serving)
2 eggs 28 cents pinch ea basil & oregano 2 cents
1 TB melted oleo 3 cents minced chopped leftovers (free)
4 TB milk 6 cents
Whip eggs with milk and herbs 1 min. Melt oleo in fry pan, and sauté any minced leftovers a few minutes. Pour egg mixture on top, and cook like a flat omelette, 1-2 min per side. Cut in half to flip if you want. 39 cents

6 oz tomato paste 40 cents 1 tsp salt under 1 cent
1 tsp sugar 4 cents 1 qt cold water
Mix salt and sugar into paste. Whisk in cold water gradually to keep smooth or blend in blender. Chill several hours before serving to blend flavors. Makes 4 c @ 44.6 cents or 11.2 cents per cup.

BREAKFAST BURRITO (makes 4 burritos)
4 eggs 56 cents 1/4 c minced grn pepper 25 cents
1/2 diced fresh tomato 50¢ dash hot pepper sauce 12 cent
4 TB salsa 30 cents 1 TB milk 5 cents
4 TB minced onions 10 cents 1/4 tsp garlic salt 3 cents
four 8-inch tortillas
(homemade) 16 cents
Make tortillas ahead of time. Preheat oven to 350. In large bowl, blend eggs, milk, peppers, onions, tomatoes, mustard, barlic, pepper sauce and salt to taste 1 min until eggs are smooth. Pour into lightly oiled 9x9x2 inch pan and cover with foil. Bake 20-25 min until eggs are set and cooked. Warm tortillas to make flexible; cut baked mixture into 4 pieces, putting one in each tortilla. Serve topped with 1 TB salsa each. Optional: add leftover cooked rice, minced leftovers, etc for no cost. Recipe $1.97; one large burrito 49 cents

1 ounce rolled oats 11 cents dash cinnamon, 1/2 cent
2 TB raisins, 5 cents sugar, 1 TB 2 cents
Make oatmeal according to package directions, adding raisins at the beginning. Cook until done, then sprinkle with sugar-cinnamon and serve. 19 cents
Substitute artificial sweetener for sugar if desired 24 cents.

2 1⁄2 cups sugar 48 cents 1 1⁄2 cups water
6 tablespoons oil 16 cents 1 1⁄2 teaspoons salt 1 cent
10 cups rolled oats (uncooked)$4.50
In a pan combine the sugar, water, oil, and salt. Heat until sugar is dissolved, but do not boil. Pour syrup over the oats and stir until well coated. Add a little more rolled oats if the texture seems too moist. Place in pans or sheets about 1⁄2-inch deep. Bake at 425o F,
20–30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Bake 15 minutes longer if you want it crunchier. Makes 11 cups. Store in an airtight container. Total cost $5.15; one cup 46 cents.

FRIED RICE CAKES (makes 4 lg cakes)
2 c cooked rice, cold 34 cents 1/2 tsp pepper 1/2 cent
1 egg 14 cents 3 TB oleo 9 cents
Mix rice, pepper and egg thoroughly. Mold in flat cakes, fry in melted oleo. If you add 2 TB soy grits per cup when you make the rice the protein level soars. Minced leftovers are a free addition. If budget allows, gravy or ketchup are good with these. Makes 4 1/2-c cakes, 8 small ones.
recipe equals 58 cents. One lg cake 14 1/2 cents

How about fried rice? Rice pudding is a popular breakfast dish in my neck of the woods. So are liver-sausage sandwiches! The prices listed are from Nov 2011 so they may be a little off.