Need help with power map. Building a van

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Jul 4, 2014
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Alright guys,
Im in the process of building out a van, and I need helping deciding on what I need electrically.

Im figuring on using a 100 watt solar panel, and 1 battery bank.

What im going to be powering is a Danby DAR440 mini fridge, charging my surface pro, and my smart phone.
Stroop, I'm not sure what your question is. We'd be glad to help but you may want to ask a specific question.
The problem is the fridge. It needs 120 volt power. That requires an inverter to change 12 volts DC into 120 volt AC. Add the cost of the fridge to the cost of the inverter. Better to buy a 12 volt compressor fridge. Then you connect the panel to the charger to the battery to the fridge.
100 watts isn't much and it won't give you a ton of power, winter, flat mounted, clouds, short days, not to be a buzz kill but you aren't going to be running a fridge off of it as you may have days you only collect 50-100 watts total. Maybe best case a converted chest freezer as mine only uses 10w per hour, a smart phone charger you'll be fine, light laptop use, an iPad. It isn't a super involved system so just buy the stuff you find the best deal on and see if it fits your needs, if not you can always add another panel.