My ambo...

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Luisafernandes said:
Whata you doing here? [emoji1][emoji1303][emoji604]

Guiding us poor misguided souls by showing us what "could" be done?
speedhighway46 said:

Were those antenna mounts on your vehicle when you got it, or did you fabricate them.

Perfect for Amateur Radio applications; I'm green with envy!

Enjoy your ongoing "Ambo" story; keep it coming!

Best to you . . .

There a light bar there when I got the original ambulance. I fabricated and purchased parts for the mounts to make them what they are now. I am an amateur radio operator, technician class for now.

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Ballenxj said:
Guiding us poor misguided souls by showing us what "could" be done?

More like "can't leave well enough alone"!

I did learn today that when you are getting fuel, the window washer/squeegee is fine to clean windows with, but when you climb on top of your rig and use it to clean your solar panels, the gas station attendant did not share my joy.

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Baloo said:
climb on top of your rig and use it to clean your solar panels, the gas station attendant did not share my joy.

Someone really complained about using the squeegee for that? Pretty silly.
Are you still coming to Jackson?  I could meet you there.
TMG51 said:
Someone really complained about using the squeegee for that? Pretty silly.

Yup, said it was for window cleaning only...
Of course that was after I bought 64 gallons of diesel!

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msbarth said:
Are you still coming to Jackson?  I could meet you there.

I leave for Jackson on Friday, will be there for two ambo living weeks!

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Baloo said:
Yup, said it was for window cleaning only...
Of course that was after I bought 64 gallons of diesel!

Some folks just have no sense of humor.  :-/
Baloo said:
Yup, said it was for window cleaning only...
Of course that was after I bought 64 gallons of diesel!

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For next time, if anyone asks you are cleaning your sunroofs
Baloo said:
That mount will soon hold a 10m antenna for my HF rig, the antenna on the right is for longer range.

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Sorry, I was answering 4G Nomad. [emoji1303][emoji1]

Luis F.
Baloo, haven't heard from you in a while. Any updates?   :)
Sorry for the disappearance, been working way too much to enjoy life! Also the sun and I don't really get along. My grandmother was allergic to the sun, and apparently as I age I too share that allergy. I guess a big brimmed hat and those long sleeve fishing style shirts are in my future. I love being outside too much to stay in.
Anyways, enough complaining, so the ambo has had plenty on miles put on it the past month or so. Between services and fixing little things as they come up, it has been great. The roof space is finally filled! Just working on the mounting points now.



The kayak inside will be leaving, as much as I enjoy kayaking, I haven't used it in over a year. Plus the amount of room it would free up is nice.

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Baloo said:
Sorry for the disappearance, been working way too much to enjoy life!

So THERE you are. I've been wondering where you were off to.
Hopefully you can find somewhere to store the kayak? If not, put it on craigslist. You can always get another later.
Allergic to the Sun? Be safe, your body may be trying to tell you something.
Anyway, good to see you back.   :)
I have also been wondering where you have been. good to have you back. can't wait to see the rack build. highdesertranger
ViaVacavi said:
That is one seriously mean looking machine!

Thank you! Found the type of paint (truck bed type) I will use, just need to decide on a color.

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Very nice, and glad to see you're still around. How do you like the new boat? I really want to get my own boat (I have access to canoes I can borrow but I would like to have one with me full time for those spur of the moment times). I keep going back and forth between a canoe and a Kayak, and now I see I forgot all about a small row-able sailboat. At least that's what I think I'm seeing on top of the Amblo.