Music Producer/ New RVer Looking for Advice :)

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Jul 3, 2012
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My greatest passion is music...production/playing/DJing/whatever and I have decided to stop wasting my time at BS jobs and just have a house on wheels for a while so that I can be more mobile, play gigs in more places, and meet more people.

Here is my rig:


1999 Crown Victoria LX with an installed trailer hitch
Burrow Camper Trailer. No idea what year I think early 80s?

I know this is not the most conventional of setups, which is why I wanted to ask some questions.

Anybody ever towed anything with a crown vic or similar big body car?
The trailer is super light and my car pulls it with ease. Just wondered if
I should make any modifications.

Also the car has 220k miles on it, however i've had some things replaced. Swapped out the tranny when it went out with a used 80k one. Most or all off the bearings have been replaced. Need to get the air ride swapped out with springs as I can hear the air comp struggling now. Cooling system has had work done as it kind of melted down a few years ago.

The engine still sounds great and my grandfather was the previous owner for most of its life and he took great care of it. Just looking for thoughts on whether I should just stick with my trusty cop car:)

The Burrow trailer is really cool, elevated mattress, closet, sink with counter and over/under cabinets and a bench type deal on the other side. Don't think the sink works but not a huge deal to me. The electrical system works fine, though I would like to rig a battery with it.

Def gonna get all new tires, and have all the rubbery stuff replaced in my car...but what else do you guys recommend?

My parents land in Alabama is still my home base as I can park and hookup for free whenever I want...however I want to just take trips to places like LA, NY, Chicago, ect....spend a few months here and there. Not exactly sure how that is going to work with a trailer as opposed to a van... I'm fine with using campgrounds/ect outside the city and just driving in to do whatever i'm doing. Would like to know what you all have to say on that topic as well.

Looking for any and all opinions:)

Definitely get an additional transmission cooler mounted on the radiator to plumb inline with the one in the radiator. It is heat which destroys the transmission fluid, and then the bad fluid destroys the transmission, and towing will significantly add more heat to the transmission, especially in hilly terrain.

Your vehicle might already have an additional cooler. think about getting a larger one, and using a synthetic fluid compatible with your transmission, as these resist degradation due to heat.

Helper springs of some sort will likely help handling, depending on tongue weight of the trailer. Make sure your headlights are adjusted properly as many load the ass end and the lights point too high and blind oncoming traffic. You might find some lunatic so annoyed by the glare that they put their high beams on, and drive straight at you, chicken style, horn honking head out the window rabidly screaming at you.

I have never done this of course, and certainly never at those extreme fools who put bluish HID lights into halogen housings.
hahahaha the bit about crazed drivers playing chicken due to annoying headlights had me laughing. Will keep that in mind.

I assume this is something (adding another trans cooler) that I can pay someone to do? I know nothing at all about cars really and am not terribly inclined with such things.

Much thanks for the comments!