Milk with No Refrigeration

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2012
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I want to share this information with the cooks. I friend told me about some milk with a brand name of Parmalat ( Best tip I have gotten in a long time. I keep it in my pantry at all times. It comes in one quart boxes and has a shelf life of more than 6 months if not opened. It is real milk. Not evaporated!!! It is Ultra Pasteurized and packaged in special containers, no chemicals added. I like it as well or better than the milk that is in the cooler. It costs a little more than the milk that will expire in 7 days but for me it is well worth it. I find it at Wal-Mart in the baking section near the canned milk. 
Just wondering...would you be able to "refrigerate" it? We don't have a fridge in our rig but we do try to carry ice in our cooler at all times. Would this work, do you think? I haven't drank real milk in about a year now, got hooked on Soy Milk. Do you know of any soy milk products like this? Thank you...trying to find more of a variety of things to eat!
Like VanGirl said, those shelf stable milks are great for off grid. When I used to drink milk, I would keep them handy in the quart size and open them when I did have refrigeration to keep the unused part cool. I have since seen them in little containers...maybe 8 oz?....that would worksoft individual servings. I buy the small ones in almond milk, which is what I drink now. I just picked up some packets of coconut milk powder to try.&nbsp;<br /><br />Of course, there is always powdered non-fat milk and canned milk. I've used them both in a pinch. There is also a powdered full-fat milk ( Nido?) but I haven't used that yet.&nbsp;<br /><br />
KalaniStorm said:
Just wondering...would you be able to "refrigerate" it? We don't have a fridge in our rig but we do try to carry ice in our cooler at all times. Would this work, do you think? I haven't drank real milk in about a year now, got hooked on Soy Milk. Do you know of any soy milk products like this? Thank you...trying to find more of a variety of things to eat!
Oooo they have Almond milk in little containers? Not in the dairy section though...?? Would you tell me where to find such a treasure! I'm sure it's easy but I've been looking for something so I can have some cereal. I too don't drink regular milk anymore, only in a pinch and I water it down. Thank you for posting back this is very helpful.&nbsp;
I've gotten the almond milk in larger grocery stores, especially ones with a health food section. It's in the grocery aisle with all the other non- refrigerated drinks. Sometimes they have flavors too.&nbsp;<br /><br />They are in little cartons like those juice boxes for kids.&nbsp;<br /><br />
I have seen them too. They are in the health food section here. Not refrigerated. They defiantly are pricey. About a dollar each for about 8ozs.