I've thought about this kind of stuff for the last 32 years of living in vehicles, most of my life. You do have some good points about fuel getting more costly, that's one of the reasons for the choice we made.<br> Those Honda 90's, along w/ quads, any 2 stroke engine, and loads of 4 stroke engines all require gasoline . . . a very "clean" fuel that requires processing, a lot of processing. The engines in our rigs are "based" on the Diesel engine (which was originally built to run on veg based fuels), and then modified by the military to run on things even dirtier than that. They are quite happy running on lamp oil, kero, tranny fluid (ATF), motor oil, gear oil/gasoline mix, as well as veg oil or anything that I can buy from a pump at the station.<br> So when fuel (gasoline) is a precious thing and people have given up driving their SUV's, vans, cars, etc. every bit of fluid left in them will be of use to us. All lubricating fluids can be used as fuel, the coolant I'll run through a solar still and take the water back (I do spend a lot of time in the desert <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> ) .<br><br> I suspect that those that are only able to use their Honda 90's will be happy to trade me something to move/ transport all the stuff that they are no longer able to move around, building supplies, water, etc. Some will be using some form of draft animal, but our "Beast" we can put to sleep and NOT feed until we need it again. <br><br> I also understand the desire to have a trailer style of home (I do that w/ my cargo-bedded version of the same truck . . . yes we do run two trucks on most of our trips), and be able to use the truck for other things while leaving your camp in one place. Tow rating on the Pinz 710K is only 5,000. We can haul that in the bed cross country, double that on a "real" road, or tow the 10,000 behind. We are also aware that all these ratings are "low" compared to what it could really do.<br><br> Our "run around the town", or "escape pods" are a couple mtn bikes. Which we also do long overlanding trips on. No extra fuel need there, just what we need for us to keep going.<br><br>So yes, . . . we have chosen to live w/ an elephant instead of a lap dog, but even as a elephant it's still only 23' long and 11' high. Not much difference from a truck w/ a slide-in camper, a box truck, or a little class C, Only we go where they can not. I agree that "Scouting Rigs" (as I call them <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> ) have there place and are great to have along .<br><br> I have experienced those other forms of Live-on / Live-in rigs, bicycles, motorcycles, a car (only one), vans, and stealth trailers. Right now these Big Beasties suit our lifestyle (almost full timing), our limited funds both self employed , the type of places we want to go, and available resources. <br><br> If you ever want to do a long, slow trip acting as a scout we'd be happy to have you come along.<br>