Maybe an interesting new public lands app?

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The programmers for this app are mobile RV cheap livers like us. They should be on this site occasionally. The app requires 7.1 iOS be installed to work. So make sure you upgraded.
Android version came out this morning.
Just tried it out--simple and sweet! I like it! Only $2 bucks and you can plan a nice adventure across public land.
Yep, I grabbed that up like a twenty dollar bill on the street. $2 is well worth it.
Not as exciting as I had hoped. Looked at an area I boondocked last year and the town down the road was all green. I think it is a bit too generic.
frickinducky said:
Not as exciting as I had hoped. Looked at an area I boondocked last year and the town down the road was all green. I think it is a bit too generic.

I'm sure the folks who are Technomadia would like to have your feedback, especially since the app is brand new.
I've chatted with them and they're nice people.
Hey everyone -

Yep, we lurk here on occasion, and are the creators of the app.

The underlying map data came from the USGS National Atlas, so we can only offer up as much detail as the USGS provides. For National Forests in particular there are often areas of private land inside the boundaries of the forest that are not mapped - the current maps resolution is focused on parcels 640 acres or larger.

Later this year the USGS is promising to release more detailed data that will hopefully allow us to improve the maps.

And if anyone else knows of good public domain map sources, we'd love to know about them.

Thanks everyone for supporting us!


- Chris (and Cherie)