Looking forward to life on the road

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user 16548

Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score
Hi all,

Someone recommended me to this site after hearing I have been reseaching becoming a digital nomad and living in a campervan.  I was feeling a bit flat at all the #vanlife instagram images of these fancy cedar lined vans and custom cabinetry so seeing Bob's youtubes of regular people and simple, practical conversions is a big help.  I don't need anything fancy and I don't even want to feel like I live in a house.  

I recently acquired have a new-to-me stealth van.   It's a 1996 model with about 60,000 miles on it and it's 4WD.  I am more interested in stealth and mileage at this point, than extra space and features.  Maybe my next van will have a long wheel base and be taller, but I am good with this regular van for now.

The existing built in cabinetry doesn't seem too practical for me, plus I like the idea of being able to take things out to create more space if I want to.  For eg, if I was parked up for a few weeks I would pitch a side tent off the roof racks and put my kitchen there rather than have a permanent set up inside the van.  I am also thinking of getting a tailgate tent to use as a bathroom when I'm free camping remotely.

I made a decision to retire early and sell my house.  For the last few months i have been having garage sales and giving things away.  I have worked full time for 32 years, purchased and sold properties, married and divorced, chased a career and etc and none of it has added any happiness to my life.  The stress and physical hardship of work has taken a toll on my health and I can't work full time now even if I wanted to.  I can take early retirement and basically drop out of society and pursue my creative pursuits while travelling.  I have an online business that I can do from anywhere and I have always been very frugal so I am not concerned about money.  

I can't really talk to any of my friends about it as they all think I've gone crazy for wanting to move away from a lifestyle aimed at going to work so you can acquire stuff, maintain stuff and insure stuff, and then spend my down time cleaning, organising and fixing stuff, basically.  I am interested in reducing my needs and living a very simple life.  For the first half of my adult life I was very transient and only owned what I could fit in my car so it's not a sacrifice to sell a house full of furniture and all my "stuff".  It's quite liberating.  

I am not sure how to include pics in the post otherwise you'd be able to see the interior.
SN, Welcome to this place!!  Glad you're joining the ranks of the early retired!  Forget your friends who want to stay trapped in the system they live in.  You're stepping up my friend.

Mod Note: edited to remove excessive quoting.
* I can't really talk to any of my friends about it as they .... *

Whelp. You have some new friends now :)
Welcome to the CRVL forums StealthNinja! This is the right place to find answers for the life you're planning! Many people find that their health improves when they move to vandwelling so that's a nice perk.

Information about posting pictures is included in the Tips and Tricks link below. You have an unusual and coveted van ( 4WD - yay!) so please post pictures if you can.

I recommend taking a few short trips before removing existing upgrades. You may find that you can use them.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
StealthNinja said:
I can't really talk to any of my friends about it as they all think I've gone crazy for wanting to move away from a lifestyle aimed at going to work 

Sounds like you're going to have fun regardless!

Funny, we're so deep in consumer culture we don't even realize it 
Wait until you ask about solar here ...
rvwandering said:
Welcome to the CRVL forums StealthNinja!  This is the right place to find answers for the life you're planning! Many people find that their health improves when they move to vandwelling so that's a nice perk.

Information about posting pictures is included in the Tips and Tricks link below. You have an unusual and coveted van ( 4WD - yay!) so please post pictures if you can.

I recommend taking a few short trips before removing existing upgrades. You may find that you can use them.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started.   We look forward to hearing more from you.