Live in my ML350 or pull a travel trailer?

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Jun 16, 2021
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I have a MB ML350 with 100k miles. Well maintained.  I want to remove the passenger seat and modify vehicle to live in full time.  I am in process of selling all my possessions and home.  I lost my daughter 15 weeks ago the only thing that brings me solace is the idea of living on the road.  I’ve wanted to do this for a very long time.  Fear is no longer stopping me because I am already walking through the worst pain. I work remotely so I am researching WiFi boosters.  Would it be better to get a travel trailer or live in my SUV? I really want to live in my SUV but want to hear the opinions of current van dwellers.
Welcome to the CRVL forums CK Mimi! So sorry about the loss of your daughter. This is probably not a good time to make too many changes so I recommend what I tell most people new to the nomad life - start with what you have. Do a simple build. You will know in a few months whether the SUV will work for you or if you want something larger or even something completely different.

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Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the form CK. So sorry for your loss, there are a lot of us here who have a similar situation. No I’m not a genius or a psychiatrist or a anything professional but I do have some personal experience with grief and I think you need to be very very careful of making permanent changes right after a major event like that. Sure get some satisfaction out of going out and having a good time and being out in nature in that vehicle of yours and do what you want but Be wary of burning bridges and stepping out without some safety net while grieving. I’m not discouraging you from the lifestyle I’m just saying be cautious about your changes with the stress level you’re at now. Experiment with it but don’t cut the limb off from Under you. Heartfelt best wishes for you stick around here let us know how it’s going.
Very sorry for the loss of your daughter, I can't even imagine your pain.
I agree with the other posters... go with baby steps until your grief someday becomes manageable, don't make permanent changes too soon. Just the other day I read somewhere about a woman who lost her husband and very quickly sold everything and moved to a nomad life style. She wished that she had not sold all the stuff of her previous life so soon, and did so fairly quickly. There's a chance that the road's call to you is so strong right now that your mind sees it as an escape from the pain.