legal disposal of solid waste?

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Oct 23, 2012
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I'm sure this is a stupid question but I've never needed to give it thought before in my life. With a chemical toilet or a just a bucket you would at some point need to dispose of the contents and I have absolutely no idea what works well or what would be legal.
Not stupid at all. I use a bucket when on the road and I use a couple plastic bags at a time and I use it a couple ways....if I am out in the bush at all. I use a clumping kitty litter and I can scoop out the poop clump(s) into a paper plate in order to take it out in the desert and bury it...well away from any used area.<br><br>If I am on the road, I use it a couple of times and I twist the inner bag with the litter and poop and paper closed, tie a knot in it and put in in my regular trash bag....any place there is a trash container, I drop it off. I don't like the idea of carrying poop around in the rig so I am quick to dump it.<br><br>It is common to bag up dog feces and drop them in a trash container so I don't think it is any different to put humanure in there. <br><br>I have a friend who recently turned me on to the idea of bio degradable bags so it would be best to use them for sure...<br><br>My next, larger rig will have a chemical porti-potti...preferably the cassette type that allows the bottom cassette to be taken out of a hatch on the side of the rig.<br><br>Bri
I'm not sure if there's a legality situation to disposing of human feces in the trash, but if you think about it, Nursing homes, day cares, personal homes, etc., have soiled&nbsp;adult and baby diapers that go directly into the garbage can and to the dump.&nbsp; This is why I don't think there'd be a legal issue.&nbsp; However, if its really smelly, be kind and dispose of it away from heavy human traffic areas.&nbsp; Great question!<br><br>Rae
Excellent point dog and I walk by a dumpster that gets pretty ripe from that very thing by the time trash day comes around. Pretty bad when it is about 100 degrees outside!!!!!<br>Uf-da as they say up nort'<br>Bri
&nbsp;I have a porta-potti (no formaldehyde based chemicals in it.. usually nothing at all) and I dump into public toilets (roadside rest stops or gas station) and the toilets at forest Service rec sites. Also, there are quite often free sani-dumps to be had. ..Willy.
my wife and i had an off-road capable TT a few years back that had the _<a href="" rel="nofollow">fancy Thetford Cassette with external hatch access_</a> to the cassette. While the design is elegant and functional the ~5 gallon waste tank filled up in about 2.5 days and needed dumping. We could have purchased and stored an extra cassette to give us ~5 days before having to find a dump solution but sold the rig. We personally would not go back to a chemical toilet for dry camping. Instead we do as others have shared and do the bio-bags per _use_ into a brown paper sandwich bag and into the day's kitchen size trash bag. <br><br>The smell is an issue though. So the idea of either kitty litter, or as another suggested elsewhere; pine pellets and pine shavings. Either would do the trick IMO.<br><br>As for legality? I have no issue placing in a public trash can as they put their dog's poop right in there!
<span><span style="line-height: 20px;">Nursing homes, day cares, personal homes, large&nbsp;institutions,&nbsp;etc are&nbsp;required</span></span><span style="line-height: 20px;">&nbsp;to it treat it as bio hazard. So is human blood.</span><br>It is&nbsp;illegal to dump human waste in the trash. Dog poop is not a bio hazard.&nbsp;<br><br><br><span style="line-height: 20px;">&nbsp;</span>
&nbsp;&nbsp; It depends on the county and state. Every area you camp in has different laws. BLM rules are different in every state also.
[QUOTE<span id="post_message_1276711376"><br>It is&nbsp;illegal to dump human waste in the trash. Dog poop is not a bio hazard. </span>][/quote]<br><br>Oddly enough, none of our local home healthcare agencies follow your suggestion about bio-hazards and the waste from their clients goes right in the closest dumpsters, along with the adult diapers and other do the Pampers and other cleanup items from any mother's with babies in diapers....been this way since they invented Pampers and Depends. <br><br>I think maybe you are pursuing a non-issue...<br>Bri
On nursing home dumping....<br>Out with regular trash here on the oregon coast from what i've seen. . . just treated like kitty poop in kitty litter and baby diapers.
I've probably worked in 30 to 40 nursing homes, hospitals, and in-home one ever treated soiled bed pads as hazardous waste.&nbsp; They went right into the dumpsters.&nbsp; Blood contained articles went into the biohazard container but that is disposed of by weight and becomes costly which means placing normal soiled waste products into biohazard containers for disposal is cost prohibitive for facilities.&nbsp; Maybe there's a state that requires it, but most do not.<br><br>Rae
Cant imagine why it would be illegal in general for all the reasons that others have stated. What could be illegal is where you put it or how you do it. I say where you put it because sometimes trash receptacles are intended for a specific use. Some parks will have signs saying no household waste with what I believe is an intent to keep the volume of waste down. Say someone is using the park for a picnic or taking a hike, the trash right at that point is what is allowed. They probably want to limit the number of times they have to send waste collection companies out. Others may tell me more as that's just my guess.
I recently borrowed a pickup with a cap for a short trip and slept in back. We used a 5 gallon bucket and mixed in a bunch of paper and kleenex etc. and put it in a residential waste container right along with dog waste.
This questioned was not asked but I feel it is important since this is not the conventional method of going to the bathroom. I had all the truck cap windows blacked out so no one could see us. I'm sure that's obviously how everyone feels but I was extra cautious as I just wasn't sure what trouble I could get in if caught. The reason I say that is because in some states you can be charged and put on the sex offender list if caught urinating in public. They were changing these laws but I do not know what states have done it. It may sound like a stretch but an overzealous officer may use it to really mess up your life. People have trouble finding jobs and many other problems when this happens.
Urinating in Public, means just VIEW of the General Public.

in an enclosed vehicle, he's outta luck. If he still wants to press charges on ya, I think (with a few pictures showing your rig) that this would get thrown out of court quite easily...(but not like that would be any fun to go through either.)

As far as throwing your poopy bags in the long as they're tied off, I can't see any issues with that.

After all, human waste IS biodegradable...but the plastic bags holding it are NOT. Which would you rather see in our nation's landfills??
I use biodegradable plastic bags intended for kitchen compost, they work fine, and I have engineered a small compartment on my rear bumper to set them in when I can't get rid of them right away. I like to burry them.

I can't believe that we have a law that makes you a sex offender for taking a piss, how stupid is that.