Leaving Colorado for Riffe Lake, Washington this Sunday, 6 Aug

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Ms Linda

Well-known member
Feb 21, 2017
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Here and There

Anyone heading NW any time soon? I'm leaving Colorado Springs this Sunday, 6 August, to go to Riffe Lake in Washington State. I'm traveling in a minivan with 2 small dogs. Would be great to have travel companion(s).

Shoot, you just missed Swankie Wheels.by a week or so. Although I think she prefers to transit solo. It was really hot through Idaho for her, so be careful traveling with the pooches. Best wishes for a safe journey.
I'm heading out of Denver toward Portland on Aug 7. my plan is to take about 3 or 3.5 weeks for the trek and hit several national parks along the way (Rocky Mountain, Zions, Arches, Bryce, Yellowstone, etc). I plan to be in the eclipse zone Aug 21 and then arriving in Portland around the first few days of September. you are welcome to tag along for all or part of the trip if this interests you. just send me a PM if you want to discuss details
Thanks for the tip about the heat in Idaho. Yep, it's still gonna be pretty dang hot. I'll travel during the day so I can run the van A/C, and park in shaded areas during the eve/night. My doggies are my priority #1  :heart:
I will also be at Riffe Lake as I live nearby. It's going to be 106 degrees in the Portland, Oregon area this week!
Ms Linda

Howdy neighbor! Just heard word via FB pages that the meetup has been canceled due to what I was afraid would happen. To many people gathering in an area without a permit. It has happened to me before and is too bad.
Man the drama over there on Eric's channel and his troll channels is amazing.

Somebody contacted the authorities and reported the 'event'.

Whoever it was, was trying to punch Eric, but also hit a LOT of other people in the face.

Unfortunately, he has given them attention on video; that makes the narcissists feel important. Serious psychosis going on.
The Riffe Lake gathering was canceled, according to Nomadic Fanatics video.
I'm sure the trolls had something to do with the cancellation; ... but according to the email sent to Eric, Mike, & James the "problem" is/was there were already 73 confirmed people attending and the official cutoff where a "gathering" becomes an "event" requiring permits/insurance/etc. is 30 people so the organizer's popularity is probably more responsible for the cancellation than any of their detractors ...
I'm glad reading this since was planing on attending... sad it is not going to happen, was looking fwd to meeting other ytubers

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everyone go hang with Nelda,she is much better company than the utube dudes

Yeah, I saw the drama unfold on YT and FB. Like another commenter here mentioned, it's not just Eric, although he gets the brunt of it, who got kicked in the teeth but also those who wanted to attend. I'm still heading to the PNW since I've never been. 

Ms Linda
Ms Linda,

Ah an adventurous soul that's great news to hear and I so envy you! I'm sure if you keep your nose into the wind and with a few pm's and or emails i'm sure those who are there will find a way to "not" find one another. Best of luck!