Ladies, have you gone crazy, yet?

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Jul 1, 2012
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Hey there fellow vandwellers! Since I am new to this lifestyle, just wondering I the only one that feels like I've gone a little mad? haha Some days I wake up feeling fit and ready to live this lifestyle. Other days I wake up cranky and just wanting to soak in a hot bath and say good-bye to the day before I've even gotten out of bed. I think the dirt under my fingernails is on the top of this list of driving me crazy. I just can't seem to keep the little buggers clean! <img src="../images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />What do you do in all of your glorious spare time? How do you keep the sanity of living in open spaces and still being a girl (or person), yet take it all in and not let everything get to you. Please tell me I'm not the only one!!! I do love the serenity and peaceful settings, the land we live on and my 'neighbors'...haha I don't have any, well the birds and the bees <em>do</em> count.&nbsp;<img src="../images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />Thank you for listening and if anyone has any suggestions for keeping the sanity fresh and maybe even things I don't know how to do yet, anything would be great. Thank you again.<br />Kalani&nbsp;
&nbsp;I've yet to meet the woman who ISN'T crazy. I've also yet to meet the guy who HASN'T been driven crazy by a woman. Fact is, I haven't met ANYONE who isn't nuts in some manner. Go figure. ..Willy.
A collapsible bath tub might help. It only weighs a couple of pounds (till you add water of course).<br /><br />Dennis
Thank you to all who have responded. This morning I took the time (lots of it) to give myself a full pedicure and manicure. I'm glad I brought a couple of darker hide the dirt! haha I think that will help the OCD with my hands! haha We did buy a solar shower and I have found it quite nice to shower here in the mountains and nice to know (hopefully) there are no wandering eyes other than the hubby's! I sunbathed as well this morning but have to be careful out here for it gets hot fast and this sun is a scorcher. I do enjoy this lifestyle much more than punching a clock and having someone else tell me what to do for 8 hours of my day and all that goes with that, and I do feel within time I will let the 'everyday stresses' melt away and know that I do not have to wake up to be somebody or something I don't want to be. I guess it all comes in time....and of course my hormones have to agree with me day to day! haha Thank you all again. We're sure to meet again soon.<br />Kalani
Oh and Katelynn, we have a solar shower from Seattle's awesome!
<em>Hello KalaniStorm and welcome,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If you like soaking ... maybe this site will help you:<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><a href=", -84.467308)">, -84.467308)</a><br /><em>I find if you soak long enough the dirt just dissolves </em><em>from under the nails,<br />although you may suffer from wrinkly skin syndrome ....<br /><br />EDIT: Sorry, looks like the link isn't working ....<br />EDIT: as of 7/6 link is OK....lets see how long that lasts ...<br /></em>
Kalani,&nbsp; You aren't alone, you have&nbsp; hubby!&nbsp; To me that would be crowded! lol! I think that you have to start out alittle left of (social) center to want to live on the road, or off-road as the case may be. That's why when I go it will just be me and a dog! My time will be filled with hiking, writing, reading and learning all I can about living economically in an RV! They always say "find your bliss". Well, I have! I hope you do too!<br />Sara&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
You aren't alone!! I'm a super prissy girl!! I love all the typical "girl" things, hair, nails, clothes, shoes, jewelry (especially jewelry!! I love it so much I design and create it!!). So I TOTALLY get were you're coming from!! Sometimes, just sometimes you want to sink into a bath with bubbles and primp and pamper yourself!! At this moment we are working as gate guards in southern Texas. It's a 24/7 job that doesn't leave a lot of time for pampering. Oh ya, and we have no running water in the RV so that takes away a lot of options to pamper. Anywho, I've found that wearing pretty sundresses even tho on the oil rig gate it may seem ridiculous, it makes me feel like a girl out here with all these roughnecks!! I occasionally will paint my face and I did splurge and get my nails done on a trek to town a couple weeks ago. It's the little a little something for yourself like your mani pedi. It makes a difference even if we can't have the whole shabang!!<br />Here's to the girly girls!! <img src="../images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />Kristy<br />
<p>i'm not a dweller yet either. and i'm new to this site. but .. im agoraphobic. and i don't like being alone.. muchless traveling alone.. so i think im crazy for even considering this lifestyle.haha .but it has got to be better than the life i'm living at the moment and its something ive thought about and wanted to do for a long time.. and i DONT want to be living the life i'm living at the moment.or really ever lived...</p><p>but i have A LOT of different ideas to keep me sane on the road.. i want to learn to play guitar to keep myself entertained. or entertain others. or let them use it and entertain me! Lol.. also i want to make some crafty things. to sell to people i meet on the road. ive also considered other ways of entertaining myself and to also try and make money. but we'll see what happens.. but yeah my one extra curricular purchase will be an acoustic guitar so i can learn, keep busy , keep sane hehe<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></p>
Jonnygutz~ that is actually one of the things I have brought with me, my acoustic guitar....that I don't know how to play! haha I will learn though, just have to get around to that motivation thing. It's quite hard to teach yourself something so me at least. BUT I have faith in myself, right now I'm trying to get past my fingers hurting when I do sit down for the whole 20 minutes I can take. I wish you luck on your endeavor and on your lessons!!<br />Kalani
Willy said:
&nbsp;I've yet to meet the woman who ISN'T crazy. I've also yet to meet the guy who HASN'T been driven crazy by a woman. Fact is, I haven't met ANYONE who isn't nuts in some manner. Go figure. ..Willy.
<br />cold hard irrefutable fact.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />and love every second of it.<img src="../images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
KalaniStorm said:
Jonnygutz~ that is actually one of the things I have brought with me, my acoustic guitar....that I don't know how to play! haha I will learn though, just have to get around to that motivation thing. It's quite hard to teach yourself something so me at least. BUT I have faith in myself, right now I'm trying to get past my fingers hurting when I do sit down for the whole 20 minutes I can take. I wish you luck on your endeavor and on your lessons!!<br />Kalani
<br /><br /><br /><br />Thanks Kalani. yeah i have dabbled over the years.. never grasped it.. but i think thats majorly due to the fact that life is so hectic and i have a you said..that whole motivation thing.. and when the worlds going hundreds of miles per hour around us.. its hard for a lot of us to sit there.. and apply the time and effort some of us need to do things.. one of the major driving forces behind my decision to undertake all of these new things.. i need me time.. lots of it.. and what a better way <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Willy darlin',<br /><br />My only answer to that is simply to say, "Isn't it just like a man to blame a woman for his own insanity!"<br /><br />LOL! &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
gypsydreamer said:
<br />&nbsp;And I know exactly what you mean about the dirty fingernails.&nbsp; Drives me crazy!&nbsp; I'm dealing with it.&nbsp; Haven't found the right solution yet, but I will.
<br /><br />Fingernail polish hides it! Mine are red and all chipped at the ends, but it's now week 2, so it's about time to paint them again.<br /><br />I think you all are right tho, the little things to remind ourselves. &nbsp;Wearing a dress, doing our hair, makeup, doing our nails, whatever it is. &nbsp;Or just visiting a friend to take a bath <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> &nbsp;I know around here we have spa's you can rent out like this <a href="">one</a>. That are pretty reasonable. $15 for an hour with a private tub is really nice pampering!<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara
Ladies ... if ever I'm around and you decide to paint your nails let me know. I'll go hang out with you while you do this in your trailer. Who needs beer when all you gotta do is hang out in a nail salon for 20 minutes.&nbsp;<br /><br />
sl1966,<br /><br />You, my friend, are a strange and interesting fellow.<br /><br /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
I tried sniffing model glue once when I was young...had a headache for 3 days.<br />So I try to avoid those unique smells.
I owe this to an ex-girlfriend who insisted I go with her to the salon whenever she got her nails done. At the time she was super paranoid about an old female friend whom I'd reconnected with. It kind of backfired because all the cute Vietnamese girls working there would shamelessly flirt with me in front of her.&nbsp;<br /><br />Still, you have to admit the after effects are cheaper than buying beer all the time.<br /><br />