Just bought a van

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Nov 11, 2016
Reaction score
Hello everyone

I have been lurking silently trying to decide how I was going to jump into full time rving and I decided to take a baby step by buying an older conversion van. Had to drive a few hours but found a cheap one that is pretty mechanically sound. Left it with the mechanic who has worked on it the last 4 years to fix a couple of minor things then will go pick it up. I can't believe my adventure is about to begin ::). Plan to do my first road trip next week to test her out before coming home and beginning interior remodel.  I'm used to small spaces having driven semi for 19 years but couldn't pass my DOT physical this summer so now at 60 am going to go exploring not on a timeframe
Welcome Pony to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. glad to have you here. highdesertranger
Welcome aboard ponycountry!
I worked on the road for many years living in my truck.
When I quit that I couldn't imaging getting off the road so now travel with no destination or itinerary.
You'll do fine , hope you enjoy this life as much as I do !
Congrats Pony!   I think you'll love it. I started 6 months ago by remodelling my Element as a micro- camper and then meet several people who lived full time the way I was, but full time. They were technically "homeless" but actually had their homes with them. They were of the lists and off the grid, but mechanically, or professionally, savvy. They lived by barter or working when they needed $$.   I decided to rethink things and go on the road - but first trial runs to shake the bugs out.

Maybe I'll run into you on the road.

Happy trails!      M.
Thank you everyone. I am exited about this adventure and hope to join you in Jan down in Quartzite so I can learn more before embarking full time. I am hoping when I visit my grown sons in CA in two weeks they won't think thier Mom has gone totally insane and be willing to help me do some of the remodel as they are all so talented. But I suspect they will indulge me even if raising thier eyebrows.

Popeye I am sure I will just not sure if the van is the ultimate size for me but traveling is one of those things that makes me happy. Far better the view from my windshield any day than sitting in front of a tv.