What do you do with all of your free time?

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Ride my dual sport motorcycle on and off road.

Take the trash out as needed. Shop for groceries as needed.

Hike and climb the local terrain to get outside. Tonopah, NV is great for both of those. As is Saddle Mountain BLM near Tonopah, AZ.

Do nothing some times.
I'm beginning to realize that perhaps my real question is: "What does one do After they escape the rat race?" Did you have a clear vision of what you would do with this new freedom when you cut free? A vague idea?
I have had the idea of visiting every bathing hot springs in North America. I get blank looks or "Then what?" from co-workers. But working on the house and lawn and being a mechanic on the side sounds like just more rat race, what society expects. Am I making any sense?
That's a much better way of approaching the question. Just a slight change in how we've been conditioned to see work and leisure time.

How widespread are these hot springs across the USA? I'd use them as an excuse to branch out and explore maybe a 50-100 mile ring around each spring after visiting each one. You visit the springs, and get a good taste of the surrounds as well.

And as we tend to do here in Australia, will chasing good weather (cool or warm) be a thing for you?

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