Just a Little For Personal Use

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2016
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Bored, watching some show on A and E called Live PD. Utah State cop pulls an RV over for not holding the lane, crossing the centerline. The guy walks a K-9 around and the dog tries to climb in the passenger window. The woman, well dressed, middle age, lives in her RV she says.

She tells the cop she has a couple of joints for personal use and the cop says that legal in Utah, (which is surprising to me) and if she passes the DUI test she'll be on her way after the walkaround inspection. Dog hits on the luggage compartment. 

First bag he pulls out has 62 one pound packages of weed. She doesn't live in that RV anymore. Or own it. Sort of sad but not really. Life's choices I suppose. 

But she will not be homeless.

Oops, she's in for it for sure. Glad I'm allergic to pot. Nothing is worth going to jail for to me.

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If you're planning to throw a party for 1,000 of your closest friends, would that count as personal use? :cool:
Optimistic Paranoid said:
If you're planning to throw a party for 1,000 of your closest friends, would that count as personal use? :cool:

More like a distribution center?
And we wonder why the cops wanna search our vans all the damn time.........

I'm a firm believer in not doing anything illegal in the RV or van. Not only will it get your own ass in trouble, but it just causes difficulties for all the rest of us as well.
I had friends hoping I would bring some of the high powered concentrates I used in Colorado with me. At 92% THC they were truly one hit wonders that either made the pain go away or at least made you not care. I posted here that I wasn't risking everything I owned for even personal use much less what they were hoping for.
Jeeze , that's about 30,000 fatties !

I've been away from that so long that just catching a whiff
and I'm sitting down drooling .....
Ballenxj said:
I wonder what percentage of criminals care about the rest of us?

Zero, I'd guess.

But I wasn't talking about "criminals"--I'm referring to ordinary folks who toke up in the van or crack open a few brews.
gsfish said:
Who will be the last person to be found guilty of possessing flowers?
My question is; Why is Merry-Hoochie illegal, and booze is legal? Which one has done more real damage?
Here is a story as related to me many years ago by somebody that claims to have researched it. I don't believe you will find any evidence of this today, but still, here goes as I remember it.
  Way back in the day during prohibition when booze was illegal, there was an influential man in the Boston area named Joseph Kennedy.
Mr Kennedy had a thriving business importing illegal booze as there was a big demand for it. One day this well connected Mr Kennedy whispered into one of his politically connected friends ear, stating that there is a plant out there that has similar effects on peoples ability to relax while enjoying an adult whatever. We've got to do something about this, Mr Kennedy said, as it's hurting my business. It's a plant that can grow wild anywhere, including along side the railroad tracks. There is no law against it, and can be had in most cases for free? Supposedly that's the story of how it became illegal. As we all know, Merry-Hoochie is still illegal, but booze has become legal?
 I have since long forgotten who the story teller was, but remembered the way it was told. It made sense at the time because after all, where did a lot of the Kennedy's wealth originate?
Ballenxj said:
My question is; Why is Merry-Hoochie illegal, and booze is legal?
The stories I have heard are that both marijuana and cocaine were outlawed in order to target African-American jazz clubs in the South, and Mexican immigrants in Texas. 
Ever heard the lyrics to "La Cucaracha"?:
La cucaracha, la cucaracha
Ya no puede caminar
Porque no tiene
porque le falta
Marihuana que fumar
The cockroach, the cockroach
Can't walk anymore
Because it doesn't have
Because it's lacking
Marijuana to smoke.
Much of it has to do with hemp, a cousin of weed. It can be used to make many things that were in competition with the industries of the day. They couldn't come out and say we want to ban it because it is really easy to grow and competes with oil, or traditional ropes, textiles or a number of other things, so they grouped it with weed and attacked that instead. Fords first car used hemp in a carbon fiber like way and used hemp oil to power it.
lenny flank said:
The stories I have heard are that both marijuana and cocaine were outlawed in order to target African-American jazz clubs in the South, and Mexican immigrants in Texas. 
Ever heard the lyrics to "La Cucaracha"?:
La cucaracha, la cucaracha
Ya no puede caminar
Porque no tiene
porque le falta
Marihuana que fumar
The cockroach, the cockroach
Can't walk anymore
Because it doesn't have
Because it's lacking
Marijuana to smoke.

:D  My theme song!!!  :angel:
Seeing as I drive a bill board that all but reads `pull me over I cook meth for fun an profit' I will not and have not carried ANYTHING illegal in it.

If you want to read the REAL history of how and why marijuana/cannabis is illegal I would recommend The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer. In great and exacting detail the book describes the advent of polyester rope and the actions of Du Pont to eradicate their competition. Further it is absolutely clear that marijuana (a Spanish word) was made illegal at least in part for racist reasons.

The AMA FREAKED out when they figured out that marijuana was cannabis. If you go look at the typical ingredients of over the counter medications from that era you will example after example of cannabis listed as a major ingredient. Until these unjust and rediculouse laws were enacted no one in the US called it marijuana, that's what the Latinos called it.

With ad campaigns stating that pot would make black men want to have sex with white women it is painfully obvious the racist intent of these laws.

Someone mentioned rope earlier and that somehow hemp was a threat and could be used for other products. You had that a little backwards. Almost all rope until the 1930's was hemp, especially for boats and sea going vessels. Hemp rope does not stretch, rot, or grow weak when wet. Hemp fiber was also used to make cloth and paper. Unless you examine it under a microscope there is no way to tell the difference from hemp or flax linen. In the 1940's durring WWII there was such a shortage of oil to make polyester rope that the Government started a new ad campaign encouraging farmers to "Grow Hemp For The War Effort!". An aside - when I lived in KY I knew a guy that had battled the wild hemp that had been growing on his family farm since the 1940's. When he went to the government withe original orders from the War Department for his father to grow hemp they raided his farm and busted him for growing 400 ACRES of hemp. All he wanted to do was kill it and raise cattle.

So, yes, it is absolutely clear that hemp/cannabis/marijuana is illegal for totally bogus reasons. If the ultimate cause was racism or control over the rope, fiber, and pharmaceutical industry is up for some debate. It is not up for debate whether these are destroying peoples lives for the benefit of big industry be it fiber, meds, or now private prisons.

“Seems to me if grate Men dont leeve off writing Pollyticks, breaking Heads, boxing Ears, ringing Noses and kicking Breeches, we shall by and by want a world of Hemp more for our own consumshon,” John Adams, POTUS #2
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