Jumped into the "stealth" van life and am mostly disalusioned

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Jesse, can you recommend a simple but effective de-tox regime? I'm curious.
Folks, we have completely hijacked this thread. You are more than welcome to start a new thread with health and toxins as the subject, but any more posts on it here will be deleted.

I'm going to leave your off-topic posts on for a day so you can cut and paste them to a new thread, then I am going to delete them from here

It's a good topic, it just doesn't belong here. You have started a very similiar discussion on the health insurance thread. We don't need it two places. Probably better to combine them all into one new thread so people can find it.
One Awesome Inch said:
Jesse, can you recommend a simple but effective de-tox regime? I'm curious.

Sure, but not knowing you personally, I can't treat you, but I can give you a few GREAT pointers, and if you can hold out 'til November, my book should be helpful in guiding you to perfect health. Here are a few quickies - good for everyone who isn't allergic to any of the ingredients. NOT for kids! Children need to be assessed by a medical professional, and so do you if you'd like to find out exactly what your deficiencies are. Try to find a doc who will order a Cardio/ION panel, so you won't be working 'blind' - so to speak. Tell him/her that the test can be ordered from (www.metamatrix.com 1-800-221-4640).


Toss refined sugar from your diet - completely.
Just this one act will have you feeling better than you have in at least a decade. (Personally, I felt twenty-years younger when I did this, and my vision improved so dramatically in just six weeks that I had to get a new pair of glasses. I could see as well as I had been able to see twenty years earlier!)

Avoid *all* processed foods - period.

Eat only whole foods. Unless you're diabetic, check out the macrobiotic diet and follow it as closely as you can. (CURED diabetics can utilize the macro plan too, but not before you're CURED. - Give it six months.)

Treat yourself to a tablespoonful of cold pressed, Norwegian Cod Liver Oil three times a day (add a little lemon juice, if you like. It's okay to use the Real Lemon concentrate), and if you find that's too much for you, scale it down to three teaspoons and work back up from there.

Dissolve one teaspoonful (5 grams) of powdered Vitamin C (available from most health food stores) in one liter of water, and drink it down.

Purchase good quality elemental magnesium (from your health food store) and dissolve 600 - 800 grams in 8 ounces of water daily. (It tastes pretty good.) If it comes in caps, just undo them and sprinkle them into the water.

Drink 4 liters of water daily. Do NOT drink tap water or buy water in plastic bottles/containers.

Filter your water using a good quality filter and store it in 5 gallon glass containers. Drink out of a glass or undamaged ceramic container (even Mason jars and jam jars will do). Plastics leach phthalates (carcinogens) into your food and water. (You won't detox well if you continue to eat and drink from plastic containers.)

Find a good source of CoQ10. My favorite is Ultra Accel from Primal Force.com because it contains PQQ and no other source that I know of does. Be sure you buy the ULTRA and not just the regular kind. The difference is like night and day. Take one gel cap a day.

Buy Ultra Greens (again from Primal Force.com). A couple of teaspoonfuls in water a day is a powerful detox and immune system booster, as it contains the equivalent in nutrients that eating 9 lbs of fresh veggies should, but of course, fresh veggies (even organic) contain, on average, 83% fewer nutrients than they did just thirty years ago. Plus Ultra Greens contains dozens of other nutrients. Check it out online and click on 'product ingredients.' I wouldn't willingly miss a day of taking mine.

There's more, of course, much more, but this should get you off to a good start. Warning: Don't stray too far from the loo for the first few days - you *will* have to go - a lot! :rolleyes: If you find you're having diarrhea for more than three days, cut down the amount of Vitamin C you're taking - but don't cut it down too much - you need it!

Try this for six weeks and then tell us all how you're doing!

Maybe a few here would like to join you so we can have something to compare. Think of it as a summer tune-up! :)


*Check every label on every thing. There IS NO SAFE AMOUNT OF TRANS FATS.

Same thing for Corn Syrup. Don't go anywhere near it!

Bob, From personal experience I know it is easier for a moderator to mass move posts to another thread.

Sorry about derailing the original subject, but you know sometimes conversations go "Chasing squirrels" into new backyards.
Jack, I was raised in Oakland then moved to San Lorenzo .....it does have some tuff areas. How about approaching car dealers, repair shops etc. and tell them you'd be happy to park on their lot at night as a "crime deterrent/security". That way....to the cops...your not "living" there...just napping in the guard shack.
Jack, I was raised in Oakland then moved to San Lorenzo .....it does have some tuff areas. How about approaching car dealers, repair shops etc. and tell them you'd be happy to park on their lot at night as a "crime deterrent/security". That way....to the cops...your not "living" there...just napping in the guard shack. Might even get power and the use of their bathroom.
Also, for showering :
#1 It's legal anywhere to wear swimming trunks.
#2 Place a broomstick, dowel etc between your 2 OPENED back doors.
3# Use spring clamps to attach a tarp to the doors and youv'e got a mostly enclosed shower stall (in which your wearing your swimming trunks in case ya get caught). As far as underneath the trunks....I'm sure you could figure out a time/place to clean that up on your own.
I've created the new thread and moved the posts before but then there was never another post made to it. It just came up and they weren't invested in it.

I'f it's something they are actually interested in they can take the time to do the cut and paste into a new thread it's just a fey key strokes and easier than retyping everything..

Tomorrow I delete the off-topic posts.
Lots of good information there about health alternatives, Bob. I will let Jessie decide if she wants to pursue a health alternative thread. She is the expert...

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