Jamie/Enigmatic Nomadic's *Build Out Your Van Party"

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2011
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Jamie aka Enigmatic Nomadic announced a *Build Out Your Van Party* on Facebook. It'll be held in Lake Havasu from November 1 -14. Precise location to be announced.

For those of you on FB here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1062538303863905/

For those of you not on FB, here are the current details. Details will be updated as they're announced

"Time to get ready for winter and your van set up for 2017.
Need help setting up your van? I'm looking for something common to all vandwellers that I can do for you guys and it be filmed to use for training purposes on the Enigmatic Nomadic channel. 

You supply the materials and I'll supply the elbow grease to get the install done. 
Volunteers welcome to pitch in and get as many rigs completed as possible before the winter sets in. Let's get you done before we lose the sun!

I'll complete your projects such as:

*Building you an inexpensive bed
*Let's install that Fantastic Fan you've been wating
*Installing your solar
*Installing motion lights on the outside of your rig.
*Led lights on the inside or outside
*Getting you a great fridge that runs on solar
*Setting up a heat source before winter to keep you toasty
*Setting up a cooking area and water source inside.
*Have a look at mine and others showering solutions for colder weather
*Getting a potty set up that meets you needs

We'll set up in the beautiful, vandweller friendly city of Lake Havasu City, Arizona. There's a Home Depot, True Value, Shipping places for packages, Super Walmart. The London Bridge, Huge dog park on the beach complete with palm trees. Swimming. We can't lose.

The exact location will depend on the turnout, but all rigs welcome. 
We will run the event through November and change the venue as needed. Maybe even have a Thanksgiving communal meal!

Thanks, everyone. ~Jamie"
If I get out that way before it's over I'd offer to help with labor. But I have no idea of my departure date; I'll leave when it's freezing weather here.
Fantastic idea!!!!

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If the timing works out for me, van purchase, etc., I would definitely like to participate.  Agreed.  Very nice idea.

Cyndi:  I'm not on FB, so thanks for re-posting here.  

Where will the work be done, on private property, business parking lots or BLM land?
" Precise location to be announced."

Hang loose for a bit...if you come to the area of Havasu, you'll be pretty close.
Let's not stir any bee hives (remember summer RTR??).
Maybe ask Home Depot how they feel about using their parking lot. I am pretty sure they could sell some plywood, insulation and maybe other stuff. You could shoot some of the video with the store name in the background for advertizing.
Danny...I think James has something more suited to our lifestyle in mind. I can't imagine Home Depot or Lowes putting up with a bunch of wacky vandwellers taking up their lot for 2 weeks.
I've done a few small projects at a couple and know a few others who have but only for a few hours off to the edge.
Local laws might apply also.
DannyB1954 said:
Maybe ask Home Depot how they feel about using their parking lot. I am pretty sure they could sell some plywood, insulation and maybe other stuff. You could shoot some of the video with the store name in the background for advertizing.

Nice idea.  Very convenient.  Sounds to me like something that could be easily arranged by a face-to-face with the Home Depot / Lowe's manager.

I really can't speak for James but I just can't quite see how something like this would fit into their corporate view.
A bunch of vans emptied on the parking lot, outdoor kitchens, and all the rest.
WheelEstate USA said:
Danny...I think James has something more suited to our lifestyle in mind. I can't imagine Home Depot or Lowes putting up with a bunch of wacky vandwellers taking up their lot for 2 weeks.
I've done a few small projects at a couple and know a few others who have but only for a few hours off to the edge.
Local laws might apply also.

After thinking about it, Home Depot probably wouldn't want the liability of someone maybe getting hurt on their property.  

Here you could drive a mile from Home Depot and be on BLM land. I don't think anyone could remove you for 14 days.
I wish we were in a position to be a part of this! What a great learning experience!
It is like a Amish barn raising but for vans!  I love it.

Considering we carry a mobile workshop on wheels (welder, sawhorses, grinders, drill press, chop saw, oscilloscope, multimeters, soldering iron, milling machine) I would love to take part in one of these and offer help.  We are on the east coast of USA at the moment but will be heading back west so maybe can catch the next one.
I wish I could be there to help to. keep us up to date there is a slight chance I could drop in. highdesertranger
Yes, yes , yes......this is the way to do things. Jamie has a very good idea. Actually having hands on and helping people get their home on wheels functional is the way to get people to get moving and start their new lives.
I will be considering more seriously now on purchasing something to get started now that there is actual physical help offered to everyone.