Is it wise for me to move into a Van now?

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i recommend seeing a "anthropologist".... blkjak.... problems are usually a part of our humanism and an extension of tribal behavior....

That one you have to explain to
Cant really give too weighty of advice as I am new to the community, but I am enjoying it so far. My motivations, right now at least, are not rooted in finances. If this is really important to you, crashing in a van for a while will be a great way to save some cash. Worst possible outcome is that you learn vandwelling isnt for you, and have saved big in the learning process. Not a bad overall.
"I'm not who I think I am. I 'm not who you think I am. I am the person I think you think I am." Can't remember who said it - some famous behavioralist psychologist - but it always stuck with me. Your friend said the same thing, in different terms, I think.

It's all about perceptions - what we believe at the time to be true. Perceptions are often mistaken.

i found this in old army manuals "if you tell a soldier that he is mentally ill he will be mentally ill - if you tell a soldier that he is not mentally ill he will not be mentally ill"....
<P>Good. People here think pretty highly of you.</P>
My suggestion, let life flow, don't force it. If you force a situation it's likely you'll never be happy.
In my short stay on this forum, I have learned that this world of van living is like going to Hogwarts school of magic. The rest are muggles who don't understand and may never appreciate why it's a special thing to go to a wizard's school. Put it another way, it's like being in the rare group of people who can communicate with the dead --and I mean being the real deal instead of these thousands of fakes.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>This is why I have completely stopped dating for now.&nbsp;</div><div>The van life is not just all about saving money. It's an attitude towards life and valuing what is important instead of being taken over by a thousand little unimportant things that we surround ourselves with.&nbsp;</div><div>I know deep inside that dating "muggles" or mundane types will just be in the way of my personal life goal of traveling this path. One day, I may meet one who does appreciate this life and this way of thinking.&nbsp;</div><div>For now, I am staying away because I already am expending a lot of energy just trying to get my dream realized. I don't have time to explain or to justify anything to anyone and I don't want to waste my breath.</div><div><br></div>
live your life the way you want to. what kind of person you attract will be just that.<br>i personally, look forward to becoming a hermit, and i am fine with that. <br><br>
<p>Take the path of heart always.&nbsp; You know what is right and wrong for you.&nbsp; Have courage and follow your own path.&nbsp; Pay no attention to what others say.&nbsp; Pay attention to what your heart is saying.&nbsp; This is school house Earth, it is very hard, but it is also rewarding if you can follow your own path.</p>
i'm going out on a limb here and its directed to all the comments about social status concerns.. i'm 30 years old. and i'm disabled.. an i realized in my life that if people dont like you for who you are, and only like you for what you have, possess etc, then F THEM.. excuse my french <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">.. but seriously.. also as these forums have pointed out.. men are not the only dwellers.. just as hippies werent all males in their hay day. maybe you'll find yourself (selves) some nice ladies out on the open road. i myself thought about this very subject. because i'm still young. i'm single. but i know i would love to live as a dweller.. but one of my concerns is my ..relationships and friendships..i figure they will struggle. although at the moment i have literally no social life.. so i feel it can only go up from here.. and i figure i think this is a great lifestyle so what better way to bring two people (Friend or more) together other than their common life styles? thats overall a HUGE thing in society anyway. i think it would be great to meet a girl on the road.. however that isn't my driving force into the life style.. my driving force is my sanity.. my love for travel, my love for the outdoors. and the crazy stupid world we live in that is decaying and become a sad place to exist.. i want to experience changes for the better and be a part of that. and enjoy my days. for as LONG as i can.. not be 65 and retire and have bad bones. or some other ailment that deters me from being young and functional for a very long time (NO OFFENCE TO ANY ONE RETIRED AND OLDER WHO MAY BE READING THIS as i know many many older generations of people are very well able bodied and bright .. i have a great great respect for my elders..) im just saying.. i think we all would agree if we had these thoughts at a younger stage in our lives.. most of us would have considered it more seriously...after all. we're all on this webpage for a reason.. Anyway.. if you're afraid. just jump. you will find peace of mind <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> *Sorry for the long post* but this is a very important subject to me too <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">