Is a Honda generator worth the price?

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It is like expensive cars. They are worth every penny if you can afford them and just a expensive car if you can not. The inverter generator landscape has changed considerably since I started camping again 6 years ago. Back then Honda and Yamaha were the only real options but that has all changed. Champion has a inverter series of generators that have had time to prove themselves reliable and backs them with good customer service. Other brands have been around too like Robin while still others are trying to prove themselves like Wen and Powerhouse. Should these "knock offs" continue to keep people happy for less money, they will build followings like Champion has maybe we will see a update to the aging Honda EU3000is.
I'm one to agree that the Honda most likely has the nod for quality and durability, but I too think the price is a bit much.

Looking at the video posted comparing the two, the numbers don't differ enough to really make any difference to the human ear.

I personally would definitely consider the Yamaha.

No matter which is purchased including any other brand, diligence in maintenance is essential. Regular oil changes, changes if it has been sitting a long time, and using a fuel stabilizer if it is going to sit as well and of course do not forget the air filter!!!
I bought a Honda 1000 during a camping trip last year to keep my batteries charged when I was w/o hook ups. It is really light (25# or so), quiet (we used it to run a small air compressor to inflate an air mattress and I think the air compressor made much more noise), and so far, reliable. It was kind of an "emergency" purchase, though. I was hoping to use solar but didn't get my stuff together before the trip...

I'm not sure I would buy the little honda again today, though. I'd probably get the Champion Dual Fuel (gas/propane) they sell at Costco. I like the idea of using propane vs bringing a gas can along. The negative is it weighs around a 100#... Thinking this through I would actually forgo the generator completely and spend the $ on solar...
If you buy a Honda generator and can find a broken harbor freight generator, you could swap the case and nobody would ever steal your Honda.

No but seriously, our Honda EU2000i is probably the only big purchase I have NOT had buyer's remorse about.   The little thing just runs so beautifully.   We do use strictly non-ethanol gas in it though.
The Westinghouse unit is probably only using the name under license. I have also seen one as a Bell+Bowell. Remember THAT name? The only Wen power tool I have is a piece of ****. They may all be the same unit inside, which wouldn't be a bad thing since higher production rates usually equates to better quality.

I see a lot of the Champions at the RV Salvage place in Phoenix. Never seen a Honda or Yamaha.

There is another one, Kipor, which is a Honda Clone, and apparently the parts are cross compatible. A lot of the GMC Motorhome guys like them, but they are getting close to Honmaha in price.

My two cents...
I own 2 Honda 1000s because a 2000 is beyond my comfort level for lifting in and out of the van.

The 1st one is over 10 years old and other than normal servicing it's not given me a bit of trouble. The new one is identical to it other than the case looking new. Anyone else would be hard pressed to tell them apart.

Despite the high price I recommend them to anyone who asks. The light weight, quiet run and gas efficiency is well worth every penny!

I cringe when I end up parked near someone with anything else but because I know I'm going to have to listen to their noisy generator.
I have bought all of my nomadic supplies from harbor freight.I definitely will continue to do so when I build my skoolie.

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What is confidence worth? Following much thinking on the original question posed, I bought the Honda. When I go into the Boonies, I want the generator to work, every time. Only bad stories I have heard regarding a Honda genny have been caused by stale fuel.
I try to avoid buying anything Chinese. it's hard but I try. I always look at the country of origin. why do I avoid Chinese goods, let me count the ways,

1. they have zero regard for proprietary rights. doesn't matter what we are talking about from movies to power tools to military technology they will steal it.

2. they use forced labor. political prisoners are forced to work in factories.

3. they use child labor. you are never to young to work in a Chinese factory.

4. what they call factory workers we would consider slave labor here.

5. their support of North Korea and Iran. without China's help we would not be talking about nuclear weapons in those 2 countries.

6. a lot of their products are just plain junk.

7. they have very few freedoms. talk bad about the government. see were that gets you. freedom of the press. you can print anything that passes the government censors if it doesn't you're making iPhones. freedom of religion, yeah right. how about the LGBT community there wonder why you never hear from them.

8. environmental laws, LOL they have them but no one pays attention to them. until 10's of thousands get sick or die. even then it's a joke. everything made in China is harmful to the environment. I guess you could say that about everywhere but there it's magnified 1,000 times.

so I could come up with more but I will leave it there. in good conscious I cannot offer support for this country. it's really to bad the ones that are suffering are just your average person. BTW most Japanese and Korean companies do not make products in China, it's starting to be a little more but not many. rant over highdesertranger
"Hint! Veterans get 10% off at Home Depot."

Maybe. The local Home Depot stores in my area only offer a veteran discount on July 4th and Nov. 11th. Lowe's however, offers a Veterans discount every day of the year.
#29: Most of those negatives you cite were true about US industry about 100 years ago. Child labor, unsafe factories, chemical dumping everywhere,etc. Add in sharecropping in the South and you had virtual slave labor here also.

You can't blame China for wanting to develop there industrial base,just like we did. But you can blame all the greedy US business people that only wanted to expand their profit margins by pushing the Chinese stuff. Throw in every US consumer that wants a cheap price from WM,Target,etc. and you see better what the real problem is.
Thanks everyone for all the great input. Definitely food for thought.
IGBT said:
If you buy a Honda generator and can find a broken harbor freight generator, you could swap the case and nobody would ever steal your Honda.
BTW this is genius. Someone should start a biz making expensive generator disguises. :D
If the Chinese labor force are slaves, how to explain the fastest growing middle class economy in the world.
dexstrom said:
"Hint! Veterans get 10% off at Home Depot."

Maybe.  The local Home Depot stores in my area only offer a veteran discount on July 4th and Nov. 11th.  Lowe's however, offers a Veterans discount every day of the year.

I guess some locations are more relaxed than others.
I copied/pasted from the link below for bandwidth people.

FAQ: The Home Depot's Veteran/Military Discount Policy

October 12, 2011 at 2:59pm

Lately, we have been receiving phone calls and emails regarding The Home Depot’s veteran/military discount policy. Because of this we have followed up with HD Corporate Communications and External Affairs. The email message that follows is The Home Depot’s explanation.

PLEASE NOTE: Stephen Holmes (Senior Manager, HD Corporate Communications) recommends for more information, further questions, or concerns about The Home Depot’s veteran/military discount policy call 1-800-HOMEDEPOT or email [email protected].

-----Original Message-----

From: Stephen Holmes (Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, The Home Depot)
To:  Brian Zeringue (Public Information Manager, Georgia Department of Veterans Service)

Subject: Home Depot's Veteran/Military Discount Policy

Here is “The Home Depot’s” veteran/military discount policy, along with the type of IDs needed to verify eligibility.

All military personnel and veterans are eligible for a 10% discount at all The Home Depot store locations during national holidays such as Memorial Day, July 4th and Veterans Day.

Additionally, the 10% discount is available to active and reserve military personnel, retired or disabled veterans and their spouses or dependent children, every day, upon request.

To receive the everyday discount, we ask customers to present one of the following IDs to verify eligibility:

·         Common Access Card (CAC is a standard identification card issued to active duty and reserve personnel)
·         United States Uniformed Services Privilege and Identification Card:
o        Tan - Dependent of active duty member or retiree
o        Red - Retired reservist and reservist dependent
o        Blue - Retiree
·         A VA Medical Center “Veteran Identification Card” (it MUST state “Service Connected”)

The maximum for both 10% discounts is $500 on a single-receipt purchase at The Home Depot U.S. stores only and cannot be applied to installation products or services, Gift Cards, special buy appliances or in addition to any other offers. The discount is not available for online purchases.
slow2day said:
#29: Most of those negatives you cite were true about US industry about 100 years ago. Child labor, unsafe factories, chemical dumping everywhere,etc. Add in sharecropping in the South and you had virtual slave labor here also.  

You can't blame China for wanting to develop there industrial base,just like we did.  But you can blame all the greedy US business people that only wanted to expand their profit margins by pushing the Chinese stuff. Throw in every US consumer that wants a cheap price from WM,Target,etc. and you see better what the real problem is.

The main difference is IP. The US created our own 100 years ago. China just takes everyone else's. They are cloning Million Dollar Chipmaking machines now. Trust me, I just left that business after 27 years partially for that reason.
ZoNiE said:
The main difference is IP. The US created our own 100 years ago. China just takes everyone else's. They are cloning Million Dollar Chipmaking machines now. Trust me, I just left that business after 27 years partially for that reason.

We also did plenty of taking, way back when (imperialism). My main point is that sometimes we're our own worst enemy. China's economic ascension is financed by us.
I will say this, the Honda EU3000is is the least annoying, I mean the quietest of the inverter generators. What is annoyng is the people that think that they can run one next to you because it is a Honda.
dexstrom said:
"Hint! Veterans get 10% off at Home Depot."

Maybe.  The local Home Depot stores in my area only offer a veteran discount on July 4th and Nov. 11th.  Lowe's however, offers a Veterans discount every day of the year.

I have a veteran's endorsement on my IL driver's license.  Lowe's has treated me well every time, including when I bought new roofing materials on sale.  When I'm visiting my parents in S CA, their local HD has given me the discount no matter when I'm there, but I don't think all of them do.
sometimesido said:
I guess some locations are more relaxed than others.
I copied/pasted from the link below for bandwidth people.

FAQ: The Home Depot's Veteran/Military Discount Policy

October 12, 2011 at 2:59pm

Lately, we have been receiving phone calls and emails regarding The Home Depot’s veteran/military discount policy. Because of this we have followed up with HD Corporate Communications and External Affairs. The email message that follows is The Home Depot’s explanation.

PLEASE NOTE: Stephen Holmes (Senior Manager, HD Corporate Communications) recommends for more information, further questions, or concerns about The Home Depot’s veteran/military discount policy call 1-800-HOMEDEPOT or email [email protected].

-----Original Message-----

From: Stephen Holmes (Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, The Home Depot)
To:  Brian Zeringue (Public Information Manager, Georgia Department of Veterans Service)

Subject: Home Depot's Veteran/Military Discount Policy

Here is “The Home Depot’s” veteran/military discount policy, along with the type of IDs needed to verify eligibility.

All military personnel and veterans are eligible for a 10% discount at all The Home Depot store locations during national holidays such as Memorial Day, July 4th and Veterans Day.

Additionally, the 10% discount is available to active and reserve military personnel, retired or disabled veterans and their spouses or dependent children, every day, upon request.

To receive the everyday discount, we ask customers to present one of the following IDs to verify eligibility:

·         Common Access Card (CAC is a standard identification card issued to active duty and reserve personnel)
·         United States Uniformed Services Privilege and Identification Card:
o        Tan - Dependent of active duty member or retiree
o        Red - Retired reservist and reservist dependent
o        Blue - Retiree
·         A VA Medical Center “Veteran Identification Card” (it MUST state “Service Connected”)

The maximum for both 10% discounts is $500 on a single-receipt purchase at The Home Depot U.S. stores only and cannot be applied to installation products or services, Gift Cards, special buy appliances or in addition to any other offers. The discount is not available for online purchases.
"[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Additionally, the 10% discount is available to active and reserve military personnel, retired or disabled veterans and their spouses or dependent children, every day, upon request."[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]That's me!

Thank you,

I did not realize that they have a $500 limit.

I wonder whether HD will give you a $50 discount on a $1,000 purchase.