Introduction Time.....

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2014
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Hello everyone. I, like a lot of newbies on this forum, have been reading posts/blogs from this site for a long time before joining.

Little about me: I'm 51 year old female (who so does not act her age, lol...have fun and stay young).
Up until June of last year, I had a full-time, full benefits paid position, which I thought would last forever....well, forever ended 6/7/13 when my job was outsourced.
I moved from the state I was in to the state I am currently in, to (I thought) help take care of my grandson while my son worked.

Let's just say that I was waaaay taken advantage of, and all of the money I loaned out has not (and probably will not) be repaid to me, which leads me to having to leave my apartment at the end of this month, and living in my car. And, with very little money up front.

My car is a 98 Bonneville, so has lots of room and a huge trunk. I already have what I will need (clothes, etc) packed in the trunk in 2 suitcases, and a clothes basket on the front floorboard with tshirts, towel, etc in it for a quick grab of clothes.
I have a sleeping bag, pillow and a couple of blankets already on the backseat (gonna try that first before sleeping in one of the front seats with it reclined)...oh - I'm a shorty, lol 5"2 - so that should help.
I have two interviews sixty miles away from where I'm currently living tomorrow, so will be heading out first thing in the morning for those.

I have also scouted/mapped out a truck stop, rest area, library and planet fitness (I have a membership there) within a 4 mile radius of where I would be working.
I've put a lot of thought into this, and realize that after many years of taking care of others, it has come to the point that I am having to do this to take care of myself.
I am planning on switching out to a van in the future, but that will take getting paychecks.

I don't have any gadgets for the car yet (cooking, etc) - but am taking a cooler with some easy eat foods in it.

I am both excited and terrified, but glad to finally be putting this in motion, as opposed to thinking about it.

Sorry for the long intro. I hope everyone is having a safe and wonderful Sunday!
Hello LadyWolfe, and welcome to a great forum!

We've got quite a number of folks who live in cars and SUV's on here, so I'm sure that any questions you have will find educated and experienced answers on here.

What part of the country are you in? Is there anything you're finding that you need ASAP, or things you're considering for the future? Are you warm enough?

You've made the jump, so that's the hardest part of living in a rig. The rest is all about fine tuning your living mode to fit your needs and priorities.

You mentioned a van in your future. What kind are you considering? Do you think you'll be traveling alot, or staying pretty stationery in one spot? If so, have you considered an RV?? Many really great RV's can be had for very little money these days, and they come already equipted for living in without have to build a living area. But if you're going to traveling alot, then something smaller and more fuel efficient may be more for your needs.

Hello from Oregon!!
Ladywolfe, welcome!!!!

I sure hope you are able to stay warm, sleeping in the cold is not fun.

Please keep us informed and up to date.
Thank you for the warm welcomes! I am in the WI area, so yep--COLD!! lol - especially the next two days or so.

On the van question - I am looking to buy a minivan (for now) for fuel economy. Some of the build outs / conversions on the forum here for conversion vans and panel vans are stunning!!
I'll start with a minivan and mosey my way westward (Arizona, new Mexico) in the next few months.
Since I don't have a steady income, I'll be working along the way - temp jobs, etc, to fuel my wanderings.

My immediate needs - shelter, heat and food - have def been met for the foreseeable future.
Reading the posts of others surviving and thriving while living in everything from a small vehicle to a big rv, has given me the courage/comfort to take this step.

Thank you all again :) great bunch of people here - to offer suggestions/concerns for someone that you do not even know.
Welcome, and don't be afraid to ask any questions you want. This group will take care of its people, and now your one of us. Duane
Ladywolfe said:
I am in the WI area, so yep--COLD!! lol - especially the next two days or so. you've done it.....

What part of Wisconsin are you from??
I was raised in Appleton and spent most all of my younger years back there. Nearly all of my family and extended family are still there, and we go back every 2 years or so. (heading there again later this summer)
ladywolfe, you have options! If you can hold on until May, I can almost gaurantee you a job as a campground host with my old company. Many jobs start at $8.50 an hour for every hour worked and you get a free campsite. Some of those jobs will let you live in your car and a tent. The season will last May to September. Because you are young, they will love to have you!!See a listing of all current job openings here:

In September you can go to work for in their warehouse fullfilling Holiday orders. They make $10.50 an hour with some required overtime. Many people end the season with $3000 to $5000 cash in pocket. Amazon will provide you with a campsite and full-hookups. It lasts September to the end of December. All their warehouses you can work in are in cold places, but none colder than Wisconsin! Learn more about it here:

When you are done with either of those jobs you can draw unemployment!
Patrick - the Janesville area is where I'll be heading to - maybe I'll run into you this summer when you visit (if I'm still in that area).

AkBob - thank you for the great information! Sadly, hanging on til May just isn't in my future, but I have bookmarked the links you provided so that I can check them out closer to May.

I have, however, put my travel off for two days, due to the blizzard like conditions and way below freezing temps heading our way thru Tuesday. I'm ready to leave, but I'm not crazy as far as heading out in that kind of weather when I don't have to.
But - the car is still packed, all I have to do is grab my computer bag when I head out the door and I'll be living the car life :)

blkjak -thank you for the welcome - I'm sure you are in much warmer weather :)

Thank you all again for the tips, links, information and warm all rock!
Good Luck Ladywolfe, there are many helpful, knowledgeable people here to support.
Take Care.
Hello and thank everyone again for the warm welcomes :)

I headed the 58 miles yesterday morning to my first appointment, only to find the doors locked. I called the number on the door and got a recording stating they were closed because of the weather (-17 with wind chill factor of -35 to -40).
It would have been nice if they had called me and let me know before I made that drive - ugh.
The second place actually did call me, but - then again, I had already driven the distance to get there.

I then went to the local library, only to find that their internet service was down and they didn't know when it would be back up......are you sensing a pattern here? lolol

I decided to go to the plasma donation place, but got turned away because my ID showed that I lived more than 30 miles from their office.....:mad:

Soooo - I drove 58 miles back to my starting place and went to the plasma donation place there, and they had no problem taking me.

After I got out of there I came outside and I swear my face froze (it was dark by then) I made the wimpy decision to head back to my apartment and sleep there until I HAD to leave on the 31st, just to get out of the bitter cold.

The temps will be rising all week, and I'm good with cold - just not -35 and lower - nope.

I'm still open for options as far as where to head to--wherever it is I will be working - which means hitting the temp services. I'm waiting (like I guess a lot of people are) to get my income tax return around the 5th of Feb and then I'll be away from here 100%.

I've checked out jobs in Sante Fe and that direction....just to get to a warmer climate (without all of the humidity when summer hits).

Sorry for the long post----I hope everyone is doing well, staying warm and staying safe.
akrvbob said:
ladywolfe, you have options! If you can hold on until May, I can almost gaurantee you a job as a campground host with my old company. Many jobs start at $8.50 an hour for every hour worked and you get a free campsite. Some of those jobs will let you live in your car and a tent. The season will last May to September. Because you are young, they will love to have you!!See a listing of all current job openings here:

In September you can go to work for in their warehouse fullfilling Holiday orders. They make $10.50 an hour with some required overtime. Many people end the season with $3000 to $5000 cash in pocket. Amazon will provide you with a campsite and full-hookups. It lasts September to the end of December. All their warehouses you can work in are in cold places, but none colder than Wisconsin! Learn more about it here:

When you are done with either of those jobs you can draw unemployment!
Hey Bob, how likely are these places to hire you if you liuve in a van/car and not an RV?

Ladywolfe, if you come to central Florida, I can hook you up with part time work through a temp agency. It is easy work just driving cars at an auto auction. You just need a valid drivers license. It doesn't matter which state, though if you are from out of state they will verify your license before they let you start. I am staying here until June 1, then I am heading west myself.
I know you can work for Amazon if you live in a car or van. But, they are all in cold country so you have to be ready to cope with cold. A Mr. Buddy heater solves that problem.

Most NF campgrounds will NOT let you be in a tent, car or RV, but MANY others will (maybe a 80/20 split?). Where I worked we had many people living in tents. They can't get people to go to the remote campgrounds so they will let them live in anything they want. All the RVers want the big nice campgrounds so they go there.

Ladywolfe (love your name, it reminds me of the old movie LadyHawke which had a wolf as a main charterer-great movie!). What I had in mind was for you to come out here to Phoenix, Vegas or L.A. (or any of the mid-sized cities around here) and work as a temp until May where it is warm and sunny nearly every day then go up to the National Forests where it is nice and cool and pleasant for the summer. After that go to work For Amazon (where it will be cold but the pay is great!!).

By then you should have saved a bunch of money and you can draw unemployment or go to work as a temp. Just an idea!!
Darth and AKBob---you guys almost have me in tears here - thank you VERY much for the suggestions to get through this hiccup to my traveling/exploring days.

I have looked at moving to NM - either Albuquerque or Sante Fe, just to get to warmer temps for the next few months. Anything beats -17, lol.
They both have several temp services listed, and I would be able to save money to pay off my car and get a van (my ultimate thought process here).

Darth, I thought about mid-Florida as I lived in the Orlando/New Smyrna beach area many years ago, (hated that humidity in the summer - yucko!) but am leaning more towards NM, AZ or Nevada right now.
What part of West are you heading to in June?

AkBob - loved that movie LadyHawke :) Thank you for the suggestions, including Amazon - I will def. check that out!

HUGS to both of you for reaching out to me, it is truly appreciated.
As the date comes closer for me to shove off, I am getting more and more excited - woo hoo!!

I love this forum (sung to the tune of "I love this bar") :D
What is your budget ? Zero? Say you get a $6 per hour job for 20 hours a week. Then get a second one. Say after taxes you get $800 a month. You have to pay rent of $600. So $400 remaining is not a lot for food and heat. Best to stay in warm areas and chase the perfect car camping weather.
offroad said:
What is your budget ? Zero? Say you get a $6 per hour job for 20 hours a week. Then get a second one. Say after taxes you get $800 a month. You have to pay rent of $600. So $400 remaining is not a lot for food and heat. Best to stay in warm areas and chase the perfect car camping weather.

You are absolutely right OffRoad! I am planning on heading to warmer weather to live in my car, while working at temp companies and saving (most) of the money. That is just the first step in my plan...there is a method to my madness :)
ladywolfe, have you checked the temperatures in Santa Fe? This weekend its going to be in the upper 30s and lows around 22 with SNOW! Phoenix will be upper near 70 and lows around 40 and mostly sunny.

Norhtern NM is at high elevation and MUCH colder than southern AZ. The population of Metro Phoenix is 3.25 million and Santa Fe is now off-season and 70,000 so I think Phoenix has a MUCH greater chance of temp work.

I have a friend who lives in her car in Phoenix metro and has no problem with law enforcement.

It would be a pretty easy decision for me!!
Thank you for the research and information - much appreciated! (I"ll get the hang of this yet).

Phoenix it is (for now), with traveling/exploring plans to be updated as the year progresses/warms. I'll be making the journey from the starting area of Janesville WI, and since I have a goal to actually get to the warmer weather state instead of moseying/exploring the frozen tundra of the Midwest along the way - I will pretty much be sticking to the interstates.

Do you know what kind of address your friend uses for employment? That's one thing that I've been wondering about - do I use the address that I currently have (or the one that I will be having mail sent to, which is only a couple of blocks from where I am actually living right now?)

As always, thank you for your insight and advice. :)
Ladywolfe - also remember that the southern tier of states do not know how to keep roads clear of snow-ice. You will get stranded if the weather is bad during your drive. So watch the weather closely.