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you landed in the right place here. I spent the winter of 2011/2012 living in my van in various parts of Wisconsin. I was working there for a couple of years. Now I'm living in my van in North Dakota working here. You really do need to get out of the cold and come back (if you want) after you are prepared for it. Good Luck
I currently live in Orlando, and the humidity is why I plan to leave no later than June 1. I have no set plan of how I am going to spend my summer yet. Some sightseeing perhaps? There is much out west that I have only seen in movies/tv/pictures that I would like to see in real life. When my savings drops down to ~2k, I would start looking for some sort of temp or side work. Bob's ideas sound great for that scenario.

Simran said:
you landed in the right place here. I spent the winter of 2011/2012 living in my van in various parts of Wisconsin. I was working there for a couple of years. Now I'm living in my van in North Dakota working here. You really do need to get out of the cold and come back (if you want) after you are prepared for it. Good Luck
Simran, are working the oilfields around Denning or something? If so, what is the real deal with the job market up there?
I'm working for a phone company on the Fort Berthold Reservation. They are affected by the oilfield because of the growth. I don't know much about the job situation here. These guys actually solicited me from an online resume last year in March. I never even filled out an application. It was the darnedest thing!! I do know that right now is the slow time because of the weather. In another month it will start to pick up again. Anymore questions PM me as to not hijack this thread.

Darth_Muerte said:
I currently live in Orlando, and the humidity is why I plan to leave no later than June 1. I have no set plan of how I am going to spend my summer yet. Some sightseeing perhaps? There is much out west that I have only seen in movies/tv/pictures that I would like to see in real life. When my savings drops down to ~2k, I would start looking for some sort of temp or side work. Bob's ideas sound great for that scenario.

Simran, are working the oilfields around Denning or something? If so, what is the real deal with the job market up there?

Goodmorning Ladywolfe. Just wanted to return your courtesy and give you a hearty welcome! I too am a long time lurker. I think you will enjoy the road because you have a great attitude and you have this forum as a resource. Great travels and best wishes! Bill