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May 18, 2013
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Hi,<br><br>It says "introduce yourself" but I don't know where to go on the website to do that. &nbsp;I'm new to this stuff so hope I'm not stepping on any protocol by doing it here?<br><br>My handle is "Kinneyboy1" and I've been reading the cheaprvliving website for a few months. &nbsp;I'm a retired grandpa but I drive a school bus (for the medical insurance not the money.) (What money?)<br><br>I love camping in my ancient (1969) 10' Security travel trailer which I pull with a 2002 Durango. &nbsp;And I love exploring my home state, AZ. &nbsp;I'm beginning to realize I will never live long enough to visit every corner of this state I love but by God's grace I'm gonna try. &nbsp;I am by no means a full timer, but get away when I can. &nbsp;I've gotten SO many cool ideas from the website, so I thought I might as well become a Forum member.<br><br>God Bless you all. &nbsp;Bye for now!
You've posted your introduction in the correct place, Kinneyboy1.<br><br>Welcome! <br><br>I'm sure you have a lot of experiences, both entertaining and educational... we all have something to contribute to the help of others, and I hope to read what you have to share!
<EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Welcome Kinneyboy, From Geoff in Oz. Enjoy your travelling.</SPAN></STRONG></EM>
welcome. &nbsp;please post comments and ideas. chances are you know a lot more about AZ than most.&nbsp;
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome from s.w. florida .... blkjak</strong> </span>
<div>Hello! &nbsp;<br><br>I thought I posted this yesterday but realize I only previewed, or at least that's what it seems. I'm glad I found this site! &nbsp;<br><br>I'm a grandma and will soon be 64. I work only sporadically at this point. I've got a 2006 PT Cruiser and I remove the back seats. &nbsp;I have no plans presently to live in it full time, but I have done "Walmart" and "hotel parking lot" camping with it, while travelling. &nbsp;The hotel parking lot came into being because I wanted to attend a conference but didn't want to pay their room prices. &nbsp;I'd done Walmart lots when traveling for the last few years, and have done some sleeping in all night gas stations, etc. &nbsp;I avoid rest areas since being told they are more dangerous. &nbsp;I live in upstate NY and plan to travel to Los Angeles in September and stay through the middle of December for classes that are only a few days long each month. &nbsp;The 4 or 5 nights a month I'm in classes I'm hoping to be in the hotel parking lot so I can avoid the traffic and get more rest since the days will start early and end late. &nbsp;I'm hoping I can afford it this way and have an adventure also. &nbsp;I'll visit family in NV on my way home. &nbsp;I need all the help I can get in planning this! &nbsp;I'm used to using a sleeping bag with an eye mask. &nbsp;I realized I need to rig a cover so I'll be less visible ... thinking a cloth draped from the rear eyelets to the clothing hooks, but would like to make it reach further up front if I can figure it out. &nbsp;I have not used any refrigeration, instead using shopping in a grocery store along with powdered supplements I add to water. I eat to live, I don't live to eat. &nbsp;I use an individual Brita container since I avoid fluoridated water. &nbsp;I'm concerned about getting to warm so figure I will add window visors. &nbsp;May, in New Jersey, it did get too warm one night I was there. I've been using baby wipes for bathing, but might join a gym that I can use her and in LA. I'll continue to read to get ideas but I'm also hoping I'll get suggestions. &nbsp;Thank You Bob for having this site!!&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>KD</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div>
<span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;"><span id="post_message_1278313739">Welcome Kinneyboy!!</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong></span><br><br><span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">What a good attitude you have! I know&nbsp;space is limited in your vehicle, and you might get some good ideas from a forum member Suanne's experience traveling in her Prius. Use "Prius" to search the forum, and you'll find her.</span></strong></span><br><br><span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Happy trails,</span></strong></span><br><span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Bob&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></strong></span>
I seem to be catching up on some older posts here.

KD mentioned she has a PT Cruiser and I am wondering what her experiences have been over the last year or so?

I have a Cruiser that may be put into service as a sleeper rather than a full-blown liver.
it'snotliving, this thread is very old so who knows if anyone will answer. Bit i did know someone who lived in a PT Cruiser for awhile and it worked pretty well. She could put the back seat down and stretch out all the way, but she was short. If you are taller you may have to put the seats down and find a way to level them off.

It should work well as a sleeper!
What are you? !02 years old??

Don't be afraid. You can TRY to travel all of the places you wish. Before you die. I am just saying~Head out! and the universe will meet you.

I think 'Wild'Trappist just woke up. Who are you addressing wild man?

AKRVBob - Rear seats? They went a long time ago. Mostly for more cargo room but a side benefit is weight reduction that makes the Cruiser less so and is a real benefit for late brakers that like to throw the vehicle around a bit. May not be a nimble Japanese sports car but that doesn't miata.

I'm not looking to find the shaman in myself through roaming roads rarely ridden, rather to mitigate the less than stellar profit from a venture that I still believe in. Trading rent, the ease of ablution and relative security for some inconvenience and discomfort (but I do miss the feline buddy) seems, if not crossroads, strategic (or is that tactical; never sure).

Traipsing through these forums is something of an eyeopener, many more with many more reasons for foregoing convention than I imagined.

A friend sent a card some time back with a Winston Churchill quote, 'Never, never, never give up'. With all respect to Winnie (not to mention PJ), knowing when to fold your hand may be more important. Rebooting/reinventing in the 'If not now - never' age is an important tool. [jeez, must be the wine talking].

Left out in the cold by the administrator, I could not repair the broken Rocky link due to a 300 second limit.

To view the best cat abandoned by the worst human click here.

Damn, AKRVBob is the administrator. Great site Bob. A lot of off-the-grid info lacks organization and coherent transfer of thought to paper. You seem to have corralled the beast.
I think 'Wild'Trappist just woke up. Who are you addressing wild man?

Hello! Good question! I was addressing KinneyBoy1, the original poster of this thread. And I am Wild. But I am a woman..

No intent to offend. Just to encourage.

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