In Need.

Van Living Forum

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May 20, 2017
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I hope that you all are not going to take this wrong, I am really not begging.  
My van bite the dust which caused me to have to rent a place to live in,  this takes all of my S.S. and leaves me virtually penniless every month.  
I so mis my nomadic life and this situation has left me depressed.  My pets and I loved the nomadic lifestyle and never felt homeless or alone.
I have put an ad in CL to see if someone has a cargo van that they no longer care to use and would like to donate it to me.  The only requirement that I asked was that it ran.
I am 74 years old and my health is about 95% good. I am now living in NW Louisiana.  Don't mean to burden you with my problems.
My thoughts and prayers are with you in your situation! I sure hope you get a van and can get out of sitting still! If you can get mobile, I'm sure there's lots of things being given away that can help you build a nice interior!!
Welcome to the CRVL forums Moonglow! Hope you find a van soon. Keep us updated!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
You would be better off and probably have more success asking for help to fix your van. Asking for a van ,well, you don't know what is wrong with it or fixing to break on it. You would need to have a emergency fund for when you travel.If issues come up with a "donated" van you would be in the same situation.Have you thought of looking for something you can do to make some extra money? The possibilities are only limited by your imagination,I'm amazed at the ingenious ways some folks have come up with to make money.Good luck ....
Welcome aboard Moonglow!
I agree with posting what is wrong with your old van and maybe we can help fix it up for you.
Did you sign a lease? If so, when does it end?
Can you rent a room instead of an apartment?
Do you still have the broken van?
Can you park it somewhere and pocket the S.S. and use it to fix the van? Some homeless shelters will let you park and live in your vehicle if you have one. You can lock up your stuff and still have access to a shower and laundry facilities.
Do you have any friends or family you could stay with until you can get the van fixed or get a new used van?
Do you get food stamps or any cash assistance? If not, have you applied?
Are there any local food banks or charities that might help with some bills until you can get back to a place where you are self sufficient?

We all need a hand every once in a while. I doubt you will find many here that can or will write you a check but we're all a bunch of skin flints and cheap skates just trying to get by.
I've no Van to give you,
I'm too far away to help,


There are few "unto death" problems with vehicles.

What happened to yours?
