I'm not sure what to do now

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Apr 25, 2012
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I'm not "finished" by any means, but I've reached a point where I am living comfortably and sustainably in a vehicle. My costs are low enough that I could potentially work a minimum wage job for 4 months out of the year and be free the remaining 8.

So I guess, now I don't know where to go from here. I'm completely alone, and I have no aspirations of money or power or anything. I mostly just want to live out my life in peace. But I don't want to be bored, and I'm tired of being alone. I want community, and some kind of purpose in life.

Has anyone dealt with similar feelings, and what did they do about it?
Gump, Amen to that. I'm with you on the last part you wrote. <br /><br /><span id="post_message_1274489510">"So I guess, now I don't know where to go from here. I'm completely alone, and I have no aspirations of money or power or anything. I mostly just want to live out my life in peace. But I don't want to be bored, and I'm tired of being alone. I want community, and some kind of purpose in life."<br /><br />I'm not yet out on the road. But Mentally I've always been there, and i agree with you. i want community and some kind of purpose in life.. ( i think my purpose in life is to help people.. in someway, and be some kind of leader type .. but who knows. ) But again to your comment, if you get bored, think of the things you enjoy doing? , take up hobbies of some kind or other things you enjoy. The less idle you are , the less alone you will feel. at least till you find that community out there to be a part of. Thats why i joined this forum. it gives me a sense of belonging or assurance in that others are doing it. and i love it...&nbsp; but then again, sometimes its better to not be apart of all of that shenanigans <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> so you just have to find a happy medium. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> You'll figure it out. you'll find the way. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /></span>
<span style="color: #0000ff;">&nbsp;I mostly just want to live out my life in peace. But I don't want to be bored, and I'm tired of being alone. I want community, and some kind of purpose in life. </span><br /><br />Look at Les H&nbsp;posts or email him. He does voluteer work and I&nbsp;think Cherry does as well.&nbsp; My ex used to work at a food kitchen&nbsp;&nbsp;and even met a woman who volunteered there for fun and excitement while we were married. I worked for free at an adoption agency doing art projects with kids and landed a nice little part time job and awsome referral letters.&nbsp; <em>I have my little dream of being a campground host someday and being able to work with kids in the campground and giving little walk/talks about the local flora and fauna and history.</em>
Gump: &nbsp;as mentioned by others, community service is a good thing. &nbsp;Volunteering is good. &nbsp;Find a soup kitchen and help wash dishes. &nbsp;Call a food bank and help pick up donations or stock shelves. &nbsp;If it doesn't work, move on.<br /><br />Dragonfly: &nbsp;Instead of a campground host, you may want to look into volunteering at a National Wildlife Refuge. &nbsp;Most have full hook up sites for volunteers and many have the volunteers do the instructional tours or school field day tour kind of thing.
There are thousands of on line community groups that meet together to discuss issues, and enjoy socializing. &nbsp;look up MEETUP online and start to skim through all the different ways to socialize.<br /><br />also you can join into the groups doing volunteer construction at &nbsp;HABITAT FOR HUMANITY. &nbsp;each group is independent in your area, so your county might have four or five of these groups. &nbsp;<br /><br />You can also volunteer at a VA HOSPITAL or other local hospital. &nbsp;They are happy for the help.<br /><br />Last you can try to volunteer at various environmental groups that clean up, or that organize educate and teach. &nbsp;The national parks have several volunteer organizations, and so do many universities.&nbsp;<br /><br />many give perks. &nbsp;most hospitals give you a free lunch for volunteering. four hours.
dont have all the answers tho this group or tribe or community of ppl have encouraged n welcomed me like no other. to have hope that others understand n feel similar n actually share n help has been a lifesaver for me.
I feel the same way Gump. I am not on the road yet but still yearn for community and closeness. Try the animal shelters they are always looking for help. I know ranches sometimes hire for a few hours a day to take care of the stables. I have a children's home (orphanage) near me or you could try children's hospitals. If you are good with crafts.. make things to donate. I have been a soldier angel for many years and make quilts for first response backpacks. Hope some of these ideas help out HuggZ
Has anyone dealt with similar feelings, and what did they do about it?
<br /><br />Yes I have. I personally surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and finally&nbsp;realized&nbsp;what&nbsp;true&nbsp;peace was. It's what works for me. Now I'm never alone. Plus I have a&nbsp;purpose.&nbsp;
You can also reach out to the ELDERLY homes in the area as a volunteer. &nbsp;Always start by saying you would like to see if you can find a good fit for your skills and personality as a volunteer. &nbsp;They can reject you and you can reject them, and do not be upset about that. &nbsp;It happens that personalities collide and conflict, but nether is a bad person. &nbsp;just different with how they approach work and solutions. &nbsp;<br /><br />Would advise not volunteering to childrens support groups, unless you are female. &nbsp;Or unless you have a long list of academic credentials as a teacher. &nbsp;There are many parents who will find your activities with their precious snowflake to be weird, if you are male. &nbsp;Even if you have the right mindset. &nbsp;And the helicopter parents will hang you at the first message from thier child about a bad day.
There are 1000 of religeous directions worldwide. &nbsp;pick one, or pick none. &nbsp;all good thoughts if used correctly. &nbsp;<br /><br />
Rollin said:
Has anyone dealt with similar feelings, and what did they do about it?
<br /><br />Yes I have. I personally surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and finally&nbsp;realized&nbsp;what&nbsp;true&nbsp;peace was. It's what works for me. Now I'm never alone. Plus I have a&nbsp;purpose.&nbsp;
The moment you stop learning and growing, you start dying. I noticed many men die within 5-7 years or retirement - whether they retire at 60 or 80. Ya gotta stay busy, keep expanding your mind and have purpose.
<p>Here's what I've got planned (in no particular order) ...</p><p>The beagle and I will raise a puppy<br />Hunt small game for food<br />Read lots of books<br />Walk every day<br />Commune with nature<br />Write and record songs<br />Visit and explore ghost towns<br />Write a book<br />Volunteer @ animal sanctuaries/rescues<br />Finish learning to speak Lakota<br />Work odd jobs from time to time<br />Visit with friends<br />Build something usefull</p><p>I hope this grants you the insight towards what you might do with your time.<br /><br /></p>
Hi Gump, I know how you feel. Everything&nbsp;listed here are good ideas. I've been living in my truck for&nbsp;1 month now. I'm not dealing with the alone thing very well yet. Im hoping it will get better, but not so far. This site helps some but it doesn't replace the in person contact, in that I mean the sit down and talk. I dont know if I will be able to handle it. Sorry for such a negative response, but its from the heart.
please guys find the web site MEETUP.COM &nbsp;and find a group that interests you, and drive to the meeting. &nbsp;sit down and talk. &nbsp;<br /><br />or drive to the local hospital and ask to volunteer. &nbsp;or get a job as a CNA as you can take a short course and then just work doing elderly care.<br /><br />if you can figure out how to live in an RV, you can figure how to be social. &nbsp;social is an act, its not magic. &nbsp;pretend to be friendly and interested, pretend to be attentive. &nbsp;eventually you will be what you pretend to be. &nbsp;
I guess that makes me the odd man out. Although I can drop in or out of social situations, I find myself more at peace when I'm alone. I've gone on camping trips alone for weeks at a time in the past. I mean completely alone when I was in between dogs. I usually have an animal with me though. Maybe you might want to consider a pet of some sort. This will offset the alone time you spend in between work and social events (like RTR).<br /><br />
agree on the animal. &nbsp;dog or cat. &nbsp;(now where to I put my service badger??)<br /><br />
The funny thing is, Im really not interested in talking to the people who are around me living the life I ran from. I like talking to people with the mindset that we have. Unfortunately there dont seem to be any around here.
There is a bond between those of us who choose the nomadic lifestyle.&nbsp; We automatically have <em>that</em> in common even though we may differ in many other ways.&nbsp; And, conversely, we are not much interested in the affairs of those who choose the conventional lifestyle.&nbsp;
Then you need to look for discussions about SURVIVAL -ists.&nbsp; I like to watch videos by SURVIVORMAN (Les Stroud);&nbsp; or you could find BEAR GRILLS videos (not as real but some pieces are good).&nbsp; There might be more of these type of persons in your area.&nbsp; But by their nature they will take years to win friendship and trust with.<br /><br /><br />&nbsp;