I hope i didn't kill my batteries..

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
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Or shorten thier life span or something.&nbsp; I had my batteries at around 12.4 when i decided to clean up the van.&nbsp;&nbsp; I went to rotate my mattress, and pulled it out the back, well the far corner i guess fell down on top the batteries for a second when i pulled it out.&nbsp; My vent fan cut off...and I knew i messed up, it slowly came back on tho. &nbsp; I double checked all the wires were tight and they seemed to be.&nbsp; Just before this my volt displays tiny annoying f'ing wire broke when i was shifting it around so no readout from that.&nbsp;&nbsp; Since the fan was running, i figured no big deal, finished what i was doing, turned off fan and left.&nbsp; <br><br>I went to turn on my inverter, and for the first time it squealed low voltage alarm at me.&nbsp;&nbsp; So i hooked up my charger at work to see what it was and it had dropped to 10v!&nbsp; I guess the mattress discharged the battery completely/instantly.&nbsp; I couldn't charge it back up till later that day at a friends work, and it seemed to charge up normally (14.6), in about 2 hours (not fully but the last bit usually takes another 2 hours).&nbsp; I woulda thought it would take longer since it was so low...<br><br>Anyway, scared the hell out of me and im worried i may have damaged the batteries.&nbsp; Has this happened to anyone else and did it hurt your batteries significantly? <br><br>I was thinking of covering my batteries with something like a basket, so nothing can hit the top and they can breath out the sides.&nbsp; I dont want a permanent box or anything until I reconfigure the van.&nbsp; <br><br>
I have two golf cart batteries wired together..don't think they fit ...that is cool tho..maybe 2?
No way your mattress discharged your batteries. &nbsp;If it did, then your &nbsp;aluminum copper and gold skinned mattress would be on fire. &nbsp;You can weld with a battery if you short circuit it. &nbsp;<br><br>Something else is funky. &nbsp;Lots of torque on the battery posts is never good for them. &nbsp;Many people who complain of terminal corrosion have busted the seal from overtightening the battery lug bolt, and they offgas there instead of the &nbsp;caps. One needs to tighten the lug bolt only till the point it cannot be moved by hand.<br><br>You need to look for other issues as to why your inverter low voltage alarm went off after your mattress bridged the terminals.<br><br><br>
Hmm...i was just guessing, ive really know idea.&nbsp;&nbsp; The way the fan cut off at that exact moment made me think that was the problem.&nbsp;&nbsp; The mattress is foam (does have a metal zipper tho), and didn't burst into flames or anything..nothing really arched or got burnt that i can tell.&nbsp; <br><br>Everything is back to normal so far, the inverter doesn't alarm now either.&nbsp;&nbsp; The terminals are only tight enough i can't undo them by hand (tho maybe a really strong dude could).
My best guess is you have a loose connection somewhere. The mattress would have smoked. Repeat the same thing again and see if it happens.&nbsp; Try wiggling the wires close to the connections. Watch for voltage drop. <br><br>In boats, where there is a lot of vibration, screw type connections and then soldered is used.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
Well,i decided to make my own box to put them in out of a 7 dollar plastic tub.&nbsp; I just unhooked everything, put the batteries inside, secured everything with brackets so it wouldnt slide.&nbsp; Cut some holes for wires, my little voltage display (got it working again with some help) and huge side holes for ventilation.&nbsp; I put the batteries to one side of the tub and cut a hole over the other side in the lid, for more vent and some access without lifting the lid.&nbsp; I might add a fan but i don't think its really needed, it has a good bit of it open.&nbsp; I basically just wanted to have the top covered.&nbsp; I made sure everything was pretty tight, i tightened the nut by hand then gave it a 1/4 turn with the wrench.
Shouldn't your batteries be vented to the outside of your rig?
Technically yeah, but i have my fantastic vent right over it with exhaust setting so im not concerned with gas buildup.&nbsp; Since my batteries aren't staying there, im not cutting extra holes in the van.