I Haven't Started Yet, I'm so New!

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New member
Oct 1, 2018
Reaction score
I have been watching the CheapRVliving You Tube videos for just over a week now, and have dedicated my dream to outfitting a cargo van and living as I go to visit friends and family across the country.  I have plenty of time to get going because I won't leave my widowed Mom (actually mother-in-law) and my widowed sister-in-law until they are no longer living independently.  Mom wants to stay in her home as long as she can and I completely respect that; I spend two or three nights per week with with her.  Sister-in-law may move into assisted or at least supervised living within a year or two; I visit her once a week until then.
I've already decided I want a cargo van. Which kind I choose will depend on what's available when the time comes.  I've watched the build videos and will continue to do so until I'm even more comfortable and confident that I can handle doing this mostly on my own.  I'm already excited, and cataloging all the gear, components, hacks and tweaks I want to include in my own build.
Of course I come up with questions frequently, so I'm happy to have found a place to search for answers and have my thoughts and ideas fine-tuned by those more experienced than myself.
Looking forward to the journey and so far - staying patient until my turn comes.
:cool: RamblinGran
That is so kind of you to wait and care for your mother-in-law and sister-in-law. It reminds me of the book of Ruth in the Bible... since Ruth was so dedicated to her mother-in-law.
Welcome to the forum.
Hope all goes well and when time comes you find the van you like. I’m not in a van but most talk about wanting a high top on there’s . That should be considered when purchasing yours. Good luck , hope to meet you on the road one day.
Danny Smith
Welcome to the CRVL forums RambliGran! If you have a place to park a van you may be able to start your build sooner. You can take short trips and still be around help your family members. :)

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Hi and welcome  :D im kind of laughing because i havent even introduced myself but saw your intro and it cracked me up ..I havent started yet either (im so new :p  but soon to. )  Sure is a great place for info !  And great videow on youtube!!
Thanks to all who have welcomed me so warmly.

I have to laugh at myself because I'm finding out that from the first spark of wanting to take off on the asphalt byways to actually rolling along does take TIME -- sometimes a long time. Apparently the first step is to get out of debt, so I'll be working on that as I sketch my way into a van-plan.

So far it's pretty easy -- I'm only 61" tall, so don't really need a LOT of headspace; don't expect any tall visitors, either. The funnest part is planning how to have easy access to my sewing machine and computer - I'm an impatient person and want it practically push-button easy. THAT will take some learning and planning, in addition to the basics of solar power, wiring, insulation, water storage and flow, tools, toilets, sleeping, air circulation and so on... Not to mention the vehicle. Nothing is carved in stone, but gosh, don't I need a Ram-Van since I'm a Ramblin' Gran? LOL!

Doesn't matter, yet. I'm here to learn and thank you all again for the welcome.
? RamblinGran
Debt is a problem I think a lot of us has or had . I know since I went threw my surgeries and have been home ridden , I don’t have to pay rent so I have been paying off debts. I want all debt paid off before I leave for RTR