How stealthy can a Class B be?

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2016
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Hello Everyone,

If I end up on the road with my GF she wants to have a bathroom and a shower in the rig.  While I know these can be built into a cargo van, I have a feeling she will push me towards a typical Class B, even if that means more complex systems for me to maintain and a little less ground clearance for wilderness destinations.  Besides, building out a cargo van isn't the most fun I can think of, so perhaps it is for the best.

Anyway, if I end up rocking a Class B, I worry it won't be stealthy enough to let us live the lifestyle we want.  We'd like a 50/50 mix of being out camping in the wilderness taking in nature, and also having the ability to park stealthily anywhere from a little town with an attraction, up to to a big city and not be noticed (maybe we'll get sick of Walmarts or eventually they all will outlaw boondocking :p).

It seems like a cargo van would be more stealthy in a big city for sure with lots of work vans around, but maybe it would stick out in a sleepy town as the creepy white van no one has ever seen?  Perhaps in a smaller town a nicely kept, somewhat modern (2000+?) Class B would be best as folks in town would just think we're "normal people" visiting/staying with friends while traveling, not actually sleeping in our Class B.

Is there a definitive answer here?  What has your experience been?  Thx!
I have a giant crazy looking class b. It's the one in my signature, but it looks even crazier now with stuff bolted all over it. I've been living full time out of this, also 50/50 between wilderness and cities. Currently in San Diego.

I also think the concept of stealth is a misnomer. Instead, hide in the open. Most people don't care what you're doing as long as it doesn't look like you're trying to hide it.

If a b suits your needs I say go for it.
Do you want to draw attention to yourself?  Loud music.  Trash lying around. Dog chained to the bumper.   Drain water on the ground.  Sit with the door open, and a fire going.  Yelling, and my favorite, thin curtans with the TV making different light patterns on it.  

You want to blend in.  Think about it.  

You can only be so stealth.  If you are parked in a strange place, someone will notice.  The idea is to not attract attention by waving a red flag or flashing lights and yelling, HERE I AM!  

Most of the time you will be left alone unless you are constantly where you should not be. 

I was parked in a county park that closed at dusk.  On the 3rd day LEO knocked on my window at 3 AM.  After I identified myself and ID was run, he told me to find some other place tomorrow. I was clean, polite, no wants or warants, insured, and had not trashed my parking spot. 

Most places like clean polite tourests.  

Stick around and you will find a lot of resources.
You just answered your own question. Yes the van is definitely more stealthy, but the B will usually be more livable long term, unless you both are minimalists. We were faced with the same decision five years ago, and chose the B. We seldom stay in a campground, but can if we choose, where sometimes vans are not allowed. Also, and this is only our experience over the last five years, we have never had any problems in towns or small cities. We do stay in larger cities like Houston, Tucson, LA, Vancouver etc. But only for a few nights, and not on any larger streets......mostly in parking lots and businesses.
Do searches on this site, and others about where to stay overnight. You will be amazed at where you can stay, safely, and seldom pay for campgrounds, or resorts. We average our nightly rate over the last 5 years and it is between $13 and $14 per night. We stay in top resorts, average campgrounds, BLM land, 24 hr fast food, etc.  The southwest USA is the place to stay if you want long term free living.
Good luck with your choice and have FUN !!!
To build on that, I've been in my class B for three years all over the US and have never paid for overnight parking, not even once.
Not stealthy at all if you're in a spot people don't want you there, like downtown NYC or SF.

Maybe a bit in the middle, a Mercedes Sprinter conversion, keep it plain like a utility / tradesman's van?

Or like everyone above, never mind stealth, live within being restricted to friendlier neighborhoods.
Welcome to the CRVL forums AnyiGroundhogDay! Looks like you've received good answers from some people with a lot of experience. :) Go with whatever you are comfortable living in and driving. Stealth is not a big deal unless you must live in a city for an extended period of time.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome! I haven't tried city boondocking so can't really offer any advise there
Thanks for everyone's reply/welcome. When I read up on groups like this: It scares the crap out of me, that I'd leave my good job, and venture out living my dream of being a nomad for an environment where boondocking that is drying up in parts of the country... thus my tendency towards a cargo van where I can boondock where I want to be, even if the locals don't want me there. Obviously I'm not out there living the life so I can't speak from experience, but having my freedom to roam where I'd like limited, has me very tentative to buy a class B, though I agree it would be more functional with standing height and appliances (though a potential downside with ground clearance out in the wilderness).

And I am a hour outside of NYC and have the most experience with East coast cities... so yeah, I'd love to go fulltime in a vehicle and have the ability to stealth in NYC while visiting the sites and friends. I see youtube Vloggers spending a lot of their time out West where stealth doesn't seem to be as much of a need, but I definitely will visit friends/family on the East coast when I am a nomad, so I'm trying to plan as best I can.
AGD:  Sometimes  you can't have everything you want, so you have to settle for the middle ground.  Some people don't care so much about a nice, clean, responsible-looking couple parking in their neighborhood as much as they don't want burglars, drug dealers, perverts and the list that GotSmart posted above.  Others don't want you there at all.

TMG51:  "I have a giant crazy looking class b ...  it looks even crazier now with stuff bolted all over it."

Please direct me to the photos, as I would like to see this.  Ideas don't have to be mainstream to be good.  Or interesting.  Or point-finger-and-laugh. :D
TrainChaser said:
AGD:  Sometimes  you can't have everything you want, so you have to settle for the middle ground.  Some people don't care so much about a nice, clean, responsible-looking couple parking in their neighborhood as much as they don't want burglars, drug dealers, perverts and the list that GotSmart posted above.  Others don't want you there at all.

TMG51:  "I have a giant crazy looking class b ...  it looks even crazier now with stuff bolted all over it."

Please direct me to the photos, as I would like to see this.  Ideas don't have to be mainstream to be good.  Or interesting.  Or point-finger-and-laugh. :D

OK.  To us here, this is our idea of blending in.   :s

Post 14 shows TMG's rig.
TMG51 said:
To build on that, I've been in my class B for three years all over the US and have never paid for overnight parking, not even once.

Yeah but being cute and having a cute woman to boot may have something to do with that!
I can't speak for others, but I'll share my experiences.

I just returned home from 34 days and 4500 miles on the road with my Coachmen class B van. I stayed at KOAs two nights... for the power, dumping tanks, wifi, and water. The rest of the time, I was just out visiting friends in the van. I parked pretty much where I wanted. Walmarts work fine, and I've stayed at many of them all over the country from coast to coast. There are many other places to stay as well and I've used many others too.

Mind your manners, and be a good guest. Don't do anything to stand out, and leave the parking lots cleaner than what you find them. I travel with two small dogs and I always pick up after them AND the other people's dogs who didn't bother to pick up after themselves. I also pick up all of the trash I find in my immediate area and make sure it's disposed of properly. I don't ever want anyone to think that I left any trash around where I parked. That's one of the things that other folks see and think negatively about folks who travel like we do.

I have never been bothered or approached by anyone in my B-van except to enjoy my dogs.
I'm in a Ford class-B as well. Not a lot of stealth about it. But I'm usually in a place that is very tolerant to us van/RV dwellers.

I'd say having a proper toilet is a deal maker for having a G/F...
OK, I'll cut to the chase. With your rig, do you think you'd get a knock stealthing in NYC or little chance?

(great pics of the rigs at the RTR. *swoon*)
AntiGroundhogDay said:
OK, I'll cut to the chase. With your rig, do you think you'd get a knock stealthing in NYC or little chance?

(great pics of the rigs at the RTR. *swoon*)

Here's a few more photos from the RTR:

I've stealth camped pretty much across the country. While I've stealth camped in many cities, I've NOT stealth camped in NYC; that said, cities in general are no more problematic than anywhere else. I generally don't stay in the same place twice as when I'm out in the van, I'm traveling.
TrainChaser said:
TMG51:  "I have a giant crazy looking class b ...  it looks even crazier now with stuff bolted all over it."

Please direct me to the photos, as I would like to see this.  Ideas don't have to be mainstream to be good.  Or interesting.  Or point-finger-and-laugh. :D

Yes, I think I can illustrate... here's how crazy my van looks these days.

IMG_20170114_160908668_HDR.jpg IMG_20170114_162808.jpg IMG_20160816_131222292.jpg IMG_20170112_130404.jpg

I explain how I created my, err, unique body mount system in this post of my van build thread:
(For those unaware, link to a post directly by clicking the post number in top-right corner.)

Headache said:
Yeah but being cute and having a cute woman to boot may have something to do with that!

Wait... I'm cute?

No woman traveling with me these days though. :p

steamjam1 said:
I'd say having a proper toilet is a deal maker for having a G/F...

Welllll I could address that, but it may strain what passes for polite on this forum. I'll say this: I have a toilet, I don't use it, and I've had female company on the road. It's all in the sales pitch...

AntiGroundhogDay said:
OK, I'll cut to the chase. With your rig, do you think you'd get a knock stealthing in NYC or little chance?

The big east coast cities (NYC, Boston, D.C.) are harder. Not explicitly due to stealth, mind you, but simply greater congestion. Right now I'm in San Diego, where it's actually illegal to occupy a vehicle, and I have no trouble here. But I wouldn't personally choose to stay in NYC ever. Not saying it can't be done, but I think you might need some advance idea of where you're going to park.


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I spotted TMG's rig pretty quick, and Low Tech would be hard to miss if you tried
This caught my eye, anyone know if it's home built?

there was another similar that had a top like an Aliner