One of the basic problems now with EVs is the cost of battery replacement at the end of its useful life, say, 100,000 miles or so....that cost can easily exceed the value of the used vehicle.
So you really need to add that replacement cost to the equivalent cost-per-mile when compared to gasoline, diesel, CNG, hydrogen fuels, etc.
I see many of these electric vehicles have published equivalent miles-per-gallon cost, using electricity, at values exceeding 100 miles per gallon. Sounds great, until you need to buy a very expensive battery in 5 or 10 years...
Or, the resale value goes to nothing, or near nothing, because the expensive battery needs to be replaced by the new owner.
Hybrids make a bit more sense to me, but they ain't cheap either, and they STILL use a battery, AND need normal maintenance that any internal combustion vehicle needs.
Many states are grappling with the possible future loss of road fuel taxes, because EV owners aren't paying any. You can bet the states will figure out a way to make them pay their fare share.
Some states have talked about VMT...Vehicle Miles Traveled. Pay for the miles you drove.
Seems fair to me, on the surface...but governments seem to have a way of messing things up.
Meanwhile I'll keep pumping gasoline into my V8 powered pickup.