How Much to Eat in a Day?

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maki2 said:
that there is not a universal diet recommendation that works for everyone.
agree here cause the recommendations are eating crap from this current life on the planet.  Body survives only on protein and fat.  Not 1 carb is needed in life in a person's body yet our lifestyles are all plant based and carb loaded.  So 'our recommendations thru experts' is about as muc BS as it can get yet the people who can't think and research for themselves fall into a trap of such misinformation it is grossly insanity.
There are so many variables around from person to person.
yes med troubles thru decade after decade of eating inferior food and when a person's body hits the limit of accumulation and build up of toxins from chemical fake crap food, plant toxins invading our bodies (oxalates and more) yes we find med troubles overload and hit us.  We are what we could take decades to show up and nail us to the wall.
For instance when she she reached her 60s my mother could not eat eggs or legumes of any kind. Some people can't eat tree nuts. Other folks can't have citrus or other acid fruit. People with acid reflux have quite a few foods they must avoid.  Some people have to avoid too much protein. Other people have restricted diets from gout issues. Of course there are issues with diabetes. Some people are gluten intolerant. Others can't eat tomatoes or strawberries.  The list is pretty much endless.

I myself can no longer eat a diet that is high in fiber. I have to keep the fruit and veggies servings to small proportions. Our bodies do change and sometimes do so very quickly.
Fiber is never needed by the body ever.  Research that and learn about it and we know for a fact that meat and fat thru the system is a fiber scrub etc. but that is more research then I wanna post here LOL but from sheer fact, like a 'carb' fiber is not required by the body ever.  Science fact.

My son and his wife both developed very painful gout from years of going on the Atkin style diets with all that meat and high fat consumption. Gout can create permanent damage. So do a LOT of reading about the dangers of diets as well as the benefits. Don't just leap into trying them for a long term lifestyle without some real education on the subject.
Gout is corrected internally if one holds their eating plan.  Time is required for big changes to happen to people but they won't hold an eating plan long enough ever to hit those changes.  Happens all the time.  I ate zero carb/carnivore for 2 weeks and it was bad....well duh LOL detox time/adaption time takes time and thru our decades of crap eating and our true medical troubles we have in life which are personal to each, time is needed for change and no one gives it that.

but those that do.  Know that a **** lifestyle or ZC lifestyle or very LC lifestyle can change their life so dramatically for quality of life, get it.  Those that don't need it, wanna know science truths behind, too little too late for a real change to help them and that is sad cause it happens when the body is pushed too far...but those that get the results and change know....we know point blank and are so sad others will never see it, research it, learn the truth behind food and nutrition and body science and more.   Hey we all walk this life....don't for a minute this that 'universal' eating is out there, we are TOLD what to eat but if you check it out, on what the body ONLY needs for great healthy survival it puts our menus into a way new light.   Go there or be square kinda walk in life.

It is where one is at in their time frame of life, how they hit their nutrition and what change they can get at what age and more if they put in the effort to learn some real truths.

Not all will ever see or get here.  Sad truly.  We are what we eat. There is not a doubt in my mind about that.  Younger we get away destroying the body til that day hits and it can't take anymore.   Everyone can correct and change or just wither and be years of medically challenged.  Again personal choice how our lives roll from there.

Not a challenge post LOL just some comments on how I see it and science behind it and the 'oh we are told' crap to believe.   Thru experience being ****, very lc, or zc etc. can one KNOW but if ya don't do it ya never know all the stellar results people achieve.  Life changing.

wow, it looks like your words are bleeding all over the page. The color is so unpleasant and is hard on the eyes to read so I am skipping reading it.
nature lover said:
My addiction is food.  I have never experienced drug or alcohol addiction and cant imagine what strength it takes to beat it.  Being addicted to food is hard because you just cant quit eating but you have to learn to eat right.  I have been very overweight all my life.  I came from a family that over ate to celebrate and to drown our sorrows.  I am (for the XXXX time) trying to lose weight and manage my eating and exercising better.  Thanks for the inspiration I am finding here. 
Look into fasting, and this book, The obesity code by Dr. Jason Fung.
I eat three meals a day snack in the middle of the morning and afternoon, sleep 8 or 9 hours a day, have 2 to 3 bowel movements most days, unless I eat cheese. I have been a vegetarian mostly veganish for over 30 years, I am 5 foot 9 inches tall and weigh 157 pounds. I stopped eating red meat 40 years ago, I hardly ever catch a cold, had my gallbladder removed ten years ago, as did both my parents around the same age,so I assume hereditary. Other then that never been sick or in hospital, my bloods are excellent, cholesterol perfect, once in a while I take a vitamin b12 supplement but not regularly a small bottle last me a year. I try to stay away from sugar and other junk food. I have started eating a bit less at each meal as I know as I age my metabolism will slow down, so instead of 4 toasts in the morning I eat three, instead of two sandwiches at lunch I have one and a half, my dinner servings have become a bit smaller as well. My snacks consist of fruit nuts popcorn sometimes sweets.
Reverse size of meals:
Eat breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.
GypsyJan said:
Reverse size of meals:
Eat breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.
Agreed, but we skip lunch and have an early dinner.

Also treats are the low cal version. My fave dessert is the peanut buster parfait at DQ (over 700 calories) instead substitute a skinny cow or klondike at 150 to 200 calories and washed down with pure water for a satisfying cold dessert.