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Cold Brian

Active member
Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
Hi all! Been lurking for awhile and absolutely love this forum and Bob's blog. I follow a few other of your blogs, too. My story is long and depressing, but I won't go into that now.&nbsp;<br><br>I am currently in northern New England and living in a gutted rental property. It is currently -3 degrees out and not much warmer in here, hence my username. lol.<br><br>My hobbies are reading, hiking/walking, a little bit of writing the last several years, and all of the above with my little doggie, Violet. I'll have to get her pic up soon. She's a cutie.<br><br>Anyway, I am out of work with a torn rotator cuff, amongst other medical problems. I should be getting a big workers' comp check soon and am planning on using that and trading in my car to get a nice all wheel drive van that I have had my eye on. Relying on knowledge I have picked up here and from past experience, I think I will have a pretty sweet van. I absolutely hope to make the next RTR and meet some of you fine people.<br><br>Thanks for having me.
Welcome aboard!&nbsp; Sorry to hear you are having a tough time of it.&nbsp; Just stick it out, things always get better, usually in the spring <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Hi Brian, and welcome. Glad to have ya here.
welcome Brian<BR>I also have a torn rotator, but no medical, so it's healing on it's own,yesterday morning it was 5.5 here in southern VA.<BR>I wish you the very best.<BR>sparky1 in s.va.
Egads....I am so sorry! I have a brother who lives north of Burlington Vermont (he has lived there most of his life and I lived there as a teen and right after the Navy) and I tell them that I would love to live in Vermont due to the state political climate but it is just too damn cold for me. He just laughs, tells me to f myself, stay in my redneck state and goes out and splits some more wood...<br><br>I laugh and go out and walk the dog in my t-shirt....oh well, he never was the smart one...hahahaha<br><br>Best of luck getting your settlement and your dream van.....many of us on this forum are busted up in some form or another and live on the dole....me included.<br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody ">Bri
Welcome aboard Brian! I would love to have a 4x4 van<img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys.<br><br>HoboBerg: They are nice, but they sure are not cheap. Problem is I need one here right now. I might be staying where I am for awhile while I work out personal issues. The driveway is narrow and very steep. My current awd Subaru barely makes it up sometimes. Anyway, it will be pretty sweet to have if I can work it out.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Welcome Brian! <br>i sure hear ya, its been cold here (MI) but next week supposed to warm up nicely.<br>i have torn cuff too, like sparky, no insurance. i didn't think it was possible, but each day i notice it is just a fraction better. by that i mean it is no longer excruciatingly painful, its just really really painful. this is if i'm not careful and forget and twist it the wrong way.&nbsp;<br>there are videos and web sites on how to heal this yourself with physical therapy on your own. this is of course if the tendon has not completely separated. it takes a long time though i guess. mine has gone on close to 6 months. but i have been more careful and resting it as much as i can and that helps. the sling works for awhile. biofreeze and ice packs. "time heals all" i've heard said..<br><br>hoping things keep turning in your favor, you'll get there, wherever there is you want to be..*welcome*
Hi Brian, we are all really glad you are here!!!! Chevy made an AWD Express van for a few years I believe in the early 2000s. You will have to do some research to get more details. They are a little hard to find but they are out there. You may have to do a nationwide craigslist search and be willing to fly and get one. They are worth it if you can find one though.<br>Bob
Sparky and Aunt Meg: I have injured and re-injured it again for the last 5.5 years. It got <strong>extremely</strong> painful several times. Unfortunately for me, whenever it improved, I had to go back to work on an extremely repetitive machine, even if only on limited duty. That machine wrecks shoulders, among other body parts. Each time it started to improve, I then tore it up again. This last time it wouldn't improve for a long time with rest. I refused the surgery in the past because it improved on its own, and I didn't like the idea of going under the knife just so they could get me back on the machine more quickly or being surgically altered just so my shoulder could handle the extremely high repetitions. But this time, after a year of no improvement and it starting to get even worse, I revisited the surgery idea. Shortly thereafter, other medical conditions relating to an appalling 10 year, lonely, thankless whistleblower campaign I have been waging on behalf of my female coworkers overwhelmed me with other medical and personal problems, and I had to put the surgery option on the back burner again. Very depressing for someone who was a bench press champion in the Navy and who loved to kayak. Things are looking up though now for me, for my head is in the right place. This place and you people are a part of that. Don't feel bad for me.<br><br>Bob: Let me just say it is a pleasure to meet you. You have helped me more than you know through your blog and forum. I used to run a popular internet forum myself; I know it is a lot of work. You are doing good work. I loved your book and keep meaning to go give you a 5 star review on Amazon. I am a bit of a procrastinator, but I will get around to it. I dabble in writing myself (translate, more specifically). I have sold a whopping several hundred copies myself, and I am thrilled with that. Currently working on my magnum opus. One day I would like to shake your hand and buy you a drink of your choice--or several.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">&nbsp;You are a good man.<br><br>Bob, the van is a Chevy Express awd. Actually, I have my eye on 2 of them: a 2003 and a 2005. I can only consider them because I may have several months pay coming to me and I can get decent trade-in on my Subaru. They are both sweet. The only negative on them is that neither is a high-top. I think I can manage though as I am not overly tall (6'-6'1"). I have every detail worked out in my head. God am I psyched!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>I have a fallback plan though if those don't work out. I'll just get an older rwd and make due.<br><br>Again, thanks everyone for the warm welcome to Cold Brian.<br><br>Oh, and I promised to post a pic of my little baby. Actually, indulge me and let me add several.
Thanks, Tim. I love her too; she is my daughter.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Welome Cold Brian.&nbsp; Sounds like a great plan.&nbsp; Make sure you send pics as you progress in your van conversion.&nbsp; Good Luck and heal fast!<br><br>Rae
Hi Brian,<br><br>May the winter pass quickly for you.&nbsp;&nbsp;Violet is adorable.&nbsp; Look forward to meeting you at the next RTR!<br><br>
Hi Brian and welcome from Darrell. I am one of the lurkers here. We had an rv for several years but due to economics, we gave it up. I give feedback whenever appropriate and I go on the chat side here and hang out in case folks want to say hello. We are in the sticks and bricks for awhile but find it to be fascinating what folks do here. I hope your luck improves soon and enjoy your dog. Sincerely, Darrell.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Thanks, blkajk and Darrell. Really enjoying this place and the great people here.
Brian,<br><br>I am a kayaker.&nbsp; I also tore my shoulder up pretty good and was loosing the use of my arm.&nbsp; I had to have several surgeries on it in order to be able to use it again.&nbsp; After the recovery and a lot of P.T., I got a kayak and began touring America.&nbsp; I found that the repetitive unilateral motion of the strokes... same motion on both sides, was a great continuation of my P.T.&nbsp; As my shoulders and arms got in shape, I would push myself to paddle harder and harder... and now it feels like my shoulder is at about 95% or better. I have little pain in it.<br><br>Your plan sounds great.&nbsp; I want to scream, come south, get out of that cold weather.&nbsp; I didn't use to understand when an Aunt of mine would say that the cold winters of central Indiana were PAINFUL to her.&nbsp; She never got out of there.&nbsp; Now, with age, I understand how cold can feel painful.<br><br>Welcome to the tribe.&nbsp; Hope to meet you down the road and hope you'll have a kayak then.<br>Charlene<br><a href="http://swankiewheels.blogspot.com/2012/11/index-of-states-kayaked-by-charlene.html" rel="nofollow">http://swankiewheels.blogspot.com/2012/11/index-of-states-kayaked-by-charlene.html</a>