Ron, Good example for us to look at....balance might be the answer. I did some reading about how viable the water
supply was with respect to the future in Prescott, AZ . I was interested in how well the water supply was managed.
What I found was a program called "net 1 %", which essentially means that at the end of a 12-month period,
the ground water (aquifer) would not have been depleted more than 1%. To accomplish that there are multiple
means.....drilling another well at some distance away, reclaiming more water, which is then forced into the aquifer.
The point of this example is simply this: when you are talking about new housing of any sort, require a ratio be maintained
between "affordable or low -cost senior" housing with the mix of everything else. To decide the ratio, look at the mix of the population, which would include students, working folks, seniors, low-income. Not terribly challenging to come up with, unless, of course, as mayor, you want to win a few more terms. (which of course means contribution to your next campaign). Sheeesh, this started out to be I'm depressed. Love to hear everyones' thoughts.