...if I had someone camping just outside my front door...a tent city...on the other side of my back fence or alongside the local schools,...The only other alternative would be for ME to move.
...I think society is morally charged to help them...before homelessness becomes a lot worse.
Coasting along in neutral usually leads to a gradual slowing, then the stop.
Unless outside force is added, the stop is permanent.
Building a business or building a community requires intimate involvement, constantly adjusting intricacies as the environment -- people plus place plus resources -- evolves.
Anything less dooms both the builders and the destroyers.
I use the term 'destroyers' to describe 'non-productive non-contributing' individuals.
Another in the 'classic liberal' crowd, the vocally disgusted Engels called them 'those useless eaters'.
To your point:
Abandoning your home because a bunch of temporary transients is using your fence to hang their sewage-soaked bedding and clothes?
That sounds like a First Worlder solution.
The only reason your fence is limiting their camping to outside your backyard:
* the delusions of 'laws'.
As we are seeing, 'laws' need ethical individuals to participate.
Without ethical individuals, the concept of 'laws' is a no-start, did not finish ('DNF' as they say in racing).
Make no mistake, we are in a race.
Each individual is competing for the usual basics:
* food
* water
* shelter, security
* compatible companions.
If those consumables are abundant in one area, any transient population will be drawn to those resources... until either:
a) the resources are depleted (Frisco housing), or
b) the population realizes their fragility.
In the event of 'b)', the first individuals to realize their fragility are always the first to high-tail it for easier pickings.
Those remaining are, generally, significantly less capable of maintaining their dreary existence without outside help... charity, welfare, the dole.
At some time during their realization, those less capable use their brute strength -- usually in a form of an ad hoc group, because fear -- to temporarily improve their non-sustainable short-term situation:
* mobs rob the local grocery-store
* mobs rob local residents.
Eventually, inevitably, business owners and property owners conclude their participation is voluntary, and they skedaddle.
The problems remain, the equivalent of roaches and rats eating the wallpaper to survive just one more day.
Morally charged?
Based on my experience with the goofballs, they choose to refuse to change.
Nothing I do would accomplish anything.
In my definition of 'society', I think this includes -- and I can expand this to 'requires' -- productive contributing individuals.
As Engels so eloquently describes them, 'the non-productive non-contributing are willingly outside of society... and are necessarily expendable for the greater good'.
An aside:
Do I think Engels, Marx, and their ilk were/are whack-jobs?
To a certain extent...