Holidays are for the slaves……..

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A quick PSA...

The "X" in "Xmas" is the Greek letter chi, and "Christ" in Greek is χριστός (chrīstós), meaning "anointed one". So it's perfectly legit, and traditional, for Christians to use that abbreviation.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
What is the connection between chi and Christ other than sharing some letters?
I didn't read the rest of the thread so may have missed the joke.
What is the connection between chi and Christ other than sharing some letters?
I didn't read the rest of the thread so may have missed the joke.
Someone in the thread above was sort of making the tired, old argument that Xmas is a poor/bad/disrespectful abbreviation for Christmas, which really isn't true. No big deal, just kinda makes my eye twitch... 😄
I live in my SUV, not in a cave in the backwoods, living on squirrels and rodents, making clothes out of their fur, and using rocks to make a fire. Unless they're retired or living on the government/other people, people have to work. Even if they're doing those things, some people will still have to work.

Work equals money and money equals food, clothes, gas, car insurance, health insurance, gym membership, and all the other stuff I like to have. So nomad or not, people need money and some people still have to work for it.
Since its 'thats time of year' thanksgiving, christmas, New Years holidays………

What do calendar appointed days off with pay matter to us free & independent nomads?

What do weekends, paid vacations, 'time off' from ones indentured servitude matter to us individualistic vagabonds?

No, Happy Hollidays are days invented for those who are not free spirits; for those who have mortgaged their lives making themselves indentured servants; in debt And in bondage to something or someone and they look forward with joy to some day that they consider some moment of 'freedom'.
Such calendar invented and dedicated 'celebrations' mean nothing to the free spirited independent individualistic Vagabond for we have no bond with any of it; having long ago declared and fought for our own independence from such a thing. We Nomads have nothing to do with slavery. No! Nothing at all! For we have risen ourselves above it and look down upon it with a just contempt.

Holidays are for the slaves...........
Well we share this insight yes ! Only variation is I am no longer a nomad and used my gas $ to buy cheap land and settle but I am free and the taxes are one road trip worth of gas per year @120.00 annually.
Sitting in one place for several months does save money as long as you continue to keep up a simple living and maintain the things you need to return to a nomadic way of life. Taking a “Holiday” from property ownership is a real thing! Property can become a liability if like in many examples in the past the situation is changed by natural disasters, taxes rise based on development or even things like water shortages with climate change. Having a home base that cost several thousand dollars can take several years of sitting to come out ahead of living on cheap rented land like Long Term Stay Areas or “free” BLM land. Where I am I can rent a campsite with water, sewer and trash disposal available for $1,000 a year. The 4 months of the summer would be difficult and expensive to stay cool so we do seasonal work where we actually make enough to cover our living expenses for the year with a full hookup site or migrate to cooler free 14 day camping areas. Buying a small partial of raw land in this area is probably $6,000. A legal permitted septic system is I imagine $12,000 to $15,000. A well if there is water even more. Solar power is getting cheaper but we would still need air conditioning in a few of the summer months. Trash would be a fuel in the truck and dump fees if any. Most lots with developed utilities that allow camping, tiny homes, mobile homes or even permitted small houses are selling for prices in the upper $60,000 range. The only way buying a home base makes sense for us is if we could rent several RV spaces out or develop AirBnb platforms in the peak winter season to pay for it but that is a lot of unpaid work for an old man. Maybe I can convince one of my kids to try it so I can rent from them! Lol!!!
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Didn’t see much to smile about! Lol!!! HOAs, Subdivisions which most likely have restrictions and raw land without utilities. Several thousand dollars for a parking spot just doesn’t make sense to me! Thanks for the links.
Slaves can be killed without recourse. It is definitely the wrong word to be using. Indentured servant hood is more of what you mean. (Without the beating)

I have made it a point to live within my means and developed the skills to reach beyond to expand my knowledge.

Man does not have to work from sun up to beyond sunset to be allowed to have enough food to survive another day. Now it is a choice so we can get the latest version of whatever distraction is chosen to fill the 128 spare hours in a week left after the main job is done. I understand that many people are unable to get the pay that can make the difference between sleeping in a tent and sleeping in a house.

But humanity is growing beyond the need for slaves. A few exceptions exist in a couple of countries that have leadership profiteers enslaveing entire ethnic populations.

We are growing.
Sitting in one place for several months does save money as long as you continue to keep up a simple living and maintain the things you need to return to a nomadic way of life. Taking a “Holiday” from property ownership is a real thing! Property can become a liability if like in many examples in the past the situation is changed by natural disasters, taxes rise based on development or even things like water shortages with climate change. Having a home base that cost several thousand dollars can take several years of sitting to come out ahead of living on cheap rented land like Long Term Stay Areas or “free” BLM land. Where I am I can rent a campsite with water, sewer and trash disposal available for $1,000 a year. The 4 months of the summer would be difficult and expensive to stay cool so we do seasonal work where we actually make enough to cover our living expenses for the year with a full hookup site or migrate to cooler free 14 day camping areas. Buying a small partial of raw land in this area is probably $6,000. A legal permitted septic system is I imagine $12,000 to $15,000. A well if there is water even more. Solar power is getting cheaper but we would still need air conditioning in a few of the summer months. Trash would be a fuel in the truck and dump fees if any. Most lots with developed utilities that allow camping, tiny homes, mobile homes or even permitted small houses are selling for prices in the upper $60,000 range. The only way buying a home base makes sense for us is if we could rent several RV spaces out or develop AirBnb platforms in the peak winter season to pay for it but that is a lot of unpaid work for an old man. Maybe I can convince one of my kids to try it so I can rent from them! Lol!!!
Thanks for sharing all that. I think highly of anyway and anyhow anyone finds a way to manage living more on less. Otherwise many people that I know with a lot of mean$ have horribly high bills and horrible diseases/poor health. One of my friends who "made it" just purchased a million $ house in Monterey Ca and now cannot find insurance due to fire risk. Go figure. I am a believer in the wise saying "the more you have the less you can be" Hence is the freedom in van living - less is more. Less to fix,repair and maintain especially with the increased validity of planned obsolescence. But to each their own live and let live. We all have our path life learning to live out.
What does it say about us, who are living 'free' off of the 'slave' labor of others?

These 'slaves', the people who get up at 5am to go to an unattractive job are the 'heroes' who make van life possible. We are the idle rich who are living off their labor. So, what's contemptible?
ya hit a great point here. and it ain't we are 'all idle and rich' ever but if one 'takes from govt free subsisites to foot the bill' then we do rob from the darn near poor reg. footing the tax bills and rich the like so? yea so many tons of shades of gray in all this issue definitely. I feel ya on that.
Living on land that you own is much cheaper than living on the road.Also much more comfortable.
^^^I assume yours is paid for, has utilities, is in a location where things don’t change much with weather you can live with and close to necessary things you might need. You probably bought it when prices were more reasonable and utilities easier and cheaper to obtain. You probably have been there enough years for your investment to pay off. How comfortable you are is somewhat subjective and depends on how much work is required to maintain both the property and the rig you live in and how much money you have to obtain and maintain it. Living the nomadic lifestyle also depends on the reliability of your rig and your physical ability to move every so often. If it is cheaper it usually requires more work on your part! Lol!!!
I still live in my stick and brick home. I worked hard, hubby worked hard, my kidos worked hard at times. So we could all live comfy and cozy. I want to spend more time on the road but, not live there. I for the most part liked/loved my job. I got burned out sometimes and hubby got layed off sometimes. And kidos learned how to work for a living. Would I do it differently some parts? Sure, who wouldn't? But we contributed to the health of our community. We can now relax and enjoy some of what we worked so hard to achieve/build. I have had so much fun at my job with all the little munchkins at this time of year over the years. They have boosted my winter blues and spirit every year.

If Christmas is for slaves, I guess you should just do it as it feels right for you. No judgement! Everyone has the right to whatever they feel.

As for me, I don't go too much into the religious aspects, but I love the traditions, the gathering of family and friends and the warmth at a time of year that I otherwise would NOT like. I want to cook good eats and I love to give gifts and find secret treasures under the tree. (That I am so happy to have go away as soon as new year is over.) I like the silly stuff people use to decorate their worlds, be it son on his boat or the other son who loves to paint windows. His and anyone else who will let him. Hubby loves to light up the neighborhood with waaaay to many lights and shares them with everyone. If you were to show up at my house any time in Dec. you would receive cookies, hot cocoa, and a tour through the lights. And you would hear what trips we are planning for after the holidays. And yes, I know how lucky I am to be where I am in this life of mine. (Even if I grumble about some things)
Again, I did NOT delete your post...yes it was deleted, before I even saw it. But as mods we can look at posts that are removed or on hold for approval. I retained a copy of it.

Here is the deal: Stop now. I am NOT your target. NO ONE on this forum is a target for bullying, and certainly not me. No further warnings.
Except me? Nice one.

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