I've been drinking much longer than that...You're replying to a post over 1.5 years old?
.Just for grins I plugged in land/lots on Zillow for 20K and under...it's a long link but it should work on a normal browser:
http [trimmed because it was approximately equal to the size of this particular universe]
From what I’ve seen… nomads are pretty good at this… I’ve watched selfless acts of kindness throughout the community helping and including in many who would typically not fair well. Not everyone have the same abilities. But most of who I’ve met are pretty good at sharing what abilities they have. I’m thankful there are people enjoying careers that serve our needs. Farmers for food, medical folks for health… it takes a village. In the end like Doug says… it’s about people, friends, family and otherwise. Holidays are a great time to connect with people… include people. I think it’s ironic we sit around a fire, but the greatest warmth is from each other.It’s a big world out there with lots of people with lots of problems that are getting worse. The holidays tend to make people assess their situation, many of which become depressed and as they are unable to deal with their problems. Sad to think those with no problems obtaining basic needs are content to live with little empathy for those that can’t. Work towards solving the problems is admirable and satisfying, thank you to the ones that do that work. Just not being part of the problem is a worthwhile goal anymore for many. Hope the “holidays” find you healthy and your basic needs fulfilled, for those that are not, hope you find the help you need maybe even through this newly titled forum.