Holidays are for the slaves……..

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Feb 17, 2017
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Since its 'thats time of year' thanksgiving, christmas, New Years holidays………

What do calendar appointed days off with pay matter to us free & independent nomads?

What do weekends, paid vacations, 'time off' from ones indentured servitude matter to us individualistic vagabonds?

No, Happy Hollidays are days invented for those who are not free spirits; for those who have mortgaged their lives making themselves indentured servants; in debt And in bondage to something or someone and they look forward with joy to some day that they consider some moment of 'freedom'.
Such calendar invented and dedicated 'celebrations' mean nothing to the free spirited independent individualistic Vagabond for we have no bond with any of it; having long ago declared and fought for our own independence from such a thing. We Nomads have nothing to do with slavery. No! Nothing at all! For we have risen ourselves above it and look down upon it with a just contempt.

Holidays are for the slaves...........
I am glad this is your personal opinion and not mine :) :) :) Just remember ya can't lump everyone into your personal opinion as you type 'we all' or 'it means nothing to any of us'.....can't blanket statement this one but Cool you said your peace.

You got your word out as you see it only. But not my idea of what holiday time is about at all but of course I do understand 'a small part' of the issue with retail focus and in debt time for many but that isn't tons of us at all. Holidays are what one makes them and let everyone do what they want and as they want.....they are gonna do it that way anyway LOL

Happy Healthy Holiday to all!! So agree with Bullfrog on that one!!!
What we find really important as Nomads is People......We seek the TRIBE.......Old friends/New friends !

Holidays are the perfect avenue to gather share our tales of nourish the body with some amazing help others whose dream is failing.......and to plan for the next chapter in our collective travels..........

Here or There doesn't matter..........only the convergence..........The campfire is our rally point.............

It's all about the PEOPLE !................"SLAVES" says a lot more about You than Me......sounds lonely !

Happy Holidays to you....................
What we find really important as Nomads is People......We seek the TRIBE.......Old friends/New friends !

Holidays are the perfect avenue to gather share our tales of nourish the body with some amazing help others whose dream is failing.......and to plan for the next chapter in our collective travels..........

Here or There doesn't matter..........only the convergence..........The campfire is our rally point.............

It's all about the PEOPLE !................"SLAVES" says a lot more about You than Me......sounds lonely !

Happy Holidays to you....................
this was a great nuturel post. Loved it!!! no opinion as one sees it but to celebrate Who ALL ARE who can and will partake. Great post!!
..... Happy Hollidays are days invented for those who are not free spirits; for those who have mortgaged their lives making themselves indentured servants.....For we have risen ourselves above it and look down upon it with a just contempt .....Holidays are for the slaves...........
What does it say about us, who are living 'free' off of the 'slave' labor of others?

These 'slaves', the people who get up at 5am to go to an unattractive job are the 'heroes' who make van life possible. We are the idle rich who are living off their labor. So, what's contemptible?
Since its 'thats time of year' thanksgiving, christmas, New Years holidays………

What do calendar appointed days off with pay matter to us free & independent nomads?

What do weekends, paid vacations, 'time off' from ones indentured servitude matter to us individualistic vagabonds?

No, Happy Hollidays are days invented for those who are not free spirits; for those who have mortgaged their lives making themselves indentured servants; in debt And in bondage to something or someone and they look forward with joy to some day that they consider some moment of 'freedom'.
Such calendar invented and dedicated 'celebrations' mean nothing to the free spirited independent individualistic Vagabond for we have no bond with any of it; having long ago declared and fought for our own independence from such a thing. We Nomads have nothing to do with slavery. No! Nothing at all! For we have risen ourselves above it and look down upon it with a just contempt.

Holidays are for the slaves...........
I was a slave for the vast majority of my life, until I graduated to free- independent- individualistic- opportunistic - vagabond with a home base... It's all worked for and paid for. I don't look down with contempt to those who work, because I was them, until yesterday. Since I wasn't born privileged, I swam not to sink. I think most of us here had to work till we retired or till we couldn't work anymore.
It takes money to be free. The reason slaves are slaves, is that they can't afford freedom.
You prolly no dat Johny boi. Merry Xmas etc.,
A lot of good points are made in this thread. Our interdependence on each other makes the OP possible. If we were all Nomads life like this wouldn't be possible. We'd have to grow our own foods, build our own Rigs from the ground up, pave our own roadways, and likely just find a cave to live in and scavenge to survive.

BUT, since it isn't like that and we have a civilization & economy that makes goods & services available along with our own freedom of choice to pursue life on our own terms....we can do this at this point in history.

For Bob Wells it was a plan for survival but he discovered something while in that mode that led to this method of thinking. This forum he started years ago formed a "brain trust" where others could over the years add their insights to refine what some would call a movement. While the OP may sound a bit condescending to some, we all have our opinions about this. Likewise we will all pursue doing it in our own way.

As for those some would see as "wage slaves", those people have or did have the freedom of choice. If they got themselves into debt, a large family to support, or into a seniority system or pension plan they can't give up....then that was ultimately their choice. If a Nomads life goes afoul, then the Nomad may have to return to the work force until they are once again funded enough to pursue life on their own terms.

I would encourage anyone wishing to pursue the Nomad life to do it without feeling any pangs of "guilt". Some will do this and just drift, while others may ply a trade, work as a Virtual Assistant, operate a small business, or as a photographer, writer, etc. All of this possible because they are free. a nomad forum noob Im still learning and identifying the consensus mechanism(s), protocols, or incentives that elicit engagement and perfunctory participation.

But with one of my undergrad degrees in communication and a thesis/research focus on compliance gaining that facilitated an accomplished career as a financial intermediary and MBTI:ENTJ-A that spent almost three-decades pitching, closing, and nurturing professional services contracts with two-thirds of the Fortune 500, countless SME's, and the public sector as well. Which ultimately, I believe allows me to offer unique contextualization to this thread.

I acknowledge that we're all proud of the freedom, or perhaps "compulsive privilege" we enjoy to go wherever, do whatever, whenever we want. But language matters, and "slave" is a complicated word that has traditionally been a tool to subjugate, disposes, and deprive our human family of the inalienable rights we've all been endowed with by our creator with a blunt dehumanizing noun. In his brilliant "The Soul of America" Jon Meacham calls slavery and indigenous relocation our collective Original Sin that requires atonement.

Additionally, holidays are how we reconnect with family that is usually our strongest link to our past.

So there's my opinion added to the cacophony. Thank you for letting me share.
Happy holidays everyone.

Best CC
^^^Living simply has allowed me to make everyday a holiday pretty much. I live for the moment mostly but appreciate the past everyday, the future is to be determined usually only as a basic often changing outline that matters less as I age.
The OP would probably appreciate very much the emergency service 'slaves' out there that don't get to take the regular holidays. Tow truck drivers, ambulance drivers, hospital staff, cops, utility repairman,etc. Say if he were to crash his truck into a telephone pole on Xmas or New Year's Eve.
Humanity is ... err... enlightened in a variety of ways, by a variety of , let's call them movements. Holidays can be a celebration of our humanity and an acknowledgement of how amazing it is to actually be here, now, amongst the trillions of other planets and solar systems born and died over billions of years..... or they can be any manner of dogma'd celebration... your choice.

I can appreciate and understand the aspect of humans being slaves to a process, yet it is conscious decision for many.... the lifestyle of the modern human has evolved to be exclusively dependent on the systems we have created, including all of us nomads that have chosen to no longer motivate the hamster wheel.

We all live in a massive Company Store at this stage and we all depend on it... so.. Holidays... everyone has a different way of dealing with them and do so based on so many different approaches, from deity worship to a rejection of the world we live in.

Happy Holidays!
This thread got me thinking and curious. I remembered back to school days when we studied "American History" and the industrial revolution where something called "the seniority system" was instituted. Prior to that you may have worked a job until you had enough money, or couldn't stand it any more, and then you quit. A lot of workers on the Steam Boats (like Mark Twain was a Captain of) worked every day day in and day out until they quit. Then if they wanted to be hired back months later they started all over again from the bottom.

In this the goal became a 40 hour week which was generally straight days with week ends off. (think of the song by Loverboy....everybody's working for the weekend) This with the seniority system was thought to be fair and the makings of a good job. But after awhile it feels like a trap. Young people are in their "Primary Acquisition Phase" of their family life cycle. Even if they haven't married yet...they're trying to get money for their own car, apartment or house, and furnishings. Being worked more than the 40 hours as has been the trend in past decades has taken a toll on mental & physical health. It results in absenteeism, short staffing which leads to work related accidents, and decreasing morale in the workplace. Fatigue, depression, and even suicidal thoughts and other mental health issues ensue.

Some hold that those of us who are working spend one third of our life on the job. The beginning of this article addresses the hours a person would work in their lifetime.

One third of your life is spent working

Abstract: Mental Health Issues and long hours at work

So often people are taking two or three days off on a four day weekend. In this way they can get nine days off. Often they start a new calendar in January marking all the week ends and Holidays so they can take days of their vacation along with the three & four day weekends to get extended periods off work.

In recent times we hear the word "Mental Health" tossed around quite a bit. I think it's unfortunate that it's becoming a "buzz word".
For those of us who can afford the Nomadic life style I would hope we go easy on those who are working the 9 to 5 grind. Holidays are often the rungs on a rope ladder that the workers use to pull themselves thru the year. I'd like to see the Nomadic lifestyle represent an alternative for them to bail out on......just in case.
This thread got me thinking and curious. I remembered back to school days when we studied "American History" and the industrial revolution where something called "the seniority system" was instituted. Prior to that you may have worked a job until you had enough money, or couldn't stand it any more, and then you quit. A lot of workers on the Steam Boats (like Mark Twain was a Captain of) worked every day day in and day out until they quit. Then if they wanted to be hired back months later they started all over again from the bottom.

In this the goal became a 40 hour week which was generally straight days with week ends off. (think of the song by Loverboy....everybody's working for the weekend) This with the seniority system was thought to be fair and the makings of a good job. But after awhile it feels like a trap. Young people are in their "Primary Acquisition Phase" of their family life cycle. Even if they haven't married yet...they're trying to get money for their own car, apartment or house, and furnishings. Being worked more than the 40 hours as has been the trend in past decades has taken a toll on mental & physical health. It results in absenteeism, short staffing which leads to work related accidents, and decreasing morale in the workplace. Fatigue, depression, and even suicidal thoughts and other mental health issues ensue.

Some hold that those of us who are working spend one third of our life on the job. The beginning of this article addresses the hours a person would work in their lifetime.

One third of your life is spent working

Abstract: Mental Health Issues and long hours at work

So often people are taking two or three days off on a four day weekend. In this way they can get nine days off. Often they start a new calendar in January marking all the week ends and Holidays so they can take days of their vacation along with the three & four day weekends to get extended periods off work.

In recent times we hear the word "Mental Health" tossed around quite a bit. I think it's unfortunate that it's becoming a "buzz word".
For those of us who can afford the Nomadic life style I would hope we go easy on those who are working the 9 to 5 grind. Holidays are often the rungs on a rope ladder that the workers use to pull themselves thru the year. I'd like to see the Nomadic lifestyle represent an alternative for them to bail out on......just in case.
Sum 1 who gets it.
One of the few posts I’ve ever read on this site worthy of being ranked “Best”. I might actually want 1 day to have a conversation with you. Maybe…….
Jonny boi thinkin Hat Tip; sayin

The other side of that coin is the rather large percentage of the people earning money who have actually enjoyed a CAREER as opposed to just working a job. Many, if not the vast majority, make a good living wage, or way above that, and actually ENJOY the work. Many keep doing it beyond normal retirement age...imagine that. They dont feel enslaved at all, many of them actually prefer to keep's the satisfaction they get FROM the work...the challenges, the day to day excitement, the interaction with co-workers, customers, etc.

Think about doctors, lawyers, actors, commercial pilots, entertainers, singers, teachers, craftsmen such as painters, carpenters, builders, photographers, tradesmen such as welders, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, truck drivers, railroad engineers, mom-n-pop business owners, entrepreneurs...and the list goes on. Lots of these people keep doing their 'profession' until forced out due to health, rules, laws, changing circumstances, etc.

Many of the guys and gals I worked with over the years can easily afford to retire, but simply choose to keep working...they are making good money and it sure as heck beats sitting at home in a rocking chair watching 'Oprah' or 'Judge Judy'.

The ultimate example of this is that rich guy who plays with bird apps, electric cars and rockets. I forget his name(!) But if anyone can afford to not work, it would be him. Yet he keeps on working. Why would that be? Because he enjoys it. Plain and simple.
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It’s a big world out there with lots of people with lots of problems that are getting worse. The holidays tend to make people assess their situation, many of which become depressed and as they are unable to deal with their problems. Sad to think those with no problems obtaining basic needs are content to live with little empathy for those that can’t. Work towards solving the problems is admirable and satisfying, thank you to the ones that do that work. Just not being part of the problem is a worthwhile goal anymore for many. Hope the “holidays” find you healthy and your basic needs fulfilled, for those that are not, hope you find the help you need maybe even through this newly titled forum.

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