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Jun 17, 2017
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My name is Sarah, I've lived in a Truck Camper both full time and part time for several years, always in an an urban environment with occasional trips to the gulf.  

I am currently a student with several years to go before joining the work force. 

I urban camp mostly to save money and also to allow me the privacy and solitude needed for my studies.

I won't be a frequent contributor due to my schedule at school but will respond to questions within a short while.

I have an Outfitter Apex 8. an older model but in great shape. 

Hope to have some nice interaction here.

As you are obviously an experienced truck camper person, you've already gotten through many of the "newbie" questions. Your Apex appears to be (from reviews) a well built camper. I read that with moderate contents it's wet weight is about 2500 pounds. Hope your truck carries it ok.

If you need information on solar (in case you dont have it) batteries or other electricals, there's a great electrical sub forum, as well as Bob's blogs on solar. I suppose you have already figured out the whole cooking, heating/cooling and other issues, after all, a truck camper is nicely self-contained.

Good luck with your studies and your overall experiences!

Hi TWIH, I have an older Ram 2500 that has had a few modifications to its' suspension, what exactly was done I don't know, my Dads cousin worked on it and in the five years I've had the camper on it I have had no problems.

I have a small solar setup to charge my batteries and I am very careful with electric use.

Thank you for the advice.
Hello and welcome! Sounds like a nice setup.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Sarah! Any tips that you wish to share about urban truck camping living while also going to school?

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome aboard Sarah !
I started out in home built truck campers back around 1980!

I'm gonna go back and give you your first Reputation point just because I know how much you will have to share with us....pushing the Rate button .....NOW!

Now How Bout Some Pics Of Your Rig ??
We love pics!
Im jealous. I have a newer F350 and no TC. youre lucky!

Cant wait to see your setup

Glad that you have a proper truck for that camper. So many people try to carry those with half tons, it just doesn't work well in the long run. It sounds like having solar already, you have a good grasp on the fundamentals.  ;)

Other than our curiosity about your setup (pics), is here anything that we can answer for you? If not at the moment, we stand/sit ready to help!

Take care,

Thanks TWIH, several people helped me set up my truck and make sure it was up to carrying The Apex.

I don't have many questions about my TC, I've had it so long I know its quirks. I am interested in gatherings but it will be in the future.

I'm parked now near school on a concrete pad I found on Craigslist. I paid for an electrical hookup so I could run my air conditioner. The couple I rent from are very nice and have a huge German Shepard for an alarm. He wouldn't bite them but he'll bark and he looks mean but he's a softie.

I'll post some pictures and more details when I am on my computer, I'm on my Dads now while he's gone for a day or two.
Ha! In a year you'll be Dr Sarah, and then residency, then its off to the races for you!  Congratulations!
My curriculum is a little different than most, I am in the MD/PHD program. I want to do research and practice my specialty. Thank you for the kind words. This is the Program I am in.
UT Southwestern ’s Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)
Sarah said:
My curriculum is a little different than most, I am in the MD/PHD program. I want to do research and practice my specialty. Thank you for the kind words. This is the Program I am in.
UT Southwestern ’s Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)

Have a friend who did theirs in Neuro, he's very happy he went the MD/PHD route for the same reasons, he loves the research opportunities.  Good luck with your program!
Thank you Queen. There are times when I am somewhat overwhelmed but I manage. My ultimate goal is Pediatric Oncology. I am on a two week break until I start my summer labs.

Thank you for the welcome.
Wow, tough field! But when it's your calling you have to follow.

Enjoy your break.