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I am definately excited about ridding myself of 1000 a month apt lease, 100 for electric, and 200 for internet/cable. <BR><BR>Also cant wait to actually challenge myself and see life in a totally different way.&nbsp;I am a telecom phone system installer for a company that has 30 offices throughout the states and during the summer months I travel constantly to do installs in CAly, Arizona, Oregon, mid-west,&nbsp; you name it.&nbsp; So alot of times I am living out of hotel room. I have built up at least a month of free hotel rooms so that will come in handy as I transition into this new life.<BR>But in the meantime I am hitting the state parks on the weekends and camping so I can get use to&nbsp;a different life style.&nbsp; <BR><BR><BR>
<p style="margin: 0px;">kstanzy</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">check out the Intervec Falcons and similar models.&nbsp; I think you might like the design better than the Coachmans: much better headroom, and possibly a bit better on the pocketbook.</p>
<P>Thanks for suggestion Seraphim. I will look at those Intervics. I am in Maryland in have not seen any for sale in my area. Can recomend any good websites to search where to buy them&gt;</P>
Let's not put the blame on women WanderingRain why men get rooted down. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><div><br></div><div>I am a 39 year old woman who like you guys wish to van dwell. &nbsp;I think it all started for me when I was a child reading "My side of the Mountain" about a boy at the age of 12 leaving his home in New York City and hitch hiking to the mountains. &nbsp;He lived in the trunk of a tree that he burnt out. &nbsp;He fished and ate the edible plants he could find. &nbsp;Even tanned and made himself clothes. &nbsp;I still have the book and read it every so often. However, what really sealed the travel bug was going to Japan when I was 12 for three weeks. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Welcome to the forum kstanzy. &nbsp;I think you are in the perfect spot to do this. &nbsp;You have employment that allows you to travel for parts of the year. Perfect. &nbsp;You have a car which is smaller than a van but it would do for a test weekend to see how you like it. &nbsp;If you know you like camping then I'm sure you are feeling more set on this decision. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>However, if you are wanting to stealth camp in urban areas I would suggest trying to find good places to park before moving out. &nbsp;Go and try sleeping in your car in the spots at night and see if the police show up. &nbsp;Make sure to look at the signs because some places will tow away if parked at night or perhaps a street cleaner is coming by early in the morning. &nbsp;Seems to me it would require more planning to do urban parking then boondocking but then if you are expected at work in the morning boondocking won't work. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I wish you luck in picking your vehicle and making the arrangements needed. &nbsp;Sounds like with your lease ending in July it provides you with a deadline. &nbsp; &nbsp;</div><div><div><br></div></div>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Hi travelchic,</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I am 42 and when I was 33 I was living in Orlando for a short time and lost my job.&nbsp; It was a rough time but I was forced to live in my car for a month. Not alot of time but I learned alot from that brief experience. For one thing I was more intuned with my environment and self.&nbsp;I appreciated the small things in life. It was character building and it made utilize skills I didnt think I had. </p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Fast forward 10 years later and I never married or had kids. I have been at the same job for 6 years but I have grown depressed and lazy. I am not sure if its a mid life crisis but Ive had this dream for a long time to live in a van.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I always thought that this was crazy and just let the thoughts pass. But recently I have really got tired of job, apt, and same ole same ole. THIS IS WHEN I FOUND THIS WEBSITE AND FORUM. It was funny reading everything here because I never knew that people did this and there where actually&nbsp;terms for it such as vandwelling etc.&nbsp; But reading about everybodys stories and experiences is very motivating and it made me change my path. I am excited that I have this challenge in front of me. It awesome to learn from others here and cant wait to start this new life. </p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Found this place that sells Westfalias in Van nuys Caly. I will be Caly for work in July.&nbsp; No prices on there website for their currnt inventory thou. My guess is these are expensive since they are all restored and rebuilt.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;"><a href="http://www.westfalia-enterprises.com/" target=_blank>http://www.westfalia-enterprises.com/</a>#</p>
<P>@ kstanzy&nbsp; check again, many have prices. They started around 16 grand and went up from there.&nbsp; They were very nice-to say the least.</P>
<p>Dragon, yes just saw some of the ones with prices. I&nbsp;think&nbsp;I would fall&nbsp;in love with the&nbsp;Westfalia.! These vans are master pieces. Alot of $$ thou. But one can dream.&nbsp;&nbsp; Back to my Dodge Ram van search. lol</p>

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