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Active member
Dec 24, 2010
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<P><FONT size=3>though not a fulltimer at the moment, have been reaping the benefits of Bob's and all the other vandwellers' experiences &amp; expertise for some time now and look forward to interacting more with you all - am a proponent of keep-it-simple when it comes to my non-westy vanagon set up but enjoy seeing all the variations out there! </FONT></P>
I'm with you there Bear. Everything I have in my simple home fulfills an important function or I don't have it. But of course not everyone is like us, many prefer more comforts. All are welcome!<br>
<FONT size=3 face="times new roman, times, serif">RIP ol' friend</FONT><BR><FONT size=3 face="Times New Roman"></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3 face="Times New Roman">Not sure how many, if not all of you, truly get attached to your wheels- I sure did. </FONT><BR><FONT size=3 face="Times New Roman"></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3 face="Times New Roman">20+ years of trips, including traversing this great country (regardless of credit rating!) with my son and daughter to see the real and surreal America have come to a close for my Vanagon. The ignomy of being sold for parts does not do justice to the trusty service and rising above and beyond the call of duty to deliver us safely home. (for a less than thrilling narration of what turned out to be a bit too thrilling sojourn over snowy Utah Mountains in a 2WD vanagon see: <A href="" target=_blank target=_blank></A>&nbsp<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">. And to this day, I remember praying to the vanagon gods to deliver my children safely home from the Grand Canyon, Arizona (after several overheatings) so that I'd not have to explain to their mother why we weren't there, on time, again.</FONT><BR><FONT size=3 face="Times New Roman"></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3 face="Times New Roman">So many things not to miss and yet my mainstays&nbsp;- the broken radio/cassette player that never got fixed which allowed for long stretches of contemplation and deeper conversations with everyone who joined in the ride (never admitted to passengers that I used a transistor radio that only got AM!). - the cracked windshield reminding me of a trek across Nevada and the triple big rigs. -&nbsp;the inoperable AC that was overlooked in small part thanks to the 12V fan mounted on the dash (which was such an embarassment to my kids that we had to take it down before arriving at dropoff at school). - the salt seasoned paint job from carrying an unrinsed&nbsp;kayak one too many times, but that reminded me of the peace and natural ebb and flow of the ocean. - and the makeshift kitchen and bathroom (leaving out a few details won't hurt here) not to mention the most comfortable mattress I've ever slept on. Maybe that last point is because whenever I was sleeping in the van I was exactly where I wanted to be the most at that moment. Maybe that's the lesson I need to hold dear moving forward.</FONT><BR><FONT size=3 face="Times New Roman"></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3 face="Times New Roman">That the vanagon succumbed&nbsp;while I was on my way to see one of you is not lost on me, it's a hurdle, but not an end to linking up with this community in a more meaningful fashion than this keyboard. What I've gained from folks here&nbsp;is a deepened respect for resilience, an authentic and contemplative evaluation of what's important, what values we should hold dearest. Had I not had the vanagon I wouldn't have found this community. Now that it's gone I don't feel like I'm even a part-time vandweller. In some ways I've always felt like an imposter here, not a "true" or "real" vandweller. Maybe when the children graduate, and the clouds lift, the clarity of mind will allow me to get back to the lessons I've gleaned. Then the mooring lines lift, and I can sail freely.</FONT><BR>
Touching ode to the trusted steed... As I start my journey I am looking forward to the memories as well as the tribulations for ya gotta take the good with the bad, and just hope the bad is few and far between...<br><br>Chin up Bear, you will be back in the saddle in no time...<br><br>
<FONT size=3>Hi Bear, I still get homesick when I see a VW Camper.&nbsp; Mine went up in flames over 20 years ago.&nbsp; I always thought I'd use her as a planter, or a gazebo-like structure when her days on the road were done.&nbsp; &lt;sniff</FONT><br><FONT size=3>sniff&gt;</FONT><br><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT size=3>I expect to see you, out on the road and hope you'll continue to add your .02 cents, on the board, in the meantime.</FONT><br>
<P><FONT size=3 face="times new roman, times, serif">thanks, I'm back "in the saddle" in a fashion - the money from the van almost paid for my new steed - a '93 Honda 750. No, can't live out of it, but can get to and from work cheaper and that's what I need right now, plus&nbsp;it's a refreshing change. Hopefully I'll be saving some money between now and when the time comes for the van's reincarnation. thanks for the sentiments, and good luck to you all - I'll be lurking, and&nbsp;may&nbsp;even ride into RTR2 just to make good on meeting&nbsp;you,&nbsp;&nbsp;B</FONT></P>
<font face="Georgia" size="3">Hi Bear! Looking forward to your input</font><br><br>
Hi, again. I enjoy coming here. you all seem to be decent and help each other out. My wife and I are feeling the economic pinch like so many. and we are continuing to lose our wealth. But, when we met, we both had very little, so we are returning to the status of a lesser well-off couple. <img src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0"> This kind of life-style is a dream. Will continue to come here. Darrell<br><br><br>
<FONT size=3>Bear, hope to see you at RTR2012!</FONT><br><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT size=3>Darrel, I am all to familiar with the drowning feeling many of us feel in the current economy.&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT><br><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT size=3>This lifestyle has been a saving grace for many.&nbsp; Indeed, the dream sometimes come after it's forced on you and you realize how much freedom you've gained!</FONT><br><br><br>
Welcome, Darrell<br><br>This is a good group to be with; hope your financial woes diminish as you follow the simpler life.<br><br>Bob<br>
<P><SPAN class=messageBody data-ft='{"type":3}'> </P><DIV class="text_exposed_root text_exposed">Spectacular swirling flurries o' golden leaves falling at life's last.<BR>Fall is time o' change, o' winds &amp; worries as winter sets.<BR>Heat 'n passions o' summer 'r past.<BR>Weather th' winter, 'n keep faith. <BR><BR><SPAN class=text_exposed_show>Spring’s sweetness may yet be cast.<BR>Delivering vibrant buds of new life<BR>'n passions o' next summer's love.<BR>Spectacular golden swirling flurries o' leaves falling at life's last.</SPAN></DIV><DIV class="text_exposed_root text_exposed"><SPAN class=text_exposed_show></SPAN>&nbsp;</DIV></SPAN>

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