Hello from sunny Melbourne Florida?

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Oct 13, 2020
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Hi!!  My name is Kathy.  I'm in the planning phase of budgeting & building my van.  YIKES!!  We (my son & I) hope to make our maiden voyage in May of 2022.  
My personal thanks you to each of you!!  You are pioneers,  trailblazers & teachers and I look forward to meeting you in person one day!  Untill then I look forward to chatting with everyone here.

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]To Bob and all of the folks helping behind the scenes, participating in the videos & helping with the many[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] different demonstrations ... ? THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!! ?  You are wonderfully generous with your time, your talents and with your experiences.  Much gratitude [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]?[/font] -Kathy & Andy
Welcome Katbird to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum   :)

There are a couple of links below I'd invite you to look thru as they may be helpful.  The one on the bottom is a portal of helpful info (mainly designed for the states)  to make life more convenient, safe, and comfortable.  The top link is for converting a Van, Utility Trailer, Motorize a Bicycle, and convert a car as a one person RV or a "But-Out" Car.  All free stuff designed for those new to this type of life.

Recently our new member "Axle" posted his first simple build and it may be a good example for you to consider replicating. Click on his photo to enlarge it.

Hello from the land of enchantment
Welcome to the forum Kathy and Andy. Sounds like you’ve got lots of time to do some planning and building. You’re at the right place for all the ideas you need. We love when people share with us what they’re doing, how they’re building, new ideas etc.

i’m in Pennsylvania now but I plan to be in Florida for the winter. Although things have changed a dozen times in this strange time we live in it now looks like the day after Thanksgiving I’ll be leaving and arrive in Pine craft a week Or two later. I’m going to take my time and see a lot of nature sites on the way down. Then I plan to spend the winter very between Pine craft And near Myakie State Park. (I know I spelled that wrong I have to learn it.). I have many friends in Pine craft that’s our Amish settlement down there. I’m looking forward to seeing friends from all over the country as they gather down there in the winter. I have been a nature teacher for many years ran a nature center here in Pennsylvania and am an amateur nature photographer so I plan to continue that as much as possible in Florida. Maybe you can recommend some sites down there that I can’t miss. I do want to shoot manatees. And I’d like to shoot storks, pelicans, tricolored Heron, and especially the beautiful little painted bunting. I’m sure there’s a lot more worthwhile and it’s going to be a fun winter. I plan to be there till about April sometime.

I’m sorry I made this post all about me. But I got excited when I saw you are from Florida. As I said welcome to the forum and we look forward to hearing from you more often. May God bless the nomads especially those from Florida.

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