Greetings everyone! My name is Johnny. I am a 43 year old former Marine, who has never felt comfortable trying to adhere to the social paradigms set by society. I am an introvert at heart. And, from what I have gathered here on this forum and on youtube (I'm definitely not the only one who feels this way). Finally!! Ha ha. I tend to feel socially awkward in large groups. But, I would like to work on that by socializing with more like-minded individuals. Who I decide to interact with is 100% predetermined by morals. If I feel that someone is genuinely kindhearted and their motives are pure - I will be gregarious and smiling. Conversely, if I notice negative traits i.e malice or dominating behavior- I will disappear without a word. Poof. Just like magic. Lol. My reason for writing this introduction, is to connect with others who share the same core values. I intend to arrive in Ehrenberg sometime before Christmas. And, it would be nice to have a network of friends who can acclimate me to the area; and to the unwritten rules established by the current residents.