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Alcatraz said:
I would not rebuild the 92 E4OD. 

Almost all rebuilds come with the upgraded parts and alterations needed for these boat anchors.  You just have to ask to make sure that's what you are getting.  One of the reasons I can't stand Ford is their chronic habit of figuring out ways to pick your wallet clean and their 4R100 is a good example being they won't interchange.  The tranny in my van must not have been a "bad" one since it lasted almost 150k without issues.  For anyone reading that doesn't know the E4OD NEVER get one from a wrecking yard unless you are using it for a core.  I don't care that I may sit here for 2 years, it will be getting a properly rebuilt tranny.

At least I could diagnose the IAC.  Those things are a pain in the ass.  I'm going to order another and just keep cleaning and swapping them out.

What I need now is a small solar set up so I can keep my phone and laptop charged when the church isn't open.  Not having a working cig plug is a pain but I won't be driving much and it probably won't be enough to keep the battery charged anyway.
Hi everyone!  Sorry for the sporadic communications but I am still around and still getting things done so I can escape from here!

It took me 3 months but the rear end was rebuilt.  Some shims in a shim pack committed suicide and sent metal shavings almost everywhere.  It sounds nice and quiet now.

Next month the ECM is getting replaced.  A tranny shop had test drove the van and told me they didn't think it was the transmission itself and this proved to be plausible because one day the check engine light didn't come on and everything worked awesome.  As soon as I was done at my appointment the light was back on and the rough and erratic shifting had returned.  So I had another shop do a bunch of diagnostic testing and not only did they find that the ECM was not working as it should but they also found that the Idle Air Control(IAC which I mentioned in earlier posts) had been unplugged.  When they plugged it back in the ECM would zero it out.  So, the IAC might actually work but well find out for sure on the 3rd.  That would save me some money if it does work.

I've located ALL the leaks and three of the 4 windows will be getting resealed the first week of November.  The 4th one is going to be replaced with some kind of plate system for a fan and stove pipe for my wood stove so right now it's duct taped.

The next MAJOR issue(which I also previously posted about) is my heater and defroster not working.  I've since found that it was an issue for the previous owners as well because whoever they had repair it did a LOUSY job that could have resulted in a fire.  Thankfully a receptacle melted and prevented that.  Whatever the actual issue is someone decided that rather than fixing it properly they ran a jumper wire from the blower motor back to the battery and along it they put in a 60 amp fuse!  I'm glad that receptacle melted because that fuse wasn't going to break the circuit.  So now rainy season is coming and I don't have any heat.  BRRRRRRR!  I'm tempted to try sneaking down to the desert just so I can escape the dampness and have some warmth.  If it isn't one thing it's another.

Other than that I've been surviving in the church parking lot and saving money towards the next repairs I can get!  I'd really have liked to have gotten out of here in November but January is more likely.