Hats off to the Mods

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2014
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I've got a new respect for the job the mods do here.  I joined a truck forum to get more information about my new to me Ranger.  Have lots of questions about restoring it, getting parts etc.  In the process, I've seen things that would never in a million years be allowed here.  Jokes about homosexuality and fat girls, extremely racist pictures and comments, and political posts galore.  At first I wondered why there seemed to be no women at all on the forum when I see women driving trucks all the time.  Then I realized I am getting an inside look at a "good old boys" club.  Don't get me wrong, there are some very helpful guys on there and I am getting answers but it sure doesn't seem like a place I'll be spending a lot of time.
Spend a lot of time there and you will find yourself giving men a very wide berth, I don't recommend it.

One of the things I love about this place is once people figure out the culture (which the mods do an excellent job of maintaining) they leave the ugliness at the door and connect with much more respect than most other places.
No doubt Queen. I have to bite my tongue on a regular basis even here at my job. It's amazing what some people consider appropriate to say in front of a total stranger. Luckily my boss (long blond hair, 100 pounds soaking wet) has no tolerance for ignorance and has sent guests packing for off color remarks.
You didn't say WHICH Ford forum you are on.

I have a Ford Superduty and I use the Ford Truck Enthusiasts forum for info:


I only hang out in the Superduty, 6.2 Engine, and Towing forums there, but I've never seen anything that I would think of as insensitive or problematical.  The mods there seem to keep it very businesslike and focused. They do have a random-chat forum, but I don't hang out there and haven't seen what goes on in it.  I note that it's marked as NO POLITICAL, SEXUAL OR RELIGIOUS TOPICS.

I see they have a Ranger forum.  Perhaps you would be happier there.
As an aside, I am also on the Reddit Vandwellers forum, but I find CheapRVLiving to be a much more informative place. Mostly because well over half of the people at Reddit Vandwellers have never actually spent a single night in a van and likely never will, so all their "knowledge" is theoretical and comes from the University of YouTube. Here, instead, most of us are actual van or RV dwellers (two years for me) and know what we know from practical experience.
LeeRevell said:
Simply different cultures.  No more or less valid than that here.

Me, I do not consider racism or sexism or homophobia or bigotry to be a valid culture, in any way shape or form. It has  no place in a modern society--or at least it SHOULD have no place. Sadly, as we can see every day on the Internet, there are still lots of goobers out there.
the internet lets you see people as they really are.
bardo said:
the internet lets you see people as they really are.

Agreed, and it is astonishingly eye opening.
bardo said:
the internet lets you see people as they really are.

Not sure that is true; ... I think the internet lets people expose ALL of their lowest and random thoughts with ease and impunity which they can't/wouldn't do in real life---ie. everyone occasionally has thoughts/urges that are not politically correct that they don't express or follow because they are not who they really are; the internet removes the filters/common sense/decency(?) by removing the face to face or immediate voice "reactions".
"You didn't say WHICH Ford forum you are on.

I have a Ford Superduty and I use the Ford Truck Enthusiasts forum for info:"

It is a Ranger forum I've been going to. Maybe I'll check out the For one, seems they have SOME rules. Don't get me wrong, I'm in their territory and have no right to judge but posting pics and commenting dumb N (fully spelled out with a hyphen added) or stupid (insert homophobic name) is crossing the line don't you think.
Thirsty Boots Nomad said:
Not sure that is true; ... I think the internet lets people expose ALL of their lowest and random thoughts with ease and impunity which they can't/wouldn't do in real life---ie. everyone occasionally has thoughts/urges that are not politically correct that they don't express or follow because they are not who they really are; the internet removes the filters/common sense/decency(?) by removing the face to face or immediate voice "reactions".

But those thoughts and urges are who they really are, deep down, the face presented to the world is the mask.  It all seems very Lord of the Flies, remove social stigma and people show their true colors.
LeeRevell said:
Simply different cultures.  No more or less valid than that here.
Very few of us could live together in the real world.

This is not a "tribe", more a "trading village".

Which gives the Rendezvous even more credence, in the "mountain man" sort of way.
I've deleted a few off topic posts. If I wasn't on my phone I'd probably delete more

More kudos, please
I'll chime in... I have been chastised a few times for my politically incorrect or perhaps just rude comments and all justified. I have asked for some of my comments to be deleted when I type before engaging my brain, always done as requested.

I may not always agree with the deletions but I do understand they are just trying to keep order here. Like herding a group of cats.. They do good and have my thanks.

Meh ~~~

I joined a Dodge Truck Forum before this one.  Extremely nice people that gave me a lot of advice, and would consistantly give away or sell parts at low prices.  

When someone would get "ignorant" the mods would tell them publically that if they wanted to be like that, go to a specific forum.  It had some nasty trolls that would viciously attack anyone for no reason other than they were a newby.  

Before Obama was elected, I was a moderator on more than one political forums.  Hearding cats is a pleasure compaired to dealing with those ~~~ No accurate word for the problem posters.~~~   :rolleyes:  It helped with getting my degree in Communication.  (BS~PR/Comm) Until my first stroke I was heading for a Masters in Mediation.  :(

I am still in contact with some of the rational posters and moderators.  

I am so happy I am not a babysitter here... or anywhere.    (Happy Dance!)  Substituting for a first grade classroom was easy compaired to being a moderator. (They had me for lunch!)
come on people the tittle of this thread is "Hats off to the Mods" can we please stay on topic. highdesertranger
ArtW said:
The quotes? no quotes in my now deleted post, not sure where you got that

I think she was talking about the non existent sexism in my now deleted post. I have known women is sexist?
I agree fully to hats off to moderators. I cannot imagine a more thankless, payless 'job'. I appreciate being able to come here and get the information about living this life without judgements. The support of this community is keeping my dream alive. I dont have to wade through a bunch of nonsense to get the information and comradery i crave. I wouldn't want the job but am sure grateful for those of you that are willing to spend your time in keeping this a place i come to several times a day. Thank you to every moderator here. Nora
Hats off to the mods, for sure.  I was a mod on ADVrider.com for a while, a huge board with over 300k users and almost 30 million posts. We had maybe 20 mods of various flavors. It's calmed down a bit after I left with some rule changes, but it was, and still is, raucous place with many hardened and rough participants. It wasn't cat herding, it was tiger herding.

The thing about modding is that you don't really establish or control the culture.  Mods react when people overstep forum rules or behave in a way that is counter and potentially destructive to the currently established cultural state. It's the members that propagate and morph the cultural norms. Mods mostly answer the "clean-up on isle 7" call.

I'm a n00b here and came to this forum because I'm about to switch from motorcycle adventuring to four wheel adventuring. I needed a place where I could learn the things I needed to to build Putt---my step van. (see link in sig). There are all sorts of forums where I could have gotten good advice---Pirate 4x4, iRV, Expedition Portal, etc. I looked at them all, they all fit my technical needs. But I also knew that forum participation is just as much, more really, about the community of people you are joining and making friends as it is about which solar panels to buy.

That's why I joined here. I feel the vibe. I like the vibe. I like the tribe. 

(Don't get me started about tribe, unless you want to see walls of text.)

Anyhow, this thread got me thinking about how the cultural vibe actually gets established relative to the work of the mods.  And I've come to the conclusion that it's all about Bob, and that light yellow band of editorial content at the top of the page he creates and curates. 

A culture arises from it's philosophical principles, which pattern and integrate our core being. All our intentions and how we interpret our experiences go through the filter of our belief system, which is highly effected by our personal and cultural principles. I believe I like this place because Bob has laid out a strong foundation of cultural principles and thought forms that harmonize with mine....and which, I believe, will aid me in becoming a richer, more complex and integrated, beautiful being. 

So decodancer, if you're wondering why this place is so different and to your liking, I think you have Bob to thank. 

The mods just keep it on its rails.

Just!? Ha! It's a thankless task; a gift from loving hearts that do it because they know how beautiful a culture this is and want to keep it healthy and alive for others. God bless 'em! My hats off to you too. Thanks you for spending 1000s of hours answering the same old questions and moving posts around to create a cogent and wise repository meaning and relationships. Elders of the tribe they are.

Thank you Bob and mods for a beautiful virtual home!
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