Happy Yule

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2012
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Arco Idaho
A little history. My family is from Denmark, tracing back more than 1000 years on all sides ancestry wise. It is an old european tradition to celebrate Yule (literal translation: wheel), but specifically an end of year celebration starting with the solstice (Dec 21st) and ending on the 12th day (New Years). In our family this always meant drinking a toast and giving thanks for the year gone by. On the first day of Yule we gave thanks for January of the past year. On the second day, February past, etc. At the end of it all, a lot of Europeans will burn a year wheel (often a wagon wheel) each of its 12 spokes representing a month in the year before, and burning it symbolic of a kings burial by fire and sending it to heaven. That's a super summized version but the most I wanted to stuff in your faces ;) So any that wish to may join me here as I give thanks for the past year. Happy Holidays to any of you that celebrate any other religion or holiday in your own ways. :heart:

Yule 1: In January I gave thanks for my two dogs keeping me warm on cold winters nights. My lab Stigr's birthday is Jan 31 so we give thanks for him. It was the beginning of a bright new year with my speech and memory starting to return to normal from my stroke. So cheers to Yule!
I like the burning of the wheel in this tradition.
I especially like the toasting part, so lets toast the passing of another trip around the sun and send up a prayer for a better one ahead.

Happy Yule
Merry Christmas
A toast to you all "Merry Christmas"

I'm thankful to be living the life I live with the support of my family and friends my adventures so far have been much more than I deserve.
And Happy Yule 2: In february I give thanks for Honeys Birthday. Even though she is gone, she will never be forgotten.
Ok if I get this right we need to think of something we are grateful for from Feb...
My first son who was born on the 2nd day of the month. He has grown into a man who has overcome great challenges and he has found God.
I'm grateful for the February visit we got from my sister & her family. Wrenchhand, always the extrovert, perked up and really enjoyed the company. It was his last time of feeling really good before he died in April. Hail February!
@papa: you got the idea, in the old country we didn't call the months by their roman names, but same idea

Happy Yule 3 March: In March my Daughter came to town to visit me. Only happens every year or so since going to college so I'm thankful and Happy for that. We shared a special moment that we shall never forget.
Last January I was still caught up in the whirlwind of probating the estate of my late husband...I wanted to be grateful...I was angry, I was a bear. I'd like to thank my friends for hanging in there with me, for them I was very grateful!!

We used to burn a Yule Log on New Year's Eve, big enough to burn through the night and light the way to the new year...I don't know if its any particular tradition, just something we did...now I feel a google search coming on *smile*.

Happy Yule!
March.....easy for me.....I'm grateful to all the VETS each and everyone of them. They all marched for our freedom

Happy Yule 4: April. My daughter was born in April many years ago so I can always give thanks for her, as she is the joy of my life. As for April 2013, it was a slow year and I need to write things down and keep a journal as I sometimes get stuck on this too. The whole point is remembrance for the year gone by, so kind of ironic I suppose. April was the month that my dogs discovered digging for woodchucks. This gave us months of enjoyment and ridded me of my mouse problem as well. So I give thanks for nature providing them sustenance and all of us a sometimes exciting hobby.
Happy yule 5: May was when I fell, broke 2 ribs in my back, and punctured my left lung. I give thanks that I had a rapid healing and having Margie's loving help during that time. That was also the month we decided to go on the road fulltime.

I like this tradition of reviewing good things of the last year :)
Well, we barely do Christmas (never more than two gifts... not because we are cheap but gifts are not what Christmas is about). We normally light a fire (in recent years a candle) for Solstice Day but not this year. I hope your holidays are special and next year is better for you than this year. Take care, stay warm and watch out for the loonies on the highways.
Happy Yule 5, Merry Christmas , In May I had the first visitors to Honeys Park, so I give thanks for that. May was also a nice warm month almost an early summer.
Happy Yule 6, and thanks to those who have posted in Yule's honor here. In June I give thanks for the wonderful weather I had and the time spent with my dogs in the field as a result. I also give thanks for the 308 rifle I bought ;)
Happy Yule 7: In July I gave thanks for a happy holiday summer weekend spent with friends and drink.
Scar said:
Happy Yule 4: April. My daughter was born in April many years ago so I can always give thanks for her, as she is the joy of my life.

Scar, I too have a daughter who was born in April.
She has been a joy for almost every day of my life since then.....she was 14 years old once, but we got through that lol

I' grateful for her, her love and her support in everything I do.


Scar said:
Happy Yule 5, Merry Christmas , In May I had the first visitors to Honeys Park, so I give thanks for that. May was also a nice warm month almost an early summer.

May......I love the end of winter, the new flowers, the snow melting away, days getting warmer so the outside feels welcoming!

Scar said:
Happy Yule 6, and thanks to those who have posted in Yule's honor here. In June I give thanks for the wonderful weather I had and the time spent with my dogs in the field as a result. I also give thanks for the 308 rifle I bought ;)

June, my wife Sandy's birthday is June 13.....what a lucky guy I am....

Scar, I met a guy on a Harley Dec.24.
He has a teardrop trailer he made himself, he and his house on wheels have been in all 48 lower states. I have him directions to your place.....please keep and eye out for him.....great guy, but he does talk a lot!!!!
You might see him in June of this year or next...or not????

July????? we there yet....I got lost for a bit.

July.....4th of July, the time to celebrate AMERICA