Group purchase of land for RV community

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2016
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Philly area
Hey all!  

I was wondering if any of you ever considered getting together - say 20-30 people - from this forum and purchasing a nice 5-10 acre parcel of land somewhere out west and all chipping in on it?  We could all park our RV's etc. on the land.  We would all have different skills and help each other in different ways.  One person could buy a sweet solar set up, another few could chip in and have a well dug.  Just a passing thought.  The best part is we would have a little community (family) off grid on our own private land to call home base.  


Great Idea! I want to apply for the Supervisor position...
BradKW said:
Great Idea!  I want to apply for the Supervisor position...

Lol!  There would be no "supervisor".  We would all work together.  That's the point.  We wouldn't need a boss  :p
I think that is called a CULT and would be open for scrutiny. Some areas are a bit more tolerant, a great idea the most are not ready for. Opens up a whole new C.O.B. I like where your going though, not too hard to rent a DRIGER lay in some power dig a communal well and raise some crops and animals 40 acres would suffice.
Let,s pick a name wad you say? Rubbertrampville
ghost said:
Hey all!  

I was wondering if any of you ever considered getting together - say 20-30 people - from this forum and purchasing a nice 5-10 acre parcel of land somewhere out west and all chipping in on it?  We could all park our RV's etc. on the land.  We would all have different skills and help each other in different ways.  One person could buy a sweet solar set up, another few could chip in and have a well dug.  Just a passing thought.  The best part is we would have a little community (family) off grid on our own private land to call home base.  



Would all the women have to be hairy?
wagoneer said:
I think that is called a CULT and would be open for scrutiny. Some areas are a bit more tolerant, a great idea the most are not ready for. Opens up a whole new C.O.B. I like where your going though, not too hard to rent a DRIGER lay in some power dig a communal well and raise some crops and animals 40 acres would suffice.
Let,s pick a name wad you say? Rubbertrampville

A cult?  Seriously?  How about a community of like minded people who want to reduce their carbon footprint and work with each other to help each other so we don't have to be slaves to the system?  I'm thinking Oregon.  Ruggsville or Rubbertrampville are great choices!
Would be easy to start it and structure as a worker's or grower's cooperative. Avoids any cult or religious undertones. Actually, you could start a hackerspace in the middle of the desert, which is usually member-owned and operated coop not for profit, and have all the tools, power, and parking at your disposal. Or run it as a private club, like a country club. Dues or labor paid annually.
AngryVanMan said:
Would be easy to start it and structure as a worker's or grower's cooperative.  Avoids any cult or religious undertones.  Actually, you could start a hackerspace in the middle of the desert, which is usually member-owned and operated coop not for profit, and have all the tools, power, and parking at your disposal.  Or run it as a private club, like a country club.  Dues or labor paid annually.

Yes!  Cooperative is what I was thinking of.  RTR Organic Farms!  Good call Angry Man!
ghost said:
Hey all!  

I was wondering if any of you ever considered getting together - say 20-30 people - from this forum and purchasing a nice 5-10 acre parcel of land somewhere out west and all chipping in on it?  We could all park our RV's etc. on the land.  We would all have different skills and help each other in different ways.  One person could buy a sweet solar set up, another few could chip in and have a well dug.  Just a passing thought.  The best part is we would have a little community (family) off grid on our own private land to call home base.  


I considered getting together with maybe 5 other builders , go in on land and then build a small airplane hangar type building , then spend time researching , designing , building small light weight rvs and rv components 
there is another thread about this from last year or the year before. while it sounds like nirvana I can foresee many problems. highdesertranger
I think 10 acres would do it.  30 sites.  Maybe a few tiny homes, few 5th wheels, some vans, etc.  Have gardens and some animals but not a lot.  Somewhere close to a good sized town for the normal supplies.  With solar and a well the only thing would be sewer, so a septic tank may be needed as well.
highdesertranger said:
there is another thread about this from last year or the year before.  while it sounds like nirvana I can foresee many problems.  highdesertranger

Could you please name the top 3?
If we had 20 people each with $20,000 that's $400,000.   I'm pretty sure we could get a lot done with that ...
lucky to get 20 people with a thousand each on a hair brained scheme, ye gotta start from the ground up.
Look up the cost for starting an RV park if you want sites, buildings and things. A greenfield sewage packing plant on the low end is half a million dollars. If you can do lined evaporation ponds it's cheaper, but you might not be able to permit those anymore depending on the state EPA.

If you want RV-centric, most suggest buying an existing RV park, which unless you are well heeled, is going to take investors and one hell of a solid business plan, or some really trusting friends. Better start growing some rich altruistic friends once you tell them it's for a non-profit coop! :)
1. whose name is this property going to be in? what happens if they decide they want to sell out?
2. what about zoning ordinances? you try to put a large number of people on a smallish size lot and the county will be paying a visit.
3. lets face reality socialism doesn't work unless it is forced upon people. as soon as some people figure out that they do not have to contribute, they won't.

well there is three, there are many more. highdesertranger
I could see doing it on the fly, but lets get the guns out jest in case. I am saying IT CAN BE DONE just get ready for flack.
I currently own a property with 5 family members and will never own a property with multiple people ever again. It's nothing but a he said/she said, difference of opinions, constant conflicts of a mess.

It all sounds like a beautiful idea in theory but you wouldn't believe the things that can come up that all have to be accounted before ahead of time in a legal document stating conditions for every possible scenerio, much like condos. Who gets to park their trailer where, what happens when someone doesn't pay their portion of taxes, how big a trailer, how many trailers each person can have, how much power/water they can use, can an outbuilding be added for storage, if yes how big, road maintenance going into property, how loud you can be and how late you can be that loud and the list goes on and on and on and on. You wouldn't believe the little petty things people will bicker about that you might think is nothing but they think is the end of the world and vice versa.
Not ready to bust my ass for some people that do not understand what they are getting in to, took my share of LSD

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