Good morning

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Interesting - I've been having a few lower back twinges around my spine ... though it is uncommon for me. Hope this won't continue. I'm getting ready to vacuum and wash carpets here and need to go into civilization soon to get my van registration and license taken care of. That may be a two day trip... maybe more.
Best wishes!  I hope it calms down for you.  I find that my upper back gets tight when I am stressed, and then takes a lot of focus to get relaxed again.  If I stretch too much, that only makes it worse.  Weird.
I just did car registration tabs today. I had been using a girlfriend who lives over on the Olympic Peninsula's address for my car registration. But with all the new security laws I had to use an address in Seattle as I was not paying rent to her. My new tabs as a penalty for being in a city are $100.00 higher than they would have been out in the unincorporated area in the countryside. Ouch, that hurt my budget quite a lot.
Flexiril is the one the doc refuses to write. I'm on the mend with some hot tub time and sleeping on a hard surface. It was my upper back, so glad breathing is less painful.  

Super nice day today, with lows near 50 degrees in southern AZ.  Happy Valentines Day everyone!  We started celebrating early with chocolate and flowers. -crofter
Hello.. good morning... just another day on the farm. I'll continue working on floor cleaning today. It is looking good in there. Every day another improvement.
travelaround said:
Hello.. good morning... just another day on the farm. I'll continue working on floor cleaning today. It is looking good in there. Every day another improvement.
Nice to have clean floors :)
Got plenty of work to do right here. Sorry, Brian!!

There's an old, old apple tree in my front yard that produced a lot of apples last year. I know this for certain because they're rotting on the ground and when someone steps on them, there's applesauce! I've decided to take one wheelbarrow full of apples and rotting leaves to the designated compost pile place in the backyard each day. The people who lived here before left an awesome wheelbarrow and good rakes and a shovel. Of course, I already had a nice shovel in my van, but I think I'll leave that there.
Am I hearing hard apple cider in the future or just fresh apple pies? A friend in idaho makes both :)
travelaround said:
Got plenty of work to do right here. Sorry, Brian!!

There's an old, old apple tree in my front yard that produced a lot of apples last year. I know this for certain because they're rotting on the ground and when someone steps on them, there's applesauce! I've decided to take one wheelbarrow full of apples and rotting leaves to the designated compost pile place in the backyard each day. The people who lived here before left an awesome wheelbarrow and good rakes and a shovel. Of course, I already had a nice shovel in my van, but I think I'll leave that there.
speaking from the experience of having lived next door to a person who did not pickup the apples off the ground. The fallen apples on the ground bring in the rats like crazy.  Be sure that compost pile is at the far end of the property from your house and car. Get that job done ASAP, don't spread it out over the long term. One other job to do right away be sure the skirting under the trailer has zero places for rats and mice to get in underneath. That is critical if you are in the city or in the country but most especially so for someone who has food crops in their yard.
The person who sold me the mobile home said in the four years she was here there were no rodents in the house - probably because of the local cat population. She left me the two outdoor cats who have lived on this property for eight years. I didn't want to displace them and can understand the benefits of having cats around! I will definitely get busy on that apple moving project. Yes, the compost pile is at the far end of the property. Thanks for the heads up..
Goutta Maria ( thats PA German for Good Morning). It's 7 am in PA and 29 degrees - I envy you dessert "rats" this time of year.
Good morning. It is cold here but no 29 degrees right now. We're at 36 degrees. it warms up pretty good most days. Expecting 52 later today. I'm at the border between CA and OR. No desert for me this year. I'm drinking my coffee and waiting for this mobile home to warm up. It has a monitor heater in the dining room.. where my desk is. Who needs a dining room table when you can have a computer desk? There's only me living here. I can have what I want. I still sleep in my van, in the driveway.
It actually got up to 50 here today. A beautiful surprise. I don't have a dinning table either - I live in a one room efficiency in an old stone house - 1795) so my computer desk serves both purposes.
One room is about all I need, but I just bought a three bedroom mobile home because it was a good price and my son wanted me to buy it - he lives across the street right now. I have no furniture to fill this place because I gave all my furnishings away prior to leaving North Idaho... I just have the folding table here in my dining room... that is now my computer table. I'm not particularly concerned about not having furniture. Empty is fine for me right now.
travelaround said:
One room is about all I need, but I just bought a three bedroom mobile home because it was a good price and my son wanted me to buy it - he lives across the street right now. I have no furniture to fill this place because I gave all my furnishings away prior to leaving North Idaho... I just have the folding table here in my dining room... that is now my computer table. I'm not particularly concerned about not having furniture. Empty is fine for me right now.
Nowadays free furniture is easy to find so when the time comes you can get what you need.
I did not realize your son was right across the street, that is a huge help to you and to his family too. Always nice to have someone who cares close by. Your own home security service for when you go on the road :)

I will look forward to visiting you one of these years or meeting you somewhere out of the road.
My dream home at this stage in life is an insulated garage with an attached bathroom. Utility sink in the bathroom and a washer dryer hookup. Two car garage would be nice, I could pull my trailer in on one side.
The woman who first told me about the RTR was a wannabe vandweller in the countryside north of where I lived in North Idaho. She logged onto this message board, and reads it perhaps. Anyhow, she had a nice pole barn on acreage in the forest. It is beautiful there. She loves woodworking, and her pole barn was full of woodworking equipment of all kinds, with a sewing room she built into the back. On one side of the pole barn she built a one bedroom small apartment. Really, a nice way to live. Oh, she had one area of the pole barn serving as a garage for her Ford Transit Connect which she built into a travel vehicle... not sure if she ever got to go anywhere though. She had two cats to take care of. Anyhow, that sounds like your dream home insulated garage.

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