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maki2 said:
@ maki2 
The jet stream must have shifted south. High of 51 today in southern AZ, instead of the warm prediction of 70 plus degrees. I'm sure Seattleites have no pity for Zonies wearing jackets- finally. Hope it warms up soon. 

@TA Hello again!! Good to hear you are back online. My technical challenges currently extend to getting the hot spot on my phone to work. Can't wait to use my laptop again. Also redesign of the bucket system to include a seperator, and painting on more layers of floor sealant when the temperature is warm enough for paint and sealants to cure. RTR was awesome. Did you make it south at all? Enjoy your fixer upper (my favorite thing).   -crofter
cold can be a relative thing because to some extent our bodies adapt to the climate we are in.

I have been wearing my down jacket indoors during the daytime and on the colder nights sleep with gloves on because my hands seem to wander out from under the blankets.

But it is not all that long until spring comes around :) I am looking forward to it.
@Crofter in AZ .. so happy to hear you went to RTR.. no.. didn't go south.. been in Happy Camp all this time. Just Happy Camping.. so happy to be out of RV park and sleeping in my own driveway. Had a cat on my van roof tonight.

@Maki.. I can't complain about cold when I hear you're wearing a down jacket indoors! However.. 2 days ago woke up, went into the mobile home and discovered what it is like to run out of kerosine for the Monitor heater. Tried to compensate with my electric heater and blew a circuit.. then couldn't figure out what switch would fix it. My daughter's spouse fixed that this evening and kerosine delivery is tomorrow. Nice to have warm blankets in van at night.
travelaround....sounds like you will have a lot of things to get sorted out to make that trailer functional for your needs. Good that you have family and friends to assist you with it.
Yes, the mobile home is a big DIY project... one I'm not used to. Yesterday I got the heating fuel (kerosene) and now I'm able to use my computer in comfort again. My grandson enthusiastically said he'd help me replace ceilings.... he's 10. I'm expecting help from his dad. Anyhow, one day at a time. Only one project per day usually and right now I'm washing the bedding from my van. If I get that all done (a pile of blankets) I'll feel the day was well spent.
I could make use of a 10 year old for picking stuff up and handing it to me so I don't have to do so much bending :)
windy here today, the weather report says there were gust up to 49mph. Fortunately on the side the wind was originating from my trailer was pretty well protected by a building further out and then a big cargo trailer right next to it. But it was still getting some rocking back and forth with the wind whipping around and up and over. But it was warm and cozy inside with the heater set to low.
So you're sleeping in the trailer now!? How exciting! ...after all that work you did...

I love sleeping in my van, in the driveway. It is mostly cleared out now, as much as I plan to do right now. Next, I'll finish insulating. I have 2 panels to install and then the curtains. Then comes the paneling, which honestly, I have no idea how to attach to the metal frame. I have to figure this out.
I can sleep in the trailer but I don't usually do that.

No rain predicted for Sunday, Monday or Tuesday and not too windy. I need to be taking advantage of that and get some of the things done that require going back and forth between trailer and workshop. Taking measurements, cutting stuff, getting tools out, putting tools away. It is a drag to do some of the work when it is wet, windy and freezing cold. Now I will have 3 somewhat cold days with highs in the mid to low 40s but not much wind and no rain. I can finish fitting the flooring and do some work on the cabinet and countertop. A bit of work on the ceiling insulation, just a few pieces to add that are for cushioning to prevent hard and painful head knocks. Of course it will be nice and warm inside the trailer while I am working.
I'm going to get my son in here to help devise a way to panel. One wall is mostly free and clear so I'm just about ready.. just need to get lumber. There's a 133 mile drive one way to get to the nearest Home Depot. 2 hours 29 minutes each way. I've already decided to schedule my out of town trips for only once a month... to save money.
travelaround said:
... paneling, which honestly, I have no idea how to attach to the metal frame. I have to figure this out.
@ TA
Home Depot sells pan head screws for attaching the paneling. You will need to drill the holes and the screws will go right in. Do not use the self tapping screws. 

Lovely day in southern AZ, 70 degrees and breezy enough to knock the branches off the palm trees.  Planning to check out the local flea markets since it is so nice today.  -crofter
travelaround just browse through the van building section of this forum. You will find lots of threads showing installing paneling to the van walls. There are several approaches to it, pay attention to advantages and disadvantages. Make an informed decision on what works best for your needs regarding desired amount of insulation, your budget, time, available for the work, tools you have to work with available labor. You can create a list of the methods with some columns of criteria and put check marks into those columns. That will help you sort out what might be the best approach that fits your needs and ability.
I will do my research! Thanks for pointing in the right direction. Wonderful to wake up to a sunny day here... still cold, but not as cold as I'd be if I was still in North Idaho. I'm going out today and must hurry to get ready.
travelaround said:
I will do my research! Thanks for pointing in the right direction. Wonderful to wake up to a sunny day here... still cold, but not as cold as I'd be if I was still in North Idaho. I'm going out today and must hurry to get ready.
I you don't have one you might want to get a chalk line. That helps mark out the line for putting in a row of screws so that you are always screwing into structure rather than missing a stringer and creating what will become an empty hole. Not an essential item but it saves time instead of stopping to make measurements. Some ancient, low tech, easy to use, layout tools are still very useful. "Story poles" and "chalk lines" are two such tools, no stopping to read tape measures to get things spaced out the same distance apart.
Cloudburst today. Expected to continue raining until tomorrow, from southern AZ. Reminder that washes and flooded areas are dangerous: Washes are aptly named as everything washes away and ends up farther downstream, full of mud. -crofter
cloudy but not raining, not warm but not super cold either. Hot mocha and peanut butter toast for breakfast. A nice start to a day :) Lots of projects to work on but nothing horrid or unpleasant.

Trying to avoid driving around and spending money as I have things to save up for such as a visit to the dentist, brakes for the car, of course more stuff will be needed for the build as there is always some hardware item or adhesive, etc that each task seems to require.

I have accumulated out of storage a couple of shelf racks of items that I want to sell. But I keep procrastinating taking the photos and writing the ads. I just don't enjoy the interaction with strangers coming over to buy things or scheduling to meet them. I am a lousy slave driver when it comes to making myself get this chore done but at least some progress made in the positive direction, just not enough of it. But at least posting this gives me the motivation needed to put the battery for the camera on its charger, this is a one small step that has to get done first.
Gorgeous day here, sunny and 70 as usual in southern AZ. Nites are still quite cool. Having a low key day with my taxes, and getting over back spasms.  -crofter
crofter said:
Gorgeous day here, sunny and 70 as usual in southern AZ. Nites are still quite cool. Having a low key day with my taxes, and getting over back spasms.  -crofter
crofter.....At my annual physical I get my doctor to give me a years worth of refillable prescriptions for a very mild muscle relaxer, one that does not make me very drowsy. I use a half of one in the morning on days when I am going to be doing something that will stress my back.  It keeps me from going into spasm mode. It is funny stuff, it does not work directly on the muscle itself. Instead it works in the brain and keeps it from sending the impulse commands in the nerves that induce the spasms.  My lower and upper back are a mess, two disc removed in the lower, bone on bone with plenty of damage, 3 bulged disc in the thoracic area. If it were not for taking anti inflamatory plus a mild muscle relaxer before I do stuff then I would be a writhing mass of spasms that cause even more pressure and nerve pain. The trick is to get a jump on it before you do stuff to keep from going into spasms.
Maki what’s the name of the muscle relaxer?

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The one I have been using is Methocarbamol, that is the generic name for Flexiril.  Unfortunately this last year it quit being covered by my Medicare prescription insurance. But it is not all that expensive so I will keep on with it. I usually get by with just half of the standard dose unless I have been doing a lot of physical bending and twisting that day. I have stuck with it because it does not make me drowsy. Since I am often working with sharp tools I have to have my wits fully functional at all times. Plus I need to be able to drive unimpaired by drugs. Just remember everyone has a different metabolism, it could make you drowsy even though it does not do that to me. There are other side effects of course so discuss it with your doctor and plan on staying at home during the trail period until you know how it is going to effect you. Medications are tricky, some work well for one person but don't work at all for another person. One of the things I like about the Methocarbamol is that it is not in the habit forming classification as are some other muscle relaxers.

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