Good morning

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Hi Dean. I was wondering where you went. Glad you're back. My world is still SOS but the weather is getting a lot better.
We did end up jacking up the trailer to transfer it onto the new frame after all. The photo shows it at the stage with the new frame  rolled under the shell but the shell still up on the jacks and long timber beams.

What happened was that my friend lifted it up on  jacks enough to slide some shims between the frame and the shell so the boatyard could slide in the straps. But during that process the frame started fracturing apart at the front end. Too risky to tow it that way even for a few blocks. Not an unhappy ending though as my friend had a great afternoon playing with big screw jacks and hydraulic jacks and engineering stacks. He said "this is the kind of work I love". At least I did not end up feeling guilty about the extra labor hours.

I rented four large bottle screw jacks to supplement our 2 hydraulic bottle jacks and bought 2 pieces of timber that are 8' long 4 x 6. I had already accumulated other various off cuts of lumber from a construction site for use on this project. The transfer is not quite done, we ran out of daylight. So still to come aligning the new frame with the shell and then bolts need to go in. But it is a whole lot closer to having it rolling down the road again.


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Glad you were able to keep your fingers and not scratch the camper! It really used to be fun to solve problems with a few timbers and a hydraulic jack, now it is more fun to watch! You may find it easier to raise up the trailer to start the bolts. It was easier to move the trailer than the camper in my case.
bullfrog said:
Glad you were able to keep your fingers and not scratch the camper!  It really used to be fun to solve problems with a few timbers and a hydraulic jack, now it is more fun to watch!  You may find it easier to raise up the trailer to start the bolts.  It was easier to move the trailer than the camper in my case.
The new bolts are not going to be difficult. Only the center rear bolt is in the original location acting as the king pin centering location. Don turned a taper on a foot long length of steel rod and put a cross pin so it does not slip down too far and a handle at the top of the rod so it is easy to put in and remove it. That will allow the shell to be at the right location at the rear and then pivot on the pin for centering the front side to side. All the rest of the new bolt holes were pre-drilled into the frame. So that just means going underneath and using a drill in those holes to go up through the fiberglass shell and on through the plywood subfloor.  Don is a professional product designer who has been making all kinds of things all of his life. I am a former assembly and fabrication mechanic and was a lead at Boeing. We are both experienced with thinking like engineers and working with lots of tools :)
Hoping every one has a great day. It will be sunny here in Seattle. It has been a record breaking weather pattern this last few weeks. The longest stretch of fall sunny days in a row in more than 100 years! I have been grateful to have every one of those sunny days for working on my build.
I know that many people who come into this forum are just getting started on learning how to use various tools and how to build things. But my life has been very different than that of other women my age (70). I got started using tools and building complex things at a young age. This photo was taken 40 years ago when I was working on a far more complex build than doing an interior on a van or travel trailer. This was at Boeing in Seattle where I was one of the "development prover mechanics" working on the mockup for the extended version of the 757. The boss had a list list of stuff that needed to be fabricated and installed. We got the blue print, went to the area where materials were stored, sheet metal, aluminum angle, wood, fiberglass etc. Got the materials, went back to the bench and fabricated the parts they wanted. The parts used on a mock-up had to be within three one hundreths tolerance which of course felt like an eigyh of an inch when you are used to working in tolerances of a thousandth of an inch.

Mock-up was great fun, I got to learn how to use brake presses for bending metal, and there was a woodshop too. I had always wanted to become a woodworker so I got to be professional training on the use of tablesaws, bandsaws, jointers, planers, routers, etc. That was also where I had a chance to learn how to use fiberglass cloth and resin. Over the years I worked on 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777 and even a little work on interior parts for the 787 for a sub contractor making parts for Boeing. When I was on layoff in 1983 I was working for another company doing a custom interior in a 747 for one of the princes in the middle east. But it was always the most fun to work on remodeling my own houses or to build large custom birdhouses I made for use on estates.


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Fascinating.. thanks for sharing that with us Maki.. I can see now where you're getting , or got, all the useful information you've posted on the forum over the months I've known you here.

I'm awake.. good morning. I may be going back into sticks and bricks for the winter. I've been offered a furnished converted garage with a wood stove and wifi.. something pretty much essential for winters in this town. Moving in there will give me more room in my van and cargo trailer to continue with conversion efforts.
A converted garage with a woodstove and wifi! That and a van with a cargo trailer for some part time adventures is a great lifestyle.
Be careful about making it too comfortable or you will end up with visitors!!!
Visitors! How scary!! LOL . . . my daughter wants to move here too... hope she finds a nice rental. She's been living in a school bus for a couple years and wants to get out of it and gut it so they can start a new build.
Gorgeous day out here in AZ. Currently 65 and sunny.

Picking out my boondocking site for next week when my vacay starts. But the hot showers have been quite awesome during the work week.

Good to see everyone doing well!
I just saw a guy carrying TWO snow shovels, time to head south! LOL!!!
Good morning. May not stay here after all... landlady was talking about putting the cargo trailer in storage and that sounds like extra costs.. plus, I want to use my cargo trailer, not just store things in it or store it. The cargo trailer is intended to be my art studio and I also cook and eat in there. I sleep in the van. Looking at options today.

Yesterday I did a lot of measuring for the van insulation and I'm going to do more cuts for that if I have time after seeking rentals for myself and my daughter. I'd like her to get a place where I could park my van/trailer in her driveway.
Got the fiberglass trailer shell properly centered on the new frame this morning so the wheels are on the ground now :) Heading out to purchase the new hardware to bolt the shell to the frame. It is rather fun to know that a heavy duty steel trailer frame was financed by selling little bits of cardstock that assemble into tiny little buildings.
I have to say, I admire so much the kinds of work you're doing, Maki - both the cardstock buildings and the trailer renovation. How I wish I were so talented!!

Yes, just after 9pm here. I'm cheating again. Can't wait until morning. Just got home from a meeting.
Another gorgeous day in OR, 60's plus and warm enough now to work on gluing up insulation onto the ceiling of the van. Then my miles long to do list after that.    ~crofter
Maybe we should have a Good Evening thread on here too as that's when I get around to posting here much of the time.

6pm - dinner prep in progress. Lentil soup and quesadillas and warm coffee type drink. Blueberry yogurt for desert. A feast... I'm just waiting for the cheese to melt in my tiny quesadillas in the HotLogic Mini. I'm getting fancy over here.

Good news of the day... alternate rental acquired.
I walked into the Deli today and Debbie was there. I asked if I could moochdock in her yard (she'd offered before) . . . told her I was looking for a rental for my daughter and her family. She introduced me to Ken and Sherry, sitting right behind her... they own a whole gulch and hillside full of cabins just outside of town.

I went to their gulch and took photos of two large cabins... my daughter looked at the photos and chose the four bedroom cabin! I rented it for her! She should be here in two weeks.

Went to get the mail and when I came out of the Post Office, my son was there in his friends' car. Great blessing. He's a professional truck driver. He will go with me to look at the cabin parking situation tomorrow, and help me move the van and cargo trailer up there, and will install my shore power inlet.

I will get electricity and internet turned on, and camp in the yard of the cabin or on the hillside below it while Ken fixes the cabin a bit more and while my daughter packs and drives down here. They are leaving their skoolie in Idaho for now because it needs 4 new tires. So for now, everything is working out amazingly!! Everything fell right into place.
Awesome find TA! Happy housewarming, or should I say yard warming tee hee.  That will be great for you to have family close.

My insulation project came off without a hitch, drying now and pics in the insulation thread.    ~crofter