Good morning

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Positive criticism, ideas about how to make things better, opinions in general of how to live cheaply in an RV, suggestions of how to fix and do things are welcome here in my opinion. Posting proven referenced facts that may contradict suggestions without negative comments or criticism that shed light or educate posters are also welcomed. Everyone gets to decide what information they chose to use and believe. You can even post what you have or will do even if it results in you becoming a member of the "You Ain't Right Club". We have a "Thank You" button back finally which I really missed but you will note no "Stupid,Idiot, or Dumb" buttons as this site deals a lot with questions and around here there are no questions that are in those categories. "No negative waves" just positive ways the posters feel or think will make things better and no one has to accept them if they don't want to. Made it over Bull Creek Pass with only one slashed side wall going really slow but went through a creek with a lot of slate. Got to show my daughter the Henry Mountains and how to install several tire plugs and limp the 20 miles into Hanksville Utah. Out of at least a half dozen trips this is the first time I have gotten this close without cutting a side wall! Crazy fun!!!
54 degrees and not currently raining in OR. Leaves are putting on  a show finally  but really too wet for good fall  color. Van is snug.    -crofter
More and more people are using Facebook or other sites instead of forums. As far as favoritism I just haven’t seen it on here. I get posts deleted and maybe I just thought it happens to everyone. I just go on. It’s not my forum and it’s run with Bobs rules.

There are many other avenues for discussion if someone doesn’t like it here there is no reason to shout it out.
Good morning from misty wet Happy Camp. We'll be lucky to see blue skies today, but it is still early and it could happen. I'm so glad to be back in the Camp. This place is my home... I left in 2013 to go to Idaho. The Idaho adventure was wonderful and I'm maintaining resident status there... but Happy Camp is special. It is where I know and recognize lots of people.. and those I don't know I often make friends with easily. Right now I need to get through my morning routines and walk down the street for my "Americano de Linda" ... at the gift shop which doubles as a coffee house.
:huh: Sorry to disappoint you but internet "slang" is not going to be limiting my vocabulary when I decide to post something :rolleyes: .  The concept that I would do that has me LOL.  or we could just evolve into using emoticons instead :idea:   Sure we might as well because using silly little pictures just ain't right :D

But for my own unorthodox delectation I will continue to use an alternative method of inscribing communications with alternative meanings to modern internet slang cause that is even more just ain't right. K?
As to being a word Prig, no that is not something I am because the definition says it has to be pointless but that is not the case for me. I can't change my brain other than by abuse or accident. Maybe I am a freak of nature, but I scored in the top one percent of the nation on high school achievement, college entrance and also on IQ test in English. That is just how I am wired, for me words have meanings and they are meant to be used to enable precise communication. So I have zero inclination to dumb it down and quit using a perfectly good word because someone thought I meant something else.

But that freak of nature stuff sure comes in handy for rapidly zeroing in on the keywords that unlock where information is hiding out there on the internet.
G'mornin' everyone!

Much warmer this morning than yesterday - my mini hot logic is getting a workout in off label use as a personal space heater :) Warms up blankets quite nicely. Of course, I have the luxury of power connectivity here which I usually do not have.

Closing in on the end of my stay here in KY, and very sad to go. But must head home for a short break to attend to bidness and prep for my next trip. Plus, if my friends keep feeding me this good, I'll have to buy more clothes and NOT because I forgot them!

I'll be passing through TN, VA and NC and will give a wave to any nomads I see! Have a glorious day all, and keep drivin'
Good morning... in far-northern CA still.. rained all night. I love the sound of rain on the van's roof. I'm up earlier than usual.... waiting for dawn so I can go get coffee down the street. Still happy to be back in the Camp. Wish I could stay longer but Arizona . . .

I'm getting that feeling of adjusting better to #vanlife. I think it is because I put a lot of my load into the cargo trailer, so now I have empty spaces and room for table and camp chair. Much better! More comfort, and I'm no longer afraid to use the heater... even got out the propane burner and have been making tea in the afternoons. I will try the personal heater via Hot Logic Mini idea, thanks.
"showers" included pea sized hail today in OR. I would hate to have hail in my shower!! 49 degrees, working on a sewing project.    ~crofter
Good morning. Took a little while off and did some youtube binge watching.

Got out for three days last weekend for my Great Niece's wedding. Reminded me how old I am getting but had a good time seeing family. Woke up to 31 degrees up by Denton, TX last saturday morning. Made me want to get on the road sooo bad.

Dean, I don't always respond just to you I know but please don't stop posting.

TA, this^ is what happened to me.

Weather continuing to improve. Starting to feel like fall. Highs in the upper 80's and lows in the lower 70's. We have had a few days where it got into the 50's and lower 60's at night and 70's in the day. Better weather to come.
Good to see you back Brian. This weather.. too cold.. it is paralyzing as it only lets me think about how to get warm again. No rain here right now but already typical Happy Camp winter weather which I characterize as "murky dismal". Oh well.. it is only 9 and I'll probably get sunshine this afternoon. Like yesterday.

Can anyone tell me if it is safe to leave my van for a few hours with the buddy heater pilot light still burning?
As a safety precaution I never leave a heater on when I am away for more than a few minutes. But if it was freezing and the plumbing was at risk if the temperature could get below freezing then I might do so if I was going to be gone for a few hours. Obviously for gas stoves the pilot light typically stays on until the tank valve is shut off. But that pilot light is inside of a metal structure where noting can get next to it. That is the same for a propane furnace. The buddy heaters do have a tip over safety shut off. You are not going to have anything combustible close to it. You are not traveling with a pet or a child. Those are the things you need to evaluate in making a decision of risk.

Of course any product can become defective at any time so that brings into the decision another risk to assess. Only you will know what risk you think makes sense to you as being one worth taking or not taking.
Right. I think so long as there's no product failure it would be safe. It would just stay on until it runs out of propane.

Just got word this morning I might be here all winter. I need to get busy insulating. Cold enough already.

I went to a charity bingo party last night... more fun than expected. So nice to be with friends and neighbors again. It benefitted a children's sports team to buy them jerseys and a community cleanup group that helps property owners clean up their land... something that was very much needed here.
travelaround said:
Crofter, are you going to the Parker van build? Anybody?
I am not going, nothing left to build until I invest in BIG SOLAR. I will do that when I move to the south country, someday.  Locally 52 degrees and rain off and on. We had a tornado warning along with the hail yesterday, which is unusual for OR.    ~crofter
53 here in NE TN on my way home to restock for my next trip. My first Walmart overnight - highly recommend the kind people here at this location in Kingsport right off 81. RV and van friendly, open 24/7. However, they do clean the parking lot by leaf blower and street sweeper beginning at around 3:30 AM, so if you're a light sleeper, watch out :)

I've had quite the temp swings in my last three weeks out - I'm not sure I could pack for all of these variations all of the time!